Me : Language is a discipline of cultural behaviour and no model can be true and complete within itself.
X : What does that mean?
Me : You can’t build a model of culture using WORDS alone.
Me : You will never achieve a uniform agreement on a definition of culture using words. It's why despite a century of efforts to define culture adequately, there is no agreement among anthropologists regarding its nature. It can't be done with words.
X : Example?
X : I don't get it.
Me : Culture is a landscape. You're trying to define a landscape in words.
Me : No you can't. Try describing the entire landscape of the UK in words that everyone will agree upon. Come back when you've done that and then we'll talk about defining culture.
Me : No "truth" but ok with an Altas. We disagree on where countries are, we make a better atlas. But without an atlas, in story form, it's personal politics over story telling ... invoke confirmation and authority bias.
Me : Action is a necessity for learning but that assumes we can perceive the environment we're acting upon. Acting by heading off in a random direction without a map or even the concept of a map doesn't make for a good learning experience.