Right now the EU parliament is discussing what's called a ‘declaration of climate emergency’ in media.
On Thursday they will vote on it.
In the current form that means trouble, so I need your help!
Please share!
In this thread I will cover:
- what's going on?
- why it’s problematic?
- who is behind it?
- what you can do to help!
The EU wants to adopt a common position for the COP25 climate meeting in Madrid.
This is done through a non-binding resolution but forward as a “motion for resolution” to the parliament to discuss and vote on.
The text was prepared by the ENVI committee and has been put forward by EVERY GROUP in the parliament except one.

Recently, the EIB announced that it will stop funding fossil fuels.
The suggested text wants to change that by making an exception for fossil gas when paired with renewables.

See amendment 171 regarding nuclear.

The three German politicians are @ConstanzeKrehl, @delarabur, @woelken.

The climate issue is urgent and we can’t let them sabotage our efforts like this!
A counter-amendment (on the right) has been put forward to change 56 and not phase out nuclear.

Let them know it’s NOT OK to sabotage our environmental and climate efforts and what they should do instead.
Find your MEP and contact them on twitter, email or phone to let them now that we don't want fossil fuels!
A few politicians are trying to hijack a declaration of climate emergency to shut down nuclear energy and keep funding fossil gas.
The EP will discuss it now and vote on Thursday!
Don't let them destroy our ambitions for the climate and the environment!

There are several suggestions in place to replace the text (number 52) allowing fossil fuel lending!
By reading the counter-amendments you can see who is fighting on the right side in the climate fight!
Voting is on Thursday.