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1) The "Green Movement" is NOT what we think it is. This thread will explore its true origins and the people who have brought it to life.
2) There have been different forms of environmentalism for hundreds of years and there are innumerable examples from all over the world. The focus of this thread, however, is on the modern political and socio-economic version of environmentalism. britannica.com/topic/environm…
3) The Green Movement has many honest and genuine roots and was originally founded on true environmental principles, but it was essentially hijacked in the late 1960's with the formation of the Club of Rome. They decided to use it to further their political and economic plans.
4) Founded in Italy in 1968 by David Rockefeller, Aurelio Peccei, and Alexander King, it is a group of UN bureaucrats, politicians, economists, scientists, and business elites from around the world.
5) The Club of Rome's philosophy is essentially based around the Malthusian theory that an exponentially growing population will inevitably deplete the world's resources. They also believe that man-made global warming is an existential threat to all life on Earth.
6) Put plainly, The Club of Rome started as a group of elite globalists and eugenicists who sought the formation of a world government and a reduction of the world's population, all while implementing their socialist systems of control. climaterealists.org.nz/node/878
7) David Rockefeller was absolutely instrumental in the Bilderberg Group, the Trilateral Commission, the Council on Foreign Relations, and many others. When it comes to cronie capitalism, oil monopolies, and global control, the Rockefellers are among the world's most infamous.
8) The Club of Rome has published many reports, starting with its first in 1972 called "The Limits to Growth", which used early computer models to fulfill the theories of Malthus. We can all imagine how accurate and reliable that information was.
9) Their reports deal with a wide range of topics ranging from economics to nano-tech to global government, but the 1991 report entitled "The First Global Revolution" deserves some special attention.
10) "The First Global Revolution" contains a very important admission. It states,
"In searching for a common enemy against whom we can unite, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like, would fit the bill."
11) It goes on to say,
"All these dangers are caused by human intervention in natural processes, and it is only through changed attitudes and behaviour that they can be overcome. The real enemy then is humanity itself."
12) Just let that sink in. The Club of Rome declared that humanity is their enemy and that they will use the manufactured threat of global warming in order to justify the changes that they wish to impose upon the rest of us. We'll come back to these "changes" later.
13) Let's revisit some quotes by the late Club of Rome member, Maurice Strong. He was the one who set up the UN's '92 Rio Summit. He was a very interesting man and I've covered him in a few of my other threads on the topics of the UN and Power Corporation.
14) As an interesting aside, in 1975, Strong became the first president of the newly formed crown corporation, Petro Canada. It had been created by fellow Club of Rome member and Prime Minister, Pierre Trudeau. Petro Canada is now owned by Suncor, which sponsors Canada 2020.
15) Strong founded the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) in 1972 and was the first executive director.
16) It was through UNEP and the World Meteorological Organization that the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change was created. The IPCC is the foremost global authority on the issue of climate change.
17) The IPCC is another organization that doesn't get anywhere near the amount of attention it deserves. The reports it produces have an incredibly large influence on every aspect of the Green Movement. It sounds very official and beyond reproach, doesn't it? Let's look further.
18) The IPCC is comprised of a specially selected group of government appointed members and participation in the sessions is by invitation only. The meetings (beyond the opening ceremonies) are held behind closed doors and away from the media. It's even exempt from FOIA requests.
19) It's funded largely by the WMO and UNEP, as well as The Global Environment Facility, a banking structure that funnels tens of billions of dollars into initiatives like the IPCC and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, which produced the Paris Accord.
20) With this being the way in which the organization is conducted, were the 2009 reports of major mismanagement, corruption, coercion, and manipulation any real surprise? telegraph.co.uk/comment/column…
21) In 2011, a cache of 5,000 emails surfaced that detailed cases of data selection, omission, manipulation, as well as silencing critics to the political narrative. google.ca/amp/s/www.forb…
22) In this fantastic video, James Corbett goes over the IPCC in greater detail and highlights the scandals and outright illegal activities of some of its members. I highly recommend watching it.
23) Mark Levin interviewed top climatologist, Dr. Patrick Michaels, who was a contributor to and a reviewer of the IPCC's work. He has some very interesting things to say about what goes on at the IPCC.
24) This Forbes article highlights many of the false and misleading statements issued by the IPCC in its fifth assessment report. google.ca/amp/s/www.forb…
25) Dr. Madhav Khandekar was another contributing author to the IPCC. He has also been vocal about how the IPCC has misrepresented and omitted important information.
26) So just how far-reaching is the influence of the IPCC? It is used as the basis for decision-making at every level of government, within industry, and throughout academia worldwide.
27) There are seemingly endless networks of associations, groups, and organizations which all base their operations around the IPCC's reports. Here's another, which has some interesting and familiar faces.
28) Ottmar Edenhofer is involved with the IPCC and we'll come back to him later.
29) Climate emergencies are being declared all around the world by politicians within all levels of government.
30) Our Environment Minister, Catherine McKenna, seems to reiterate it almost daily.
31) Edmonton, Alberta is a hotbed for these types of organizations. Their city council signs them onto every alarmist group they can.
32) Edmonton is involved in many different groups, such as the Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy.
33) Let's put some of these pieces together.
34) When the Club of Rome first wrote about creating the threat of global warming nearly 30 years ago, what was their idea of a solution? What is the plan that they've been working on?
35) This is the "Climate Emergency Plan" which was written by the Club of Rome. It's not listed under the "reports" section of their website, but under the "projects" section.
36) Let's go through this pdf document. As we do, note how the IPCC comes up and keep in mind that the IPCC was created out of the Club of Rome. Pay very close attention to their wording.
37) 1/16 Title page.
38) 2/16 This is "problem, reaction, solution" spelled out. Create the problem, manage the reaction, and offer the premade solution.
39) 3/16 This page starts by directly referring to the IPCC and then goes on to explain the Malthusian theory and the need for a global transformation.
40) 4/16 This next image lists the first seven of its ten areas of focus. We'll go through these one by one.
41) 5/16 This page covers the final three. It contains two other bits of wording which speak about the socialist ideas of global governance and wealth redistribution.
42) 1/10 These images of the summaries of the 10 Points of the Call To Action are taken from the Club of Rome's website. They speak for themselves. This is the complete phase out of the "fossil fuel" industry by 2050.
43) 2/10 Wind and solar are still the main alternative being promoted by these elites.
44) 3/10 The idea of taxing carbon dioxide comes from the very top. This is very important to keep in mind. It's a central pillar to the entire plan.
45) 4/10 This is where the Social Credit System comes in. Like in China, Google and its affiliates are partnered with the Trudeau Liberals to initiate this in Canada through Sidewalk Labs.
46) 5/10 There are two points in this document which can reasonably be considered good things, and this is the first. For the betterment and overall quality of the atmosphere, these substances should be reduced and properly dealt with.
47) 6/10 Artificial Intelligence is a big part of the technocracy that they're initiating. What could go wrong?
48) 7/10 This is the second point that many people can agree with. I applaud making improvements in building materials when it comes to efficiency and innovation. Reducing waste and redundancy is also an important part of engineering.
49) 8/10 This gets into the area of land use management and rezoning. We've already seen this happening in southern Alberta. This is in line with the Wildlands Project from Agenda 21 and a part of Agenda 2030, which we will touch on later.
50) 9/10 This is the eugenics part of their project. This will include things like the promotion of Planned Parenthood and Justin Trudeau's expenditures of tax dollars for women's sexual health in Africa.
51) 10/10 This is the means of implementing the plan on a global scale. Global management, implementation of tax revenue, consolidatung resources, production and distribution under centralized control. Socialism.
52) 6/16 This page instills some panic and it's all entirely based off of the flawed models, biased info management, and scientifically devoid reports of the IPCC.
53) 7/16 A picture of an oil facility emitting water vapour on a cloudy day is used to portray an image of pollution. Very disingenuous.
54) 8/16 This page hammers their underlying philosophy that sudden anthropogenic global warming is an immediate existential threat to humanity.
55) 9/16 The next page reiterates much of this rhetoric and further calls for global management.
56) 10/16 Think about Greta Thunberg when they talk about citizen protests. Think about the lawsuit of Michael Mann (Penn State, IPCC) and Timothy Ball (historical climatologist). Dr. Ball won. Think Agenda 2030.
57) 11/16 This picture depicts a rice farmer's field having been destroyed due to evaporation. What does that have to do with quantitative easing?
58) 12/16 The reference section of the article is interesting. Here we find the IPCC, UN Agenda 2030, UNESCO, their own Club of Rome documents, and Mark Carney from the Bank of England.
59) 13/16 Here we see the World Bank, Podesta, CSIS, Pope Francis, and others as references. There are also a couple of gloomy quotes from Club of Rome leaders.
60) 14/16 A picture reminiscent of the one on the cover of Al Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth", which draws a false parallel between the theory of anthropogenic global warming and natural weather events like hurricanes.
61) 15/16 This page states that the Club of Rome will act as a catalyst between its partners. We'll see some of it's partneres in just a moment.
62) 16/16 This end cover page gives their contact information. I will not be contacting them personally.
63) The other projects that the Club of Rome appear to be working on seem every bit as socialist as their Climate Emergency Plan.
64) Let's take a look at a few of the partners of the Club of Rome. It's no surprise that UNESCO is partnered with them.
65) UNESCO is very key in the infusion of the manufactured global warming enemy into school curriculum all over the world.
66) The Clinton Foundation.
67) There's a Canadian Association for the Club of Rome.
68) Of course, McGill. You can't have Canadian swamp creatures without McGill.
69) It should come as no surprise that The Club of Rome has partnered up with We Don't Have Time, the main organisation behind Greta Thunberg.
70) The Green Cross, which has a number of other interesting partners.
71) The partners of the Green Cross.
72) The Club of Madrid, an organization that "promotes democracy and change in the international community", has a few interesting members, including Bill Clinton, Kim Campbell, Jean Chrétien, and Antonio Guterres.
73) We will recall from an earlier entry that Ottmar Edenhofer was a member of the Global Challenges Foundation. He's a member of the IPCC working group 2 and had this to say about the Green Movement.
74) Here's Paris Accord co-author, Christiana Figueres, on democracy and capitalism.
75) I've covered her briefly in another thread.
77) Another interesting connection is that another Paris Accord co-author, Laurence Tubiana, is the CEO of the European Climate Foundation. The founder of the ECF is John McCall MacBain, who is a Chair of the Board of Directors for the Trudeau Foundation.
78) And another point of interest, an employee in the media department of the European Climate Foundation is Greta Thunberg's media coordinator, Daniel Donner.
79) There appears to be an overwhelming similarity between the goals and targets of the Club of Rome's Climate Emergency Plan and the 17 UN Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals.sustainabledevelopment.un.org/?menu=1300
80) What does the Club of Rome say about Agenda 2030?
81) The Club of Rome, whose own documents plainly say that the threat of global warming would serve as a suitable enemy for humanity to unite behind in order to bring about radical political and economic changes, says Agenda 2030 may not be enough to bring about these changes.
82) But then again, this is David Rockefeller we're talking about. The same man who openly said this:
83) And this:
84) And this:
85) Rockefeller and Strong's close friend, Pierre Trudeau, was also a strong supporter of Communism.
86) This Maclean's article explains how Pierre Trudeau admitted to being a Communist.
87) Of course, the Trudeau family and the Castro family were very close.
88) And Justin has openly expressed his admiration for China's dictatorship.
89) It could not be more clear. The world's wealthy elite have manufactured a global crisis in order to get everyone to accept a global socialist government and economy. We just saw who they are and read their own documents.
90) In Canada, this has been adopted by the major political parties (except for the PPC) through Agenda 2030.
91) And remember, it was the Conservative government that signed Canada onto Agenda 2030 in 2015.
92) Summary
Environmentalism and careful stewardship of the planet are vital. Finding ways to eliminate and mitigate air, water, and land pollution are of the utmost importance. But we can accomplish these things without global socialism and unelected bureaucrats.
93) The Green Movement, as we know it, was created by globalist oil giants and Communist sympathizers as a means of implementing a socialist one world government and a technocratic socio-economic structure.
94) This has been long planned and carefully and incrementally set up through a network of hundreds of think tanks, activist groups, charities, NGO's, and foundations. It is up to us to share this information with as many people as we can.
95) We have taken our liberties for granted and become accustomed to the notion of not having to defend our freedom, even as it's being slowly stripped away. We can no longer afford to be passive. We must become involved.
96) We must do our own independent research because we cannot trust the media to tell us the truth. We must get past the awkwardness of these discussions and confront the uncomfortable reality now before we pass the point no return.
97) We must keep an open mind and accept the fact that things aren't as they have been portrayed to be. We need to have these conversations with our kids, as they are the ones being conditioned to accept magnanimous lies through the education system and entertainment industry.
98) Most importantly, we must be honest with ourselves. We've been lied to and it's time for the lies to end. We must confront our elected representatives at all levels of government and open the dialogue about Agenda 2030 and seek the honest truth.
99) Thank you. Please read and watch the content in this thread and retweet. It is imperative that this information reach as many people as possible.
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