There are two Greek gods who are commonly associated with witchcraft and magic. Most of you will know Hekate as the goddess of witchcraft but Hermes has his sticky fingers in everything, so obviously he dabbles in magic as well.

"She [Medea] meant to reach the temple [of Hekate]. She knew the road…
Schøyen Collection, Norway
More on the amulet:…
I call upon you, Entrapper, Mistress of corpses, Hermes, Hekate, [Hermes?], Hermekate, LETH AMOUMAMOUTERMYOR I conjure you, the daimon that has been aroused here.
by Bartolomeo Guidobono (ca. 1700)
A glass bead shaped to represent Dionysos has been found among objects that had been fashioned into amulets, dolls, bells, fists, a tiny skull, miniature penises and some tiny bells.……
You'll unlock a sexy flash fic in which Hekate seduces the young god Hermes...

May Hekate ward off the harmful influences of witchcraft and the power of the evil eye.
/end thread