#JulianAssange's "human rights are violated on a daily basis"
"#JulianAssange is imprisoned for #journalism."
"When I was a cadet, what was the cadet motto at West Point? 'You will not lie, cheat or steal, or tolerate those who do'? I was the CIA Director. We lied, we cheated, we stole. It was like - we had entire training courses!"
James Woolsey (former CIA Director): "the Greeks, the Italians".
More about James Woolsey:
(PBS) 'It's all a lie,' Russian billionaire Deripaska says of U.S. accusations in Mueller probe
PBS NewsHour
Published on Apr 16, 2019
August 2010 - Swedish Pros. Office first issues an arrest warrant

06:25: "I want to make a little declaration for the Federal Agents who are standing in the back of the room and the ones that are standing in the front of the room."
"So where, Swedish prosecutors, are your charges? Where is your arrest warrant?"
"Julian Assange has never been charged with anything in Sweden. He was merely “wanted for questioning”, a fact the MSM repeatedly failed to make clear."
“It was a smear campaign, a smokescreen to cover up the fact that Ecuador was handing over a political refugee to be persecuted. That is a crime.”
"the completely fraudulent arrest and imprisonment of Julian Assange arguably exposes more malfeasance by government and media powers than than what has been revealed in all WikiLeaks publications combined since its inception. "
"As he was taken down to the cells, Assange defiantly raised his fist to the supporters in the public gallery behind him."
"They raised their fists back at him in solidarity and shouted: “Shame on you” towards the court.
Judge Deborah Taylor: “Your continued residence in the Embassy has necessitated a concentration of resources, and expenditure of £16 million of taxpayers’ money in ensuring that when you did leave, you were brought to justice,”
For what?
"There is one reason and one reason only that the British government saw fit to spend £16 million of taxpayers’ money patrolling that embassy, and it wasn’t because they really, really hate bail violations."
“I do not consider costs are a relevant factor in this matter.”
CPS lawyer, December 2013:
Clearly the judge hadn't been briefed by the CPS that the persecution of #JulianAssange was worth every penny?
Pentagon Manhunt for #JulianAssange Preceded Swedish Rape Allegations
Ann Garrison, BAR contributor
01 May 2019
The 2010 charges against #JulianAssange were brought after the statute of limitations ran out - which the state will have to make fit with a terrorism exemption.
01:46:00 18 U.S. Code § 2332b & terrorism exemption to statute of limitations.
- Police is standing back
- @codepink assaulted
- fascist rightwing demonstrators support Guaido
"It is obvious that I am in the cross hairs of the U.S. government, its military and its secret services. We have known since 2014 that not only Julian Assange, but also other people ... are under investigation."
02:51 "The real story is, the Russians interfered in our election, and Trump committed obstruction of justice. ... That's what they don't want the American people thinking about."
#PressFreedomDay #JulianAssange #AssangeArrest #FreeSpeechDay #FirstAmendment
CIA Office of Technical Services -> Rendition, Detention, Interrogation (RDI) (SMD, CTC)
CIA Office of Medical Services -> Drugs - Versed, LSD, #MKULTRA
08:00 "It's time to mobilize, to take to the street."
#assangearrest #JulianAssange #PressFreedom #PentagonPapers #WoodwardAndBernstein #BenBradley
"Such resilience usually comes from the fact that he knows that he is innocent."
"He's having a difficult time in prison. His health has suffered significantly, the result of the long period of ... time confined inside the embassy and he's getting medical treatment, but we're still very concerined about him."
#FirstAmendment #Journalism #JulianAssange #AssangeArrest
Julian Assange is in jail for journalism, nothing else.
@washingtonpost @nytimes @carlbernstein @JudyWoodruff @nprfreshair @jfreewright @cher @KimKardashian @Greg_Palast @WBAI
"we are being told that Assange is being “treated” with 3-quinuclidinyl benzilate, known as BZ. ... BZ a powerful drug that produces hallucinations."
#CIATorture #JulianAssange
11:25 "prior publication will no longer be a defense under law."
“Unfortunately, even prior to her release, Chelsea was served with another subpoena. ... expected to appear before a different grand jury, on Thursday, May 16,"
"Mueller’s condemnation of Julian Assange for allegedly exploiting the death of Seth Rich, would be infinitely more convincing if the official answer to the question “who murdered Seth Rich?” was not “who cares?”."

#GeorgeSoros and the Crash of 1987
From Marty Schwartz' Pit Bull:
"It turned out that Shearson’s thousand contract sell order at the market had been on behalf of George Soros’s Quantum B.V.I. Mutual Fund."
1. "the sentence was not justified", "this sentence should never have occured, because the Working Group has already decided that the detention of Mr. Assange was arbitrary, including when he was on bail."
2. "Finally ... the Swedish put an end to the case in Sweden. ... The bail was related to a situation in Sweden, which has disappeared. Why then sentence him to 50 weeks of jail in those circumstance?"
LIVE! Julian Assange Public Meeting - Central London
#Assange #JulianAssange #AssangeArrest #AssangeArrested #ChelseaManning
Isn't that enough to destroy any legal case? Fruit of the poisonous tree?
With Q&A, and a transcript will later be available on their website.
Possibly here:
– In my opinion a new interview with the suspect is required. It may be necessary, with the support of a European Investigation Order, to request an interview with JA be held in the UK.
"On the other hand, Assange is dealt with by much of the media as if he were guilty, though he has not even been charged."
2019, and #JulianAssange still hasn't been charged.
"2) Hes never had a sex allegation made against him till he published evidence of US war crimes."
01:53:47 "@joerogan: "What would you do about #JulianAsssange ..."?
#TulsiGabbard: "Dropping the charges."
#Assange #JulianAssange #assangearrest @Unity4J @DefendAssange @AssangeMrs @khrafnsson @suigenerisjen @pamfoundation
"But he’s not complaining about his conditions. We are. We don’t want to make it harder for him. (And this was also conveyed to us - and unsettling)"
Threatening to make prison harder for #Assange if you tell the truth is tyrannical.
"I reached out to the Washington Post first because I'd seen All The Presidents' Men."
So where are @carlbernstein and @realBobWoodward on this?
@TulsiGabbard #Gabbard Would Pardon @Snowden, #DropTheCharges Against @DefendAssange if Elected
"Mueller assumed a priori, without any forensic investigation of its own, that Russians hacked into DNC/Podesta emails & gave them to @wikileaks. That alone should discredit the whole heap of garbage,"
"... the US government in this case is asserting its prosecutorial authority over someone who is not an American and whose journalistic activity took place outside the United States.
"The United States is demonstrating its ability to get a foreign government to arrest and extradite journalists who are neither Americans nor citizens of its own country and send them off to the United States to face charges under American law."
"Ferreting out his confederates is also key. Find out what other disgruntled rogues inside the tent or outside. Pile on. Move him from country to country to face various charges for the next 25 years."
"But, seize everything he and his family own, to include every person linked to Wiki."
"The UK courts and tribunals recognise @wikileaks as media organisation and #Assange as a journalist. "

Consensual sex is not rape... even if it starts out as concensual. At least in the case of #JulianAssange.
Chelsea Manning Back in Prison After Refusing to Testify
She will be fined US$500 a day, rising to $1,000 after 60 days, until she agrees to testify
"Pile on. Move him from country to country to face various charges for the next 25 years."
"But, seize everything he and his family own, to include every person linked to Wiki."
"Some police – and worse, the petty officials who think they have police powers – now make up whatever laws they want and enforce them without bothering about all that ‘legality’ nonsense."
Ignore the crime, focus on how the evidence of the crime was obtained.
#JulianAssange is a publisher, no different than Newsday, the NY Times or the Washington Post.
Yes, he is a hero.
"... US prosecutors to “help themselves” to items including legal papers, medical records and electronic equipment,"
"Sweden has not filed a request for arrest. Sweden is going through its judicial processes – which it skipped the first time – in order to decide whether or not to file a request for arrest."
"right to a fair trial within a reasonable time is established both in the Swedish legal system [Regeringsformen, 2 kap. 11 § andra stycket 1) and in the European Convention (Article 6) ... also applies during the preliminary investigation"
"The United Kingdom no longer cares if it is acting illegally in international law. The United Kingdom has become a rogue state."
@RTUKnews #SajidJavid announces #Syria travel ban - No-go zones Debate
"Police Chief Bill Scott said ... journalist, Bryan Carmody, was an "active participant in the commission of the criminal acts beyond his role with the news media."
"A grand jury in Northern Virginia has returned a superseding indictment with 17 more charges"
"Said U.S. Attorney Zach Terwilliger: "The United States has only charged Assange with publishing a narrow set of classified documents"
"the Trump administration has indicted a publisher for revealing government secrets."
"It's the first time in modern U.S. history a publisher has been charged for revealing government secrets under the 1917 law."
Assange Indicted Under Espionage Act, Raising First Amendment Issues
Demers: “No responsible actor, journalist or otherwise, would purposefully publish the names of individuals he or she knew to be confidential human sources in a war zone, exposing them to the gravest of dangers,” he said."
Like Valerie Plame?
"Now today's indictment is different. It charges #Assange under the 1919 #EspionageAct, which is a terrible piece of legislation passed during the first red scare."
Unprecedented Charges Against Assange | All In | MSNBC
"@suigenerisjen, an attorney for #WikiLeaks founder #JulianAssange ... charging him under #EspionageAct sets "an incredibly serious precedent" that threatens other outlets and journalists who publish materials the government doesn't like."
"Adrian Lamo Project Vigilant Assistant Director Threat Analysis/Investigation 70 Bates Street Northwest Washington DC 20001."
01:12 "If publishing state secrets online is a crime, doesn't the ABC break the law all the time?"
@maddow's contradictory support for #JulianAssange, while maintaining the WikileaksTrumpRussia conspiracy theory.
#Assangearrest #JulianAssange #JulianAssangeArrest

"One has to hold one’s nose while defending Assange—and yet one must defend Assange."
"after reading the actual indictments, his statements appear false to me."
09:05 "These indictments are unprecedented. And I would say they are blatantly unconstitutional. ... This is an impeachable offense, to carry on a prosecution this blatantly in violation of the Constitution, ..."
It was already proven at Chelsea Manning's trial that the 2010 revelations didn't result in anyone being harmed. Yet that's what the Assange charge claims.
"After reading it, it took me a few days to write about it due to the effect it has on my emotions."
"Pile on. Move him from country to country to face various charges for the next 25 years."
The scumbags had better release him soon.
"Assange's health situation on Friday was such that it was not possible to conduct a normal conversation with him," Samuelson said."
This is ridiculous.
Time to show up at Belmarsh Prison, or Parliament.
"For Assange’s supporters, one of the many frustrating things about his imprisonment has been the way he’s been cut off from the usual means which used to be used to inform the public about his well being."

"UK Gov is unlawfully slowly killing my son! They made him very ill by refusing him ANY access to life sustaining fresh air, exercise, sun/VitD or proper medical care for 6 YEARS ... against ALL medical advice threw him into a prison cell"
"Congress shall make no law ... abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; ..."
"According to multiple reports, Assange is experiencing “dramatically lost weight”, with “significantly deteriorated health,” which has made it difficult for him to perform normal functions, including talking."
"They made him very ill by refusing him ANY access to life sustaining fresh air, exercise, sun/VitD or proper medical care for 6 YEARS of illegal Embassy detention ... against ALL medical advice threw him into a prison cell"
"Speaking from a crowded jail in the capital city of Quito, Swedish computer programmer Ola Bini blasted the Ecuadorian government for holding him without charges for seven weeks and dared them publicly present the evidence against him."
"So you say Julian is to blame for Hillary’s defeat? Well, then I’ve got news for you: When the truth was exposed about Hillary, most voters did not like what they saw."
I'd say people knew how bad Hillary was long before 2016.

In charts, the fav/unfavorable ratings of: Hillary Clinton, the DNC, Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders.
One of these was cheated during the primaries.

What would have happened if @BernieSanders had run against Donald Trump - and the Clintons know it.
Left: Sanders vs Trump in 2016
Right: Trump's job approval rating upto early December 2018

Chris Marsden demands freedom for #JulianAssange
May 30, 2019
"Nothing will stop the brutality of the British state."
UN: "Mr. Assange has been deliberately exposed, for a period of several years, to progressively severe forms of cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, the cumulative effects of which can only be described as psychological torture.”"
"Melzer also blasted the government of Assange’s native Australia. He told the newspaper, “Australia is a glaring absence in this case. They’re just not around, as if Assange was not an Australian citizen. That is not the correct way of dealing with that.”
"there has been a relentless and unrestrained campaign of public mobbing, intimidation and defamation against Mr. Assange, not only in the United States, but also in the United Kingdom, Sweden and, more recently, Ecuador."
On the deliberate misreporting of the details of the Julian Assange case:
"British journalists have had many years to get the facts straight."
- “I don’t believe there is any reason to suspect that he has committed rape.”
- “There is no suspicion of any crime whatsoever.”

"Time to call Julian Assange what he is: a political prisoner persecuted for publishing information that revealed crimes of the powerful. Democrats, Republicans & global elites despise him for exposing war crimes & corruption.
- JA shouldn't be in a max security prison
- all the machinations behind the scene seem aimed to make things more difficult for him that easier.
“a relentless and unrestrained campaign of public mobbing, intimidation and defamation” has placed such severe stress on ... Julian Assange and done so much damage to his psychological well being that it can only be described as torture."
UN Rapporteur @NilsMelzer:
"I had been affected by this prejudice ... And only when I scratched the surface a little bit, I saw how little foundation there was to back this up and how much fabrication and manipulation there is in this case."
#JeremyHunt and the gaslighting of '#JulianAssangeIsFreeToLeave'.
#Gaslighting = form of psychological abuse.
"When Jeremy Hunt decided to attack the United Nations on twitter yesterday, he didn’t expect them to respond. He got owned."
About #JeremyHunt's gaslighting: "“With all due respect, Sir: Mr Assange was about as ‘free to leave’ as a someone sitting on a rubber boat in a shark pool”
"a fantastic step forward, ... and we need to be unabashed about that."
Start (lots of click throughs, this is a 4 year thread).
Influence of the LCP on the duration of admission
"most corrupt practice"
1. Jeremy Hunt: "We have absolute confidence in the judicial processes in the US and the UK. ... the two countries that do more to stand up for the rule of law across the world."
More here:
Tommy Robinson's real name: Stephen Christopher Yaxley-Lennon.
"The process for extradition from the UK to these territories follows these steps:
1. EAW is submitted
2. certificate is issued (after a proportionality test is applied)
3. arrest
4. initial hearing
5. extradition hearing
@NilsMelzer: “[When I saw him] I immediately compared him to some of the graver cases in interrogation prisons in terms of his psychological reaction patterns. That’s what alarmed me so much.”
@NilsMelzer: "Mr Assange was about as "free to leave" as someone sitting on a rubber boat in a sharkpool."
You decide...

"What I can say is that the preliminary investigation will continue," added the Swedish prosecutor.
"Assange’s lawyer in Sweden, Per E Samuelsson, said his client would “be happy” to learn he will not be extradited to Sweden."
"I think it is a big victory for #JulianAssange. The first one in a long time. ... And it's a defeat for the prosecuters, who once again were punished, for not conducting the case in the right way."
In Canberra, Australian Federal Police arrest of Newscorp journalist Annika Smethurst, looking for her source in the "unauthorised disclosure of national security information".
"Hunt’s response to being called out, by saying the UN “should allow British courts to make their judgements”, is a nonsense. British judges have shown themselves to be utterly untrustworthy."
"Judicial prosecution becomes judicial persecution when Governments prosecute whistleblowers (let alone journalists) for disclosing crimes without prosecuting the crimes disclosed by them. ... we must all be equal before the law."
"If you look at legal scholarship about the history of the #grandjury, you can see how today’s grand juries are unrecognizable from English and early American ones."
" ... fines may not be imposed without the court confirming that the fines will not be excessive or punitive. This requires the judge to carefully examine the witness’s financial capacity, which was not done in this case. "
#Assange scored 2 legal victories
- a Swedish court refused prosecutors’ request to have Assange arrested and extradited from Britain to Sweden
- U.S. Justice Dept. said it would not prosecute Assange for the publication of the CIA Vault 7 files
The real war crimes by the Swedish and US governments.
"Raid underway by AFP Police at ABC Sydney office over 2017 stories ‘The Afghan Files’. ... Search warrant names Oakes, Clarke & Gaven Morris, News Director."
Police move against more journalists looking for sources.
"David Anderson, the ABC managing director, said it was “highly unusual for the national broadcaster to be raided in this way”."
"It therefore remains the case that there is no Swedish extradition warrant for Assange."
"The problem is that the evidence of sexual crimes was always extremely, extremely weak to anybody who took the trouble to examine it"
"another Australian reporter disclosed yesterday that the Department of Home Affairs has initiated an investigation of his reporting on a story about asylum seeker boats ... saying he’s being pressured to disclose his source."
This ‘choice’ has been presented as an illusion of freedom, and in turn, an illusion of due process.
03:25 "This is not prosecution, it is persecution, and it has to end here and hit has to end now."
"After British police arrested Julian Assange on April 11, the first instinct of corporate journalists was to perform a line-drawing exercise."

42:11 ... Intercept reporter, Matthew Cole, who is singlehandedly responsible for sending me to prison. Matthew Cole also blew the identity of Reality Winner ... Terry Albert. And it was Jeremy Scahill ... in part blew the identity of this new drone whistleblower.
"And dont' forget that the Intercept ... is owned by Pierre Omidyar. ... finances these anti-transparancy movements oversees. I think he and The Intercept are both very dangerous."
"He exposed the biggest scandals in the world. Whose side do you think someone in prison would be on? The government who have us locked up in here or a fellow prisoner who actually doesn’t deserve to be here?”
Photos from inside Supermax

"The aggressive approach ... fits with a global trend."
"“You’ve got a mature liberal democracy that pursues and hunts down whistle-blowers and tries to kill the messenger.”"
"they have decided not to share images that may violate his privacy, such as his cell conditions."
"According to [Cassandra Fairbanks], these photos reveal “a thin blue mattress within a scarce and very small cell.”
"The consistent and repeated failure of all involved states to protect Mr Assange’s fundamental right to fair judicial proceedings and due process ... gives a strong impression of bias and arbitrary manipulation."
" “It’s a fantastic step forward, the Liverpool care pathway, and we need to be unabashed about that. "

- theft of Commonwealth property
- Defence Act
- Commonwealth Crimes Act
Agent identified in the Mueller Report as Russian... is actually a sensitive State Department source.

"“It could be that Mr. Corbyn manages to run the gantlet and get elected. It’s possible. You should know, we won’t wait for him to do those things to begin to push back. We will do our level best,""
Heard another one right now. Stay tuned.
Mon June 10th.
Supporting #JulianAssange, #FreeSpeech, #Journalism and the #FirstAmendment.
US submits formal #extradition request for #WikiLeaks’ #JulianAssange – reports
The Sun: “Assange is unwell generally but has recently been struggling to eat, which has made it worse. He looked near to collapse, gaunt and frail so they have got him in as a precaution."
01:48 Amy Goodman, citing Neil Gaughan, Acting Australian Federal Police Commissioner:
"Journalists could face prison time for holding classified information."
Interviewed: Peter Gresta and Joseph Fernandez
In June 2014, the NLG joined nearly 60 organizations in submitting two reports—one in English and one in Spanish—to the UN Universal Periodic Review highlighting...
"procedural rights violations of Assange, Sweden’s longest running case of pre-trial deprivation of liberty. ... “The methods employed by the prosecutor in Mr. Assange’s case are a clear violation of his fundamental human rights ...
“the right of Mr Assange to personal liberty should be restored”.
Brazil’s Top Prosecutors Schemed to Prevent #LulaLivre's Party From Winning 2018 Election
About UK Home Secretary @sajidjavid ... "There are 16,000 @wikileaks about Deutsche Bank when he was Managing Director, including quite a few about him specifically."
"The former intelligence officer says if Mr Assange goes to trial ‘it will be a case that future generations of law students study.’"
#SethRich - “Some are attempting to politicize this horrible tragedy," said Brad Bauman, DNC communications consultant.
Q: why is the DNC representing/controlling the Rich family?
#CollateralMurderVideo of @xychelsea
"Media that have since turned on Assange, at the time praised him and WikiLeaks."
US prosec. level "charges which were not in copyright law if their actions showed they could have breached other laws"
"the US approach ... would have "mums, dads and the kids" potentially facing criminal charges for breaches of copyright."
"Serious investigation of #CIA, #FBI, #NSA - specifically @JohnBrennan, @Comey, and #Clapper ... The source of #Russiagate needs to be pinned down in incredibly irresponsible #IntelligenceReport of Jan '17- the WMD of this decade!"
"it should be just a matter of time before they identify Brennan conclusively as fabricator-in-chief of the Russiagate story."
That's also what @SeymourHersh said in his @EdButowsky interview.
"It's a Brennan operation."
Part of my large #SethRich thread.

"It took Javid only two months to rule on this request, in sharp contrast to other extradition cases where the Home Office took several years examining the case, before signing the order."
"By choosing to use the Espionage Act as aggressively as it has, rather than sticking to a single count of computer hacking, American prosecutors may have ensured that Assange will never see justice in the United States."
@suigenerisjen said US seeks Assange's extradition for publishing "truthful information" including "evidence of war crimes, human rights abuse and corruption the world over".
#JulianAssange to be extradited to US sooner than you think
08:32 Alexander Mercouris predicts a #JulianAssange extradition and trial in the USA no later than Sept-Nov.
#JulianAssange: " the prosecution will misrepresent the charges to mislead the press.”"

3 days earlier, I blogged:
" the false notion of WikiLeaks being a front for Russian intelligence isn’t new – it has been pushed by media since 2009."
"Julian Assange believed that UK intelligence agencies were behind the pushing of that narrative,"
"If Schulte communicated with Assange, and then Assange encouraged Schulte to obtain the information, this could amount to a conspiracy to acquire, not just receive and publish, classified information."
Encouraging sources isn't 'conspiracy'.
"to include all unacknowledged intelligence personnel even if they never leave the country."
"Sweden’s prosecution authority said on Thursday it would not appeal a court ruling rejecting a formal request that ... #JulianAssange be detained while an allegation of rape is investigated."
If these claims are true, Anna Ardin is a nasty piece of work.
Feminists should be outraged at the CIA using them for cover against #JulianAssange.
orbooks.com/catalog/in-def… …
"It is critical now to build support for Assange and prevent his delivery into the hands of the Trump administration. That is the urgent purpose of this book."
Sign the petition to #FreeAssangeNow #FreeAssange #FreeAssangeRally
"How could life in an Embassy with a cat and a skateboard ever amount to torture? That’s exactly what I thought, too, when Assange first appealed to my office for protection."
"our #FOIA hearing at the #UpperTribunal, which is due to be held in #London, Monday 1st July, 10.30 am (English)"

"what is supposedly a women’s advocacy group published an open letter addressed to UN ... complaining about an article written by UN Special Rapporteur on Torture @NilsMelzer and attempting to call into question his suitability for his role."
#StefaniaMaurizi's FOI request uncovers the British redacted letter from the UK to discourage Swedish authorities from interiewing #JulianAssange in the UK, showing their 'conern' for the Swedish investigation was not honest.

Will @guardian withdraw the bogus story of #PaulManafort meeting with Julian Assange?
30:48 "US indictment against #Assange “has alarmed journalists at newspapers around the world” for criminalising “common practices in journalism that have long served the public interest”: #AmalClooney"
Including a link between Vance Roberts Sr/Jr, Epstein and the David Rockefeller and Zbigniew Brzezinski founded Trilateral Commission (1973).
"Johnson criticised the police over a warning to journalists that they could face prosecution if they publish any further leaked cables."
Tommy Robinson's rightwing links.
#FreeSpeech vs Government #Hypocrisy,
02:53 More journalists are threatened with prison for publishing classified information.
#Assange #JulianAssange
The latest attack on #JulianAssange.
"Despite being confined to the embassy while seeking safe passage to Ecuador, Assange met with Russians and world-class hackers at critical moments, frequently for hours at a time."
New CNN Assange Smear Piece Is Amazingly Dishonest, Even For CNN
"It contains none of the “exclusive” documents which it claims substantiate its smears"
- Ellen Ratner of Fox News visited Julian Assange, who told her Seth and Aaron Rich were the DNC Email leakers.
- She told Bill Shine and Malia Zimmerman.
- She put Ed Butowski in contact with the Rich family.

"questioned the intentions of a recent CNN publication which accuses Julian Assange of having participated in the alleged Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election in the United States."