Andy Ngo (April 30, 2013) on Reddit: "I'm a UCLA Graduate. I've Applied to More than 100 Jobs and Am Still Unemployed."

attorney Andrew Seidel was "so hot friendly, and intelligent." Interesting that Andy's now cozy with the Heritage Foundation:…

I'm going to interrupt this look back with a brief reminder of what Ngo's been up to recently. If anyone else has good threads or articles they want to link, please do so!
Do you know what the Heritage Foundation thinks about gay men, Andy? I do:…

Ngo's response: "Christians."
Like, I don't know, the Heritage Foundation?…

On June 26, 2019, Ngo published this piece, "Inventing Victimhood," about hate crime hoaxes, which is one of his beats when he's not covering "violent antifa":…

I unintentionally filmed Ngo walking around on 6/29. The only times I saw him he was filming unmolested, ignored by protesters, incl. black bloc. I left before there was any fighting that day.
I didn't have the time or will to archive them all myself last night.
My thoughts on all of this are still evolving.

True, but he's done this enough before (posting pics of, IDing those he deems "violent Antifa") to know what kind of reaction he'll get from his audience when doing so. To start, they're eager to body-shame.