Will govt have to publish impact assessments?
Consult with regions? And Parly Cmmes?
Been doing some diggin...1/thread
1) EU/UK
2) 'rolling over' existing EU FTAs
3) Doing NEW FTAs, for EG with USA/8
- a statement of objectves (which can be revised)
- quarterly updates, with explanation for any deviation
- all copied to Scot, Wal, NI Assemblies /10
And yet by slamming the door on transition, the Govt is CHOOSING to inflict damage /11
Full consultation with UK regions and devolved assemblies (recognising that international treaty competence ultimately rests in Westminster)
AND with public/18
Gah. That's a blow. I was getting excited there for a moment... /19
And IF the non-EU deal is getting all this scrutiny and TLC, then why isn't the EU-UK one? Or is it? These are, and will become, I think BIG Qs. /23
@SamuelMarcLowe who bet on @BorisJohnson "bottling it", do so partly becuase of this /25
Apologies. That was long thread. Even for me. 29/ENDS