Alright, the EU parliament as voted, so let's have a look at what happened, who voted for what and what the results are 📜🔍👀
It's been covered (e.g. by Erik) already but here is some extra info 🧵
(BTW, you can find all the amendments in this link 🔗)…

It can be found on this link…
and the parts we're interested in look like this:

It looked something like this📺
This was a controversial matter in parliament, that looked a little bit like this 💙⚡️⚛️
Numbers change because of changes made, so now:
§ 52 -> § 54 and § 55
§ 56 -> § 59
You can find the (preliminary) resolution text that was voted for here:…

No direct allowance for funding fossil fuel and no phasing out of nuclear!
I call that a good day in climate politics 😎
But we're not finished yet!…
Some climate emergency, right?…
German politicians have worked to close down nuclear for a long time while being in favour or neutral to increased fossil fuel use ever since former German chancellor Gerhard Schröder.
You can read more here:
That was way too close so let's look at who voted for what!
That can be found in the minutes of proceedings on page 126:…
(1) In favour
(2) Against
(3) Abstained and corrections

Find your MEP in the list and if they voted the way you wanted, let them know ❤️
If they didn't, well then you absolutely need to let them know! 😡✏️📨
I also know that almost all Polish MEPs voted in favour.
How did your MEPs vote? 🤔