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👉 How Leave won the #Brexit campaign...

Shocking excerpts from a series of interviews by Democracy Now, revealing in detail how voters' personal data is being harvested and weaponised to manipulate elections.

#CambridgeAnalytica #BrexitFraud #BrexitLies…
Also watch:

Facebook's role in Brexit — and the threat to democracy | Carole Cadwalladr
Cambridge Analytica Uncovered: Secret filming reveals election tricks
#BrexitFraud #CambridgeAnalytica #InformationWarfare
Read 7 tweets
Do you believe Labour can make Brexit work?
Interesting paper here from The Rejoin Party which analyses the main opposition parties refusal to commit to rejoining or listen to the majority of millions of potential voters fed up with the status quo and relentless damage Brexit continues to inflict.…
Wouldn't touch it with a barge pole...
UK's long and fraught negotiations to leave the EU; ensuing political turmoil, 5 PMs in 6 years, social and economic woes, all heavily reported on the continent as being caused at least partly by Brexit.…
Read 17 tweets
Liars and thieves continue to prop up performative wins when the hard truth is absolute carnage of UK infrastructure on all fronts. #BrexitDisaster
Watchdog reprimands Tories over £800bn post-Brexit trade deals claim…
Tories will not fess up, Labour will not mitigate the damage with common sense approaches like realigning with the EU. The UK has been kidnapped by disaster capitalists, xenophobes, racists and radical right libertarians under the guise of patriotism. What a fucking mess.
The worst is yet to come, 31st Dec REUL Bill sunsets 4000 EU laws in 1 fell swoop, no country has ever done this in world history. Employment rights, food safety, environmental laws, all protections abolished, transition phase mean corporate fascism for UK
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3,800 EU laws that protect workers rights to be abolished by rabid ideological post Brexit lunatic MP's, you are in serious trouble UK people! Wave goodbye to holidays, pay rises, equality
Minister and unions clash over EU protections for holidays and pay…
Seriously, what do people think comes next after a deregulation killing spree? 'Statist' protectionist laws abolished, powers given to corporations who will install new charter city regulatory frameworks via Singham's Babson program

UK Govt are aping the US libertarian rights sledgehammer approach to democracy, 'Win the courts, win the war'. Tactics of distracting public with scandals mask what is really happening post Brexit, the systematic reconfiguration of the UK to a kleptocracy
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Brexit, a trojan horse to hide the tory mismanagement and theft of over £2 trillion since 2010 only makes up 1.25% of the money lost

#Austerity £1T #Brexit £25B #Cov19 £400B #Debt £500B
#UK #ToryFascists #BackBoris #EU #BrexitLies #DenazifyUkraine #UN #abolishNATO #BrexitChaos Image
1) Out of nowhere the Brexit referendum was announced and the date set was June 23rd 2016 by David Cameron.

'A once in a generation decision'
'Its your chance to decide if we stay or leave the EU'
'The government will implement what you decide'
'Its just an IN/OUT vote' Image
2) The government, establishment and most of the media, who should be impartial, sent out leaflets to every house claiming they believe the UK should remain in the EU

The date was set and everyone seemed to be ready, happy with the up-and-coming vote and a friendly vibe about it Image
Read 24 tweets
Update on "our Ken" - the ex Met Police officer who sent a threatening letter, placed rubbish in the garden, then escalated to spray painting the property and wielding a knife. His complaint? Having anti Brexit stickers on my dustbing
To avoid going to court (His son works for Kent #Police and Ken is a football coach for young people), Ken finally paid £3000 for the restoration of the property (some 75% of the sum requested). It becomes clear that #Brexit doesn't pay.
Ken's main complaint (apart from the fact that I don't accept his form of democracy and that "I lost") was his claim that my anti-Brexit stickers were lowering property values in the area. I have not been able to verify the matter, nonetheless ...
Read 12 tweets
Um, remember when Brexiters were screaming with joy 'Go go WTO?'
👇🏻#BrexitChaos #BrexitLies #WTO
From the article
What are the implications of a permanent collapse of the international trading system?
Very real danger from such a breakdown is a return to what we saw in the 1930s. In response to the outbreak of the Great Depression, you had countries imposing trade barriers>
blocking imports from other state, and a general escalation of tit-for-tat protectionism. This response wound up not only exacerbating the effects of the depression itself but has also been credited by some as paving the way for the outbreak of the second world war.
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There is a difference between pragmatic conservatives and zealous libertarians like Buchanan - Nancy MacLean,Democracy in Chains
All moderation gone, we are sleepwalking into a new dystopian phase where debate & reason have been strangled by dark money ploughed into Govt #Brexit
We have not learned from the history of libertarian devastation on previously stable socialist democracies like Chile that were dismantled and colonised by the Anglosphere. Decades later disaster/frontier capitalism has advanced into the very heart of western Europe. #BrexitLies
Libertarians will use all manner of subterfuge to gain power and authoritarian control of what they deem their inalienable right to 'property', the very roads they drive on built by labourers are now a red carpet route into local constituencies where charter cities will be built.
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Had a question, why do you think there is such a dearth of info about the Tories charter cities and freeport plans post Brexit? #Libertarian #BrexitLies
Do people know what charter cities are? Because this is actually a key hidden plan behind the Brexit campaign. Sunak is a disciple of Prof.Paul Romer who experimented with r/w charter cities in Honduras and Madagascar, Honduran Supreme Court shut him down. So off they trot to UK.
UK is in transition, an 'emerging economy' now with 3rd country status. A regression has been instrumented whereby the clean slate has foreign frontier capitalists/ UK hedge funders queuing up with multinational pals for their chunk of flesh and a UK ruled by and for shareholders
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Are we really doing this again?

Even the propagandists at the Mail on Sunday know the EU never banned the crown from appearing on pint glasses - something Tories established for themselves in 2007

Desperate stuff

#BrexitLies #SundayMorning @LBC
Also, at no point in my adult life has any pub refused to sell me a pint of orange juice or diet coke or any other fruit or soft drink.

It's all so pathetic.
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What do you think happens when a small group of the ultra wealthy buy and shape UK Govt policy? Retainers put down by financiers expect to see massive returns. Brexit's lie will usher in total state deregulation. This is the cornerstone of disaster capitalism. #BrexitLies
The pro-European business elite fled the Tory party as the ERG gained power. Johnson on the promise of a hard brexit saw donations increase massively from hedge funders and private equity. Tory party is officially unrepresentative of the public's interests and values.
A small group of ultra wealthy individuals exert control over Govt policy, it is a model copied from the US. Cash for access now the norm in British politics. Leave campaign money came mostly from hedge funders, Crispin Odey made £220m on 2016 referendum result.
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Never forget that between 2010-2018 £340,000 per year of tax payers money funded the ERG. Each Tory MP that paid £2000 subscription fee claimed that back on expenses. Information on ERG research was never made public, Rees-Mogg's staff denied he was even a member. #BrexitLies
ERG also has a 2nd bank account for private donations, the extent of their funding runs into the millions. Tax payer money was crucial to ERG's success. Westminster 'regulator' looked the other way. Brexit was forced by a cartel of far right libertarians and disaster capitalists
Private foundations have very few legal restrictions, by law they have to donate 5% of their earnings to 'no-profit' charities. Well guess what? They get tax deductions so they can impact society under the aura of generosity to salve public resentment. The ultra wealthy run Govt
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Michael Martin, “the single worst call [Martin] ever had with anyone”. The FT’s Peter Foster claimed he had been told the call was “very difficult”, “stubborn”, “eulogising on sovereignty” and “little grasp of detail” …not even close to “conciliatory”…
Not to be outdone the foreign secretary, Liz Truss, then managed to annoy EU vice president Maroš Šefčovič in a telephone conversation that one EU source characterised as “horrendous”, adding that they had “seldom seen Šefčovič so cross and so upset”.
Described as a ‘tough’ meeting, Sinn Féin’s president Mary Lou McDonald and her deputy Michelle O’Neill, Stormont’s first minister designate, emerged to accuse the prime minister of coordinating with “obstructionist tactics” by the DUP who want to see the protocol ditched.
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Russia has fomented the rise of the far right across central and eastern Europe. Like a virus attacking its host, malign Russian influence seeks out and attacks democracies.
Eroding the foundations of democracies takes years to fully achieve the desired destabilizing and disabling effects, as the western model of democracy becomes more discredited and undermined so the Kremlin’s model rises up.
Russia’s networks of influence are complex, rendering a countries ability to conduct oversight through transparency, accountability and the rule of law extremely vulnerable to exploitation and manipulation.
Read 17 tweets
Labour talks down the prospect of nationalising public services and says it wants to take a more market-based approached.
Whichever way you look at it Jacob and Keir, Brexit is sh*t
Keir Starmer and Jacob Rees-Mogg say Brexit has benefits: what are they?…
An analysis by the University of Sussex Trade Policy Observatory found that the UK's Brexit losses were 178 times bigger than any gains from new agreements, with all deals combined worth less than 50p per person a year.
Very curious to see how this article goes down.
Pretty sure hitching your wagon to Rees-Mogg's star is going to suck you into a black hole.
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When The Daily Express tweets about #BrexitShambles today, its readers go into hiding.

3 hours later, and this is the only reply:
In 2016, they dismissed our warnings as "Fear-mongering propaganda".

Brexiters know about #BrexitLies now. They're living #ProjectFear. They're afraid of being able to pay for food and heating. No wonder the only replies today are from nude models.…
#Brexit is shit.
#Brexit is doomed.

We are going to tear it to pieces, bit by bit, until it is nothing more than a lingering stain on our global reputation.…
Read 3 tweets
Heart of populist Brexit beats with unrestrained passion for the Tories favourite authors/economists, Hayek, Rand, Friedman, Buchanan, W.Rees-Mogg. The world bore witness to what was inflicted, so many caught in the disaster capitalist maelstrom, now the UK sucked into its vortex
Economic violence runs parallel to military tactics of war, 'Go in hard and fast' nothing gradual, no time to recuperate from shocks the Tories unleashed on its own people. Like a boomerang Brexit returns, hammers the UK with the real pain of its ideology on a myopic public/press
When the Tories ousted party moderates, the ERG and its vast network of right wing libertarians and oligarchs seized the opportunity to force through the clean slate, far right extremists throughout history lay off a countries workforce in order to exact revenge on socialism.
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Environment Agency staff say Govt funding cuts mean the regulator is no longer a deterrent to polluters.

An inevitable consequence of a Govt which prioritises free-market ideology & deregulation over the environment, is that our rivers are now full of shit.

Risking their livelihoods, three officers at the Environment Agency have blown the whistle on how they are increasingly unable to hold polluters to account or improve the environment as a result of the body’s policies.…
The officers wish to remain anonymous because the Environment Agency’s chief executive, Sir James Bevan, has “been very clear that he will sack anybody that is seen to be openly criticising the agency”, one officer said.
Read 27 tweets
This ERG Govt have instrumented Brexit as a pseudo nationalist Trojan Horse to unleash and destabilize the entire economic infrastructure of the UK. They are implementing a return to feudalism, they are obsessed with property, the Gold Standard and utterly demolishing the state.
Alejandro Chafuen 'For libertarians, removing the state as the final authority to define money might be the most consistent path.' This is about blind faith in free markets and not being accountable to Govt or the rule of law. Extremely dangerous. #libertarian #BrexitReality
Hayek - "If we ever again are going to have sound money, it will not come from Govt... it will be issued by private enterprise." Libertarians, the ERG/Govt have used this as a procedural template for the mess the UK is in as a result of a dark money fueled Brexit. #GTTO
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I detest Frost's contemptuous attitude to the EU. These are our friends, bonded by history, culture and multi-national families spanning a vast continent. They are our biggest trading market and our closest allies. What the hell are we doing here?
#BrexitHasFailed #BrexitBritain
Absolutely risible, almost paralytically drunk interpretation. #BrexitDenial
It’s appalling bad faith. How can anyone negotiate with a government that behaves in this way? No agreement will have any trust or meaning.
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It's just chicken & turkey.
It's just milkshake.
It's just cancer drugs in Northern Ireland.
It's just fishing.
It's just Erasmus.
It's just Belfast violence & port threats.
It's just 7K bank jobs.
It's just trade.
It's just farmers.
It's just musicians.

It's just been 8 months!
Obviously I can back all that up. Sources:

The @BritishPoultry Council have said that the Chicken Shortages in Nando's and KFC and Tesco's warnings about Christmas turkeys are because of Brexit.

As for the lack of milkshake and other issues...

The Road Haulage Association has cited Brexit labour shortages as the number 1 barrier to fixing the shortages.……
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It's 5 years today since the vote to leave the EU. Let's remember all the #BrexitLies that the Leave campaigns told. Share your favourite #Brexit image or meme in the comments below. #BrexitDay #BrexitDisaster #BrexitReality #BrexitMadness #BrexitBritain Image
Read 11 tweets
#BrexitBill UNTRUTHS
Does jurisdiction of ECJ in this country cease on Thursday?
No, not in NI, & not in respect of issues relating to the status of EU citizens living & working in this country
Are were gaining our independence?
No, we never lost it!
How otherwise could we have decided to leave the EU?
Are we regaining unfettered sovereignty, that golden calf before which so many supporters of leaving the EU seem now to worship?
NO, this agreement we are debating inhibits the exercise of our sovereignty in hundreds of...
different ways, as does our membership of NATO, acceptance of the compulsory jurisdiction of the UN’s International Court of Justice & the WTO's dispute settlement procedures,as do the provisions of the rules-based international order we are, quite rightly, defending & promoting
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LORD FOX #BrexitDeal #BrexitReality
2. Double regulation means double cost! Any UK company wishing to export to EU now must comply with both new UK regulations & standards & EU ones—an extra set of design, testing, certification & admin costs. Eg Chemicals = £1 bn of EXTRA cost!
What are Govt doing to alleviate millstone hanging around British industry?
3. Rules of Origin: #BrexitDeal does not allow for parts imported from regions outside UK & EU to be counted towards local content = diagonal cumulation.This will make it hard, or impossible☡😭 for...
our more complex MANUFACTURERS to avoid being hit by heavy tariffs from EU.😭What are Govt doing about that?
..undeniable issues. This Conservative treaty makes things WORSE for:
Finally, it is clear..there are many further deals to be made😱😭
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