Offshore Wind, Ready to Float?
Global and UK Trends in the Floating Offshore Wind Market…
in floating wind deployment and design, including:
1. oil and gas majors (@EquinorASA);
2. energy utilities (@edfenergy); and
3. Original Equipment Manufacturers (@SiemensGamesa)
small-scale pre-commercial floating wind projects (e.g. RenOb)
retaining access to EU innovation funds (e.g. Horizon 2020, @EIB)
Lack of both would create 'black hole' of £/€ for next gen of floating wind.

- Retain EU innovation support
- Reinstate UK long-term renewable subsidy for pre-commercial
- Focus on niche market penetration, to aid scale-up
- Grow UK content of wind supply chain
- Minimise supply chain disruption post #Brexit

@windpower_m @WindEurope @GWECGlobalWind @IRENA @IEA @ScotRenew @RenewableUK @OffshoreWINDbiz @WindEnergyCDT @DNVGL
Thanks to co-authors:
@Eva_Topham @DavidStrathMc @maucollu James Dixon