#WeAreAllJulianAssange #WeStandWithJulianAssange #FreeAssange #Assange #ProtectJulian #AssangeHERO #Injustice #HumanRights #freeSpeak #Liberty #Killers #WarCrimes #Liars #Democracy #TrueJournalists #Hipocrisy
#UN Special Rapporteur on Torture @nilsmelzer has presented his findings regarding the #Assange case at the #UN General Assembly
Why the #JulianAssange Case Threatens the Free Press | 6 Pulitzer Prize Winners Explain
As an #American lawyer, I don't want to see #JulianAssange extradited to my country - The #UK should step in and save the #USA from its worst excesses | Eric Lewis for The Independent
#JulianAssange has suffered enough. It's time to end this geopolitical madness. The man's an #Australian. He's not an #American. He wasn't in the #USA when he spoke out about war crimes. Put simply, he must be allowed to return to #Australia.
after @josemariairujo revealed that #UCGlobal spied on ALL of us inside the @EmbajadaEcuUK
gathering audio,video, reports on all of us elpais.com/elpais/2019/10… no major US media published a single line on this scandal,though prominent #Pulitzer winners were spied on
#UN special rapporteur on torture warns: “#Assange will not get a fair trial in #Virginia”
Write-up of Tuesday's #Assange & press freedom panel at Columbia:
Behind Closed Doors: What’s really happening to #JulianAssange
Many thanks #Australian Independent MP Andrew @WilkieMP for showing integrity, compassion, sovereignty & political leadership,
by standing up in #Australian Parliament & defending my journalist son from a brutal political persecution
"#Assange’s extradition to the #USA must be passionately opposed. Yes, this is a defence of journalism and media freedom.”
The lack of journalists at this press conference is profoundly alarming. The greatest journalist of our time jailed for truth telling while his cowardly peers exercise total dereliction of duty. Shameful! #FreeAssangeNOW #NoExtradition
The @WikiLeaks founder #JulianAssange appeared before the Westminster Court of Magistrates in #London, where the judge denied his defense request to postpone the start of his extradition trial to the #UnitedStates for three months.
"Treatment of #JulianAssange by #UK judge is 'atrocious' and appalling" - John Pilger
-John Pilger on Julian Assange's condition and his extradition hearing
-#UK MP @DerbyChrisW on #JulianAssange's #USA extradition case
-Legendary journalist John Pilger on #JulianAssange's extradition hearing
-John Pilger on his visit to see Julian Assange before his extradition hearing
I have never known a judicial hearing like the vicious travesty of justice meted out to #JulianAssange yesterday. Swarming w US officials, their visible instructions holding sway, the court's nominal"judge"Vanessa Baraitser was a disgrace...
.@Johnpilger and @khrafnsson outside court following Monday's case management hearing
All those who believe power should be challenged by whistleblowers and journalists should speak out against the #USA attempt to extradite #JulianAssange, and against his continued incarceration.
#Assange Saga represents the beginning of the collapse of west's post war liberal order! With implications everywhere across the world! globalvillagespace.com/confused-assan…
I am pleased to announce that the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives formally approved the Bring #JulianAssange Home Parliamentary Group yesterday. #politas #auspol
EDITORIAL: Don’t Railroad #JulianAssange to Virginia
Case Mismanagement in London: #JulianAssange, Political Offences and Surveillance - Global Research
The Canary: #UK authorities may have just provided the perfect reason why #Assange’s extradition should end
#Assange exposed crimes of the empire and this is why
he is on trial original.antiwar.com/Nozomi_Hayase/… #FreeAssange #WikiLeaks
American Herald Tribune: "#Assange Extradition: What Happened to British Justice and Fair Play?"
Morning Star: #Britain refuses to allow a #Spanish judge to interview #Assange
this latest revelation by @josemariairujo confirms something everyone who has ever dealt w the #Assange & #WikiLeaks case knows: there is something really weird about this case in the UK justice system. I can bring my experience w my #FOIA
Eleven MPs form group to advocate for Julian #Assange's return to #Australia
.@democracynow finally bothers to chime in with 2.5 paragraphs on one of the most important, devastating stories of our time. 😐
#AmnestyInternational urges #UK not to extradite #Assange to #USA
by Dave DeCamp
‘Truth Is Treason’ – The Torture of #JulianAssange
by Craig Murray
by Nozomi Hayase
-Pink Floyd co-founder @rogerwaters discusses #Assange's #US extradition case"
#London #UK
@johnpilger describes #JulianAssange's hearing as a 'show trial from the 1950s'.
@Pinkfloyd co-founder @rogerwaters on the persecution and attempts to extradite #JulianAssange to the #USA
@pinkfloyd co-founder @rogerwaters on #Julian’s #USA extradition case
"You only have to look out in the street and see the people, the walking dead going by… and taking absolutely no notice of the fact that this #journalist is being murdered by our government"
Fidel Narvaez: “I Was Fired for Helping #JulianAssange, and I Have No Regrets
"it’s our responsibility to fight in ways we know but which now require more than a modicum of #Assange courage"
John Pilger, legendary filmmaker+journalist, describes what he saw in court at Assange's hearing.
.@BarnsGreg: "The #Australian media is at risk if the #Americans are able to extradite #Assange because the message will be that if you embarrass #Washington you can be extradited to face punishment."
remember #Guardian's "exclusive" on the the "#Russia's secret plan to help Julian #Assange escape from UK"? Well, take a few seconds to read on @jacobinmag what an insider told us
@WikiLeaks #FreeAssange
The #USA has had years to prepare its case, why not give #Assange's defense team more time, easier access and a sporting chance?
Here: ahtribune.com/world/wikileak…