2nd Reading approved
Programme Motion defeated
Which is what V31 of #BrexitDiagram this morning said would likely happen
Here's V31.1, updated in light of today

-% ↔️ No Deal 31 Oct
2% ↔️ Revoke by 31 Oct
30% ⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️ Stalemate
-% ⬇️⬇️⬇️ Brexit with Deal 31 Oct
64% ↔️ General Election 2019
2% ⬇️ General Election 2020
2% ⬇️ #PeoplesVote 2020
A General Election might well be a way out
High res PNG image:
Now over to the EU - to see what Extension they will grant to the UK