#BrexitDiagram V32 should help you through this!
Prepared for this evening's #UDEbrexit event with @OSchwarzUDE in Duisburg

-% ↔️ No Deal 31 Oct
2% ↔️ Revoke by 31 Oct
36% ⬆️⬆️ Stalemate
-% ⛔️ Brexit with Deal 31 Oct
47% ⬇️⬇️⬇️ General Election 2019
13% ⬆️⬆️ General Election 2020
2% ↔️ #PeoplesVote 2020
Based on what @JenniferMerode @nick_gutteridge @BrunoBrussels and others are reporting, the EU will only decide Friday on an extension
That means a Queen's Speech vote should come first
Direct link high res PDF:
Blog with all the files:
Feedback as ever v welcome!