I need to clear up a few things about this. 1/
Obviously that’s still far better than double-digit increases, but it’s important to be as comprehensive & accurate as possible.

2008: ~9.9%
2009: ~10.8%
2010: ~11.7%
2011: ~7.8%
2012: ~7.1%
2013: ~7.9%
2014: ~15%*
2015: ~13%*
2016: ~13%
2017: ~25%
2018: ~27%
2019: ~3%
2020: ~0.1%
*(2014 & 2015 are fuzzy) 3/
Result? 2017 & 2018 rates shot up ~25% and ~27% respectively. 6/
1. Correction of overestimates from 2017 & 2018
2. State-level reinsurance waivers *allowed for under the ACA*
3. The Medical Loss Ratio rule *put in place by the ACA*
At the same time, when he did this, @urbaninstitute (I believe) & @CoveredCA came up w/a clever pricing strategy which was then adopted by other states & carriers called #SilverLoading. 14/
Trump being too incompetent to even *sabotage* properly is hardly worth praise. /END