Live your best life as a #digitalnomad, traveling & working from your laptop. This is just one stream of digital revenue. Getting started is simple.👇🏽
I’d suggest outsourcing a graphic designer to create a standard theme of templates that are recurring for your client ie. quotes, call to action, features, etc.
DIY: @canva, @UnfoldHQ and @AdobeSpark are great to use if you want to do them yourself.
- Your service should include a weekly/monthly pdf report.
-All social platforms have their own insights. Use @iconosquare or @TheSocialReport 🔑
Insights from our clients/snapshot from a pdf report:

Our pricing ranges $1500-$2500 /month depending on client expectations. As clients increase, make sure to delegate.
Charge for a discovery month to get to know the brand, then have them sign 3-6 month contracts.
Use @waveappshq for finance mgmt (It’s 100% FREE)
- If you’re just starting out, practice on your own personal accounts + friends/family business owners.
- tap into @Upwork and other freelance websites
-Join our talent network for contract opportunities 👉🏽
My business partner @TarlonKhoubyari is an amazing resource as well - especially all things data and operations. 💁🏽♀️