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It’s happening (Rally for No Fare; Pioneer Courthouse Square, Portland, OR; November 29, 2019)
Extremely violent rhetoric from Katy Weisburg and pal here. Will upload video later. Many familiar faces—Farley, Muffin Man are filming.

Katy called someone to tell them she was being “interviewed by econ breakfast,” talked about communists and Democrats getting the bullet. Wow.
Robert “Bob” West and Brandon Farley filming, getting a bit of disruption 😉
@PNWYLF is here—banner says “No fare is fair”
Katy Weisburg and pals stayed for a while across the street from the square, in front of the courthouse. Now Brandon Brown is interviewing someone there.
Sign: “I’m a teacher against fares! (They’re not fair)”
Instead of filming more of the rally, I encountered LaDon “Jean” Deatherage. I attempted to ask her about 6/29, Quikrete. Katy Weisburg threw ice water on me & my camera while Jean filed a false police report about me “assaulting 2 women.” I have this all on video. Give me a bit.
Well, that was quite the encounter. Jean shamelessly lied to the cops about me. Was wild. Again, I have this all documented.

She says she’s taking me to court next week. She brought up personal info about me—clearly has been monitoring my Twitter, accuses me of “stalking” her.
Will upload video when I get home, but Katy Weisburg also threatened time push me so I’d fall backwards down the stairs at Pioneer Courthouse Square. Lots of lies, violent rhetoric. Not surprised. Great to have on film. Thanks, folks! Much appreciated.
Sorry I didn’t end up documenting much at all of the actual fare strike. This took immediate priority. Was hilarious to watch them follow/approach me, film me as I walked backwards, trying to keep at a distance, then have them say I was the one behaving in a threatening way 😂
tfw over an hour of relevant video
Sorry, this is not a fare strike thread anymore 😅 I wish I'd gotten more footage of the actual event. I might have a few nice shots on my camera, but I'm dealing with the most pressing matter first, namely my encounter with LaDon "Jean" Deatherage and pals.
Disclaimer: I'm not a "real" journalist. I'm still getting used to even talking to people, to say nothing of "interviewing." I fully admit I pressed too hard here for an answer. I sounded angry when I was raising my voice, but it was loud and I was being interrupted. No insults.
They still think I'm an "ANTIFA MEMBER," keep bring up that I've allegedly denounced "ANTIFA" as some sort of a gotcha. Yes, I've tried to make it clear I'm not part of some organized domestic terrorist group they imagining. I've also tried to make it clear that I'm antifascist.
Let's start with the last, irrelevant clip first. A wild Brandon Farley appears!

I'm not hiding who I am 🤷‍♂️
Another note: I call these people by their names, although I keep screwing up Jean/LaDon. They've started calling me "Nicholas," which is indeed my name.

With regards to "Kathryn Weisberg" (AKA Katy, with the throat tattoo), have some public records!…
I'd love to be able to upload each of these in chunks I can transcribe fully hear, but for now, I just want to upload the footage (unfortunately will have to be cut up in many parts). Will add notes/write more about it later.

Katy Weisberg: "So nice to see you, econ breakfast! How ya doin? We're not going to do anything to you. Chillax."

Holly Missell: "We're not the ones who do violence."

Asked why Katy wanted to see me jump off a bridge.

Because I "whined" until "all of antifa backed me up."
In #1, Katy says "I'm not a violent person." I pressed her a bit on this.

Katy Weisberg: "Have you actually seen me physically..."
Holly Missell: "They're MEMES!"
KW: "Commies are retarded. They deserve to...pull a...Jim Jones," deserve "a bullet, a push off of a helicopter."
They've clearly been following my tweets. This becomes relevant later when Jean/LaDon claims me looking at her Twitter/tweeting about her constitutes "hate stalking," means I'm very mentally ill (brought up the history of anorexia I've discussed), obsessed w/ her as a person. No.

Katy calls someone to let them know I'm "interviewing" her, claims she's never gotten in my face, that I'm getting in her face. It was loud, hard to hear.

"They're moving some big-ass trains, maybe running over antifa. I don't know. Probably not. We're not that lucky today."
Not sure who Brandon Brown assumed I was there in #3.
KW: "[Communists] are kind of a waste of space...bc they're dumb." Says it's not violent when she says that bc "you won't see me pushing people off of helicopters."

Asked if she'd do so if she could.

KW: "Why not?"

Endorses pre-emptive violence for socialists/communists.
In #4, Holly Missell stands next to Katy while she endorses murdering people for their political ideologies because, according to Katy, "anybody that believes socialism is the way to go is just retarded."

Again, Katy says she'd push them off of helicopters if given the chance.

Katy did not want to elaborate on the threat she made toward a specific individual there.

Holly Missell: "If we show violence toward these kids..."
KW: "It's child abuse!"

I asked about Patriot Prayer bringing children to rallies, was interrupted. Turned off camera briefly.

Katy walks across street. I ask Holly Missell about her stance on violence. "I disapprove of ignorance in school teaching children this."

She got very mad when I brought up what Katy had just said. "I've never said that. So don't ever put words in my mouth, you little shit."
In #6, guy on the left, in response to a person saying "I wouldn't put money on that" (that Holly Missel hadn't called high schoolers "faggots," something I'm not aware of; in #7, she denies it), says, "What money? You're too stupid to have a job! What do you weigh, like 70 lbs?"

Holly Missell denies she'd ever call someone "a slur for a gay person" "because my daughter is transgender, asshole." Parents of trans people can't be homophobic?

"I don't agree with violence, no. But if someone is violent toward me I will get violent. I will defend myself."

Guy brings up Andy Ngo. To me: "Shouldn't somebody be putting you in the hospital with...bleeding on the brain?"

"Difference between you and Andy Ngo is nobody's putting you in the hospital with a bleeding brain. Can you explain that to me how that's OK for you guys..."
In #8, we also discussed kill lists, death threats. I haven't gotten anywhere near as much of this myself as people who are more high-profile and am NOT trying to paint myself as a "victim" here or grift off of that. My aim is to document and relay what these folks are saying.
Disclaimer about #8: again, I only compare myself to Andy Ngo in the sense that I'm showing up to Portland events and filming what I see. It ends there.

Seems going out in the streets isn't exactly his gig anymore (how much did Heritage Foundation pay?).

I turned off my phone camera a number of times, didn't record this all the way thru as one clip.

Enter LaDon "Jean" Deatherage, AKA LeftRUglyLiars/JPlorable.

Katy Weisberg: "Look, Jean, it's your friend, econ breakfast!"

I asked about Quikrete. No comments on Quikrete.
Here's where I have REGRETS. As I said, I'm NOT a pro. I don't know how to interview people. Yes, I followed Jean around the very busy, very public Pioneer Courthouse Square asking her Qs. No, I'm not "stalking" her.

They approach me yet don't want to be filmed, try to stop me.

Brandon Farley says I'm "obsessed with" her: "He writes about you all day on Twitter...threads upon threads."

Jean: "The last person that did this moved from Kansas City, MO, to stalk me in real life. It's called hate stalking...STALKER! This guy's obsessed with me!"
I stated several times I have no interest in Jean as an individual. The idea I'm somehow taken with her, to say the least. I just have a Q about Quikrete at the Portland protest on June 29, 2019. She seems to have answers she won't give.


Katy Weisberg: "It was Bisquick! As many times as we've been bear maced, you're worried about fucking Bisquick?"

WHICH was Bisquick? Unclear.

Asked Katy if she knew about "Quikrete" on 6/29.

Jean: "Don't answer his questions! They do not have a right to ask questions!"
Was that a "joke" or an admission from Katy Weisberg that either the powder Jean threw on herself (see thread: ) was Bisquick? Interesting how Jean immediately started telling people not to answer ANY of my questions, that I didn't have a right to ask them.

Jean tells a vendor that I'm "very ill": "This guy stalks me 24/7 on Twitter...and he's stalking me in real life. I'm too old for him."

I repeated my one Q about 6/29/19. LaDon started doing some interpretive dance and cavorting around the square. I didn't run after her.
#13, in which I attempt to explain what the hell I'm doing and my voice starts to give out on me because I'm not used to speaking loudly

Again, didn't follow Jean when she ran off. Next clip picks up with Holly Missell, Katy Weisberg.

Wasn't chasing Jean. She came back to me.

Jean: "Don't talk to him about me! He has no right to talk about me! He's a psycho stalker! He's a stalker! Look at that! Like I have to answer to him? He's a nobody on the planet."

Apparently asking Qs is "what criminals do."

Told her I'd documented her lies. I have.


Katy Weisberg: "econ breakfast, you're about to get pushed down a flight of stairs, my friend."

She approaches me.

KW: "You need to back up."

Tells me I'm about to "fall down a flight of fucking stairs."

Only with a push...
For the record, my name is Nick Lee, but if you write "econ/economy breakfast," it's gotta be with no caps. You can omit the spaces in between the letters. Sometimes late at night I think about the fact I could legally change it to such with the press of a button online.
(Deleted a tweet there because I misnumbered it and messed up the thread)
#16, in which I start to get more a bit more pushy than I should have due to frustration

Jean: "This is witness intimidation! This is victim intimidation!"

Holly Missell covers my camera with her shirt. I brush it with my finger. "Don't touch my stuff!" Then, "Touch me again!"
#17, in which I repeat my question about 6/29 yet again

Holly Missell: "Don't push me."

Jean: "I'm calling the police."

She calls the police.

I don't get in her face as she walks away. I really do try to keep a reasonable distance because I don't like cameras in MY face.

Jean: "This person is trying to tell me to withdraw my police report. I need an officer out here...this guy is following me. He's also a cyberstalker...everywhere I go he's following me."

Provides the cops my 1st name, asks me for my last, lies that I've touched her twice.
In #18, re: guy at the beginning, the reason I've been "cyberstalking," i.e., looking at the Twitter account of and ending up in the same place as on 3 occasions by accident, Jean is because I have a hunch and a question. I'd like to see this resolved. Jean says she has evidence.
At this time, that's all I have: a lot of evidence I've uncovered pointing in one direction and a lack of evidence from Jean, the police, or anyone else. I can't (yet?) make an accusation, am not doing so.

See Lt. Stainbrook's statement about all of this:…
Jean claims she made a police report, has an ongoing case I'm trying to interfere with (I'm not). As far as I know, an "unknown female" walked up and talked to Lt. Rick Stainbrook on 6/29/19 sometime before 4:08 PM, when the PPB sent out this tweet:
From Lt. Stainbrook's statement: "The female walked away from me before I could direct to an on [sic] officer so a report could be taken."

I don't know if this was Jean or if she made any report. That's the point of my Qs. If she's involved in an ongoing case, I'm not aware.

On the phone with the cops, Jean continues to say I'm "stalking" her.

Katy Weisberg comes around and tosses a decent amount of water on me and my camera. I noted this. No, I did not feel "assaulted."
Here's Holly Missell's response to me: "Oh and tripping and spilling isn't throwing."

Judge for yourselves.

"And for one im far from transphobic. you should be careful what you say and edit slandering people is not a great look for you. Maybe this is."
I didn't say anything about Holly Missell being transphobic. I asked her if she WOULD use a homophobic slur. I didn't "edit slander" anything. It's taking me a long time here.

Also yes, that is probably the best picture anyone has ever taken of me. Thank you. I'm keeping it.
That's me describing LaDon's lies about me to the cops she called. A whole lot of them showed up to handle this very intimidating (yet also tiny, disabled, weak, pathetic, "retarded," etc.) man who was somehow assaulting multiple women without ever touching them.
Oops, guess that last video was #19. It's been almost 12 hours on this here. Not going to delete and re-number.

Jean, on the phone to the cops about me: "He's assaulting two other women and he's pushing other women."

Gives a description of me.

"He just pushed another—two other women and he's refusing to leave us alone. He could have weapons in his backpack."

100% pure lies here.

Oops, I call her LaDon again here.

Jean, on the phone with the cops: "I'm going to file a report on him."

Unfazed she's filing a completely false report.

I wish I could have heard everything she told the cops about me when they arrived. I'm sure it was spicy.

I tell Katy Weisberg she "assaulted" me w/ her drink only bc it's what they've done in the past. I wouldn't have done anything about it.

KW: "That is not assault. You getting in my motherfucking face—you wanna know assault, econ? Do you wanna know assault?"


Jean: "A sin of omission is the same as a sin of comission! If you stand by a crime, you are equally part of it! You were at the milkshake event. That was a violent, riotous event where people were nearly murdered. And you were there."

Yeah, I was there on 6/29. My last clip is 40 seconds, started at 2:17:46 PM. My battery died. I caught a bus home. REGRETS.

Here's what I saw that day (no violence whatsoever, no Jean, Andy Ngo walking around with no one bothering him, lots of cops):

Jean: "You think you're the boss of my life! I don't answer you! You are nobody on this planet! Shut up, boy!"

"Look at this! This is the dictatorship that if you allow Portland to fall into the hands you have people like this making you explain everything you do and say."

Jean: "This little man right here is stalking me on Twitter 24/7."

She's REALLY upset that I look at her Twitter, yet she clearly studies mine.

"He's trying to intimidate me from going forward on the police report."

I'm not. Was there one? Has Jean yet to go forward?
Re: #25, thanks for the backup from those who were present and confirmed that what Jean was saying was not true.

Also Jean: "He's stalking me! He's stalking me! Yep, you assaulted that other lady."


Brandon Farley calls my behavior "stalking."


Robert "Bob" West: "Hey, water's not assault, it's harassment."

Jean says I'm "doing the same thing as the water." Asks me if I "want to see the law."

"You can harass people with words. You're a cyberstalker. Why do you talk about me? WHY DO YOU WANT TO KNOW?!"
Intermission: I see Brandon Farley has tweeted about me. Says: "Just wait; Antifa never disappoints. There was Violence, Stalking and Harassment (Oh, My!) and Antifa now Talks to Police to settle matters, legitimately."

Well then.

#26, in which I attempt to explain myself again (6/29, Lt. Stainbrook, Quikrete, white powder)

Jean acts very normal. Denies that she's on video throwing powder on herself. "SHOW ME THE VIDEO!"

Other guy (?) tries to answer me. Jean stops him, saying, "No! Don't answer him!"
#27, in which I explain why I'm asking the Q yet again

Jean: "You've thrown feces, you've thrown urine, you've thrown rotten eggs. Your friends have."

"If you see someone raping someone and you don't stop, you are a rapist. A sin of omission is a sin of comission!"

Jean: "Everybody knows 'ANTIFA' are domestic're part of them! This is violence what you're doing!"

Check Holly Missell grinning, filming, respecting my personal space 😉

No, didn't think the cops were going to solve this for me. I also wasn't going to run.

Jean: "You're so weak & suicidal this is the only meaning anymore. You were suicidal the day you were illegally filming in the courthouse."

"I didn't film. No, I don't break laws. I don't break laws."

Holly Missell films me up close: "I'm doing exactly what you do."

Here was my pathetic tweet (yes, Jean photographed/filmed me in the courthouse). I was very mad at myself that I'd dropped and broken my phone, assumed the situation was much worse than it was. Within about 2 hours I was feeling great, though!

Well, I thought I could get this all done before midnight. I was wrong. I usually work until I pass out, but my head is killing me. I've got to call it for the night. I'll upload the rest tomorrow. There's a bit more, some of interest. Sorry there's so damn much.

What a day.

Bit of overlap from #29. I have my phone held out in front of me on a tripod/monopod. Holly Missell and later Jean approach me with their phone cameras in hand while I back up, they continue to approach.

Jean: "He doesn't need another man to protect him! Keep filming him!"

Holly Missell: "This is exactly what you do to everybody."


HM: "Yes you did. Yes you did. Yes you did. It's even on your camera. This is what you were doing and I had to put my sweater in between us...and your camera was still touching my sweater."
In #31, Holly Missell also yells at me to "STOP HARASSING!" She says, "Can we not stand here by ourselves without you?"

They don't go into Starbucks or walk away from me. I wait for the cops Jean's just called on me to arrive. I didn't want all they heard to be Jean's lies.
I don't consider any of what they did to there me "assault." I didn't call the cops, report them for anything. Used the term to them because I've heard Patriot Prayer types cry "assault" far too many times over, e.g., getting a drink thrown on them, as Katy Weisberg did to me 🤷‍♂️

Holly Missell says she's "only been to 2 rallies...a gun rally in Salem & then a prayer march."

Jean gives her speech about how fascists, Nazis don't exist. "That's as much a conspiracy theory as believing in Bigfoot."

"He's a mentally ill person! Look at him!"

Hi, cops.

Jean, at me: "This is exactly what criminals—rapists, and child molesters say the same kinds of things to their victims."

Asked why Jean kept approaching ME.

"Shut up. Shut up. You get close to me, I can get close to you, bitch."

Asked question.

"Mind yo' own business."

Jean: "Tell why you care so much. What does it do to your life?"

I try to explain.

"What's the difference in a milkshake w/ or w/out [Quikrete]?"

"No one's done a chemical analysis yet to see what hit us."

"Who said I submitted a chemical analysis? No, I didn't. Liar."
#35, in which Jean proves she "hate stalks" my Twitter, gives me valuable life advice

"You're illiterate. If you had gone to school instead of having anorexia, then you might have learned something."

FTR, I went to school while having anorexia. I've learned far more on my own.
In #35, I ask why it matters if I've dealt w/ anorexia

Jean: "Because you're mentally ill. You're an anorectic. You have body dimorphism [sic] & you're mentally ill & so you stalk old ladies online & IRL. You need to go check yourself into a behavioral health unit & get a job."
Cont'd from #35

Jean, to me: "That's what you need to do, boy. You need to go get a job instead of asking for money online and harassing old ladies."

That's not what I do, but OK.

Katy Weisberg: "NAZIS!"
#36, in which I ask why Katy Weisberg threw water at me

"Because you looked a little thirsty." Invites me to do the same to her.

Holly Missell: "She tripped!" 🤦‍♂️

Misunderstood Holly, didn't see anyone push her. Jean specifically told the cops I personally was assaulting women.

The group tells me I can't record them because I don't have their permission. In Pioneer Courthouse Square. While filming me.

David Willis: "Just don't get too close, shouldn't talk to cops, though. Your compatriots will hate that."
In #37, Katy says, "Hey, officer, do you know that like about an hour ago he was yelling 'all cops are bastards' & then he called you guys? We support you guys. We black the blue."

I didn't chant anything, nor did I call the cops. I was filming Jean while she called them on me.
Also in #37, Holly Missell asks the officer, "If he doesn't have permission, is he allowed to film us?"

Officer: "Yes, because he's in public."

They were filming/photographing me the whole time without my permission 🤷‍♂️

I ask David Willis to repeat himself.

"I said, why are you a little fucking communist heathen?"

Katy Weisberg echoes his words.

David Willis: "I don't fucking know you. I don't care. You're nobody to me, dude. You're nobody in the movement."

I never claimed to be.
#39, in which the size of my shoes become relevant

Katy Weisberg's one question for me: "Do you buy your shoes in the kids' section?"

She says, "You're so dainty!"

It's just a fact that I'm small 🤷‍♂️
David Willis, BTW...
Nice guy, David Willis.

After cops tell Jean and Holly I'm free to film them, Jean decides to do back to me what she claims I was doing to her. I ask her why. She mocks me. Very mature.

This isn't how I filmed Jean.

Jean, apparently imitating me (?): "Why? Why? I'm a windy whiner! Why? Why?"
From #40, Jean, to me: "Oh, you're such a little poor little baby. You're such a poor little baby, poor little victim. Oh, you're a victim. Why? Why?"

After she'd just called in a bunch of cops to report me allegedly victimizing her with my Q she REALLY didn't want to answer.
#41 (😂)

Jean "This is what they do in Portland. You talk to the police and they question you. You can't question someone's police report."

"They're harassing me for filing a police report."

Did Jean file a report on 6/29 about "Quikrete"? Did she talk to Lt. Rick Stainbrook?

Journalist approaches. Jean refuses to give her name. I start to give it.

Jean: "No! You can't—he has a right to give you my name?"

Bob: "Yeah, he has that right. And you got the right to give 'em his."

Jean: "Wow. 'Cause he's my stalker. Good."
From #42, Jean, to me: "I'm going to film this because this is going to the judge. Him knowing how to spell my name is part of the stalking. If you know my name, you're stalking me. I don't know your full name. Tell me your full name and then it will be equal."

From #42, Jean, to me: "If you know my full name, I need to know your full name or that's stalking."

Not exactly.

Holly Missell: "You stalk people on the internet, econ—Nicholas."

Nope. I'm trying to piece something together. Interesting how much pushback I'm getting on this.

Jean calls a man who was observing, wants to write down info on what he saw "just another 'ANTIFA' reporter," lists off some alleged examples of such.

"Who do you work for? Who are you going to writing for?"

He says he's independent.

Jean: "That's what they all say."
From #43, the independent reporter says he's only writing about what's going on, posting the info to his Twitter. Kudos on staying so calm there, BTW.

Jean, to him: "That's called stalking. That's called obsessive. You're obsessed with people who are different from you."

End of that clip. I have to take a break, run an errand before processing the next one. It's the last, but it's almost 21 minutes long.

Next clip picks up here. Jean discusses how when people photograph her and her pals, it's "dehumanizing." She says, "Nazis did that, and you're acting like a Nazi."

"Putting up flyers about Brandon Farley—that's a Nazi technique. 'ANTIFA' is a Nazi organization."
In #44, Jean isn't talking to me, but I comment that I don't ever try to "dehumanize" people with the work I do, which is true. I don't see her & those she associates with adopting that policy toward others.

Is it a "Nazi technique" when right-wingers put up flyers, take photos?
#45, in which I continue to film in a public square, as is my right (DO YOU NOT RESPECT MY RIGHTS?!)

Katy Weisberg: "econ, go away. Nobody cares."

Cops ask Jean to ignore me.

Jean: "I'm filing a stalking order on him next week."

Katy: "Good! I'm hungry. Let's go eat."

Katy: "Come on, econ."

Jean: "Come on. You wanna follow me to my car, get my license plate number? Come follow me to my car. I saw you driving by my house. I saw you driving by my house the other night."

I don't have a car.

I didn't follow. No interest. No reason to.
Jean cares a lot about the alleged "lies" of others, to the extent that one of her Twitter accounts is named "LeftRUglyLiars." She doesn’t care about, or potentially is unaware of, her own lies. See also: her hypocrisy wrt "stalking," "harassment," "defamation," "violence," etc.

Robert "Bob" West, who was filming me closely during most of this encounter on 11/29: "I don't know anything! I don't know anything about any circumstances of you assaulting women, OK? I can't say one way or the other...I wasn't there when that happened. I don't know."

Is that Skylor Jernigan with them there? I wasn't 100% sure.

I don't approach. Katy Weisberg approaches me, asks, "You wanna come eat lunch with us 'NAT-SEES' at Kornblatts, the Jewish bakery/deli?"

I ask if she has a problem with Jewish people.

"I'm Jewish. No. Of course not."

No response when I ask if this is true.
In #48, Katy Weisberg shows off the "GOOD NIGHT ANTIFA SCUM" stickers she's "posted all over Portland and...won't stop."

Jean had just said "ANTIFA" doing the same thing was a Nazi tactic. I ask Katy why it's OK for her to do it.

"Because your stuff is retarded."
In #48, I say "I've never put anything up." Was referring to flyers/"propaganda". I've placed a handful of nice, non-violent stickers 🤷‍♂️

Katy Weisberg: "You're guilty by association of what it is."

Jean: "It's called the sin of omission is the same as the sin of comission."
#49, in which I explain my "obsession" (determining what the hell happened after I left the 6/29 Portland protest), am again accused of "witness intimidation"

Jean: "It's on camera!"

Is it?

"There doesn't need to be proof for you. You're not a person that it matters to."
In #49, Jean says info about the 6/29 "Quikrete" report "doesn't matter to" me: "What matters is it matters to me, the people who got it on them, and it matters to the lawsuit, if there's going to be a lawsuit, and it matters to the Portland Police Bureau."

"Victim intimidation"
Notice Jean says "It matters to the lawsuit, if there's going to be a lawsuit." Taking this at face value, this means she's not currently a "witness" in a case about the 6/29 "Quikrete" attack she alleges she was the victim of, has evidence of, has filed police reports on.

Jean: "This right here is called a stalker. Psychologists call them hate stalkers, where they take a person they disagree with on hate me for religious reasons. You hate me for...political reasons."

I try to explain why I tweet about her. She interrupts.

I ask Jean why it's "stalking" when I look at her Twitter but not when she looks at mine.

"That's me going to court next week. I'm taking you to court [for] anti-stalking."

Says she'll prove it w/ my Twitter acct + what I did yesterday, 11/29.

I can explain all of this 😉

Jean: "You're a're stalking me right now because you see me in public...and as soon as you see me you ran up."

No, I didn't.

Jean: "Yes, you did. You ran up and started filming me. You ran after me."

I didn't run once.

How will Brandon Farley spin this?
#53, classic LaDon "Jean" Deatherage/LeftRUglyLiars/JPlorable

"I want you to answer my questions 'cause I'm part of the new dictatorship of Portland, OR, and I'm going to make people answer my questions because I'm 'ANTIFA' and we're gonna make everybody answer our questions!"

Jean: "The fact that you think that I even matter to you is stalking."

Me: "The fact that it seems like you may have been the mystery woman who talked to Detective* Rick Stainbrook on June 29, 2019 is what interests me."

Jean: "Then it's gonna stay a mystery, bro!"

In #54, Jean says, "I'm not ever gonna answer of your questions" (about 6/29, Quikrete, Lt. Stainbrook).

"I don't like you and you're not anybody I have to answer to. You ain't my daddy, you ain't my momma, you ain't my man, right? Why do I have to answer to a total stranger?"
In #54, Katy Weisberg puts her hand as close as she can to my phone camera without touching it. She may have touched it. Annoying, but I don't care. She says, "I'm not touching you, though!"

I ask her why she threw water at me earlier.

"'Cause you looked thirsty!"

Jean: "He's trying to make me tell why I filed a police report. I filed a police report on June 29 and this dude harasses me online and in real life wanting to know, why did you file that police report?"

That's not my Q.

"Oh, then I am a celebrity in your eyes?"

In #55, I explain that this incident became international news and that if Jean's the one who started the rumor* about Quikrete, the world deserves to know.

*As of now not confirmed with any pics or other evidence; see Lt. Rick Stainbrook's statement:…

Me: "You're on video throwing powder at yourself and claiming it was an assault by 'ANTIFA.'"

Jean: "No. That's not happening. That's not true."

It's true.

Katy: "It's rat poison. I hope you inhaled it and I hope you get cancer. No, you dumbass. It was not rat poison."
At the end of #56, Jean interrupts Katy when she tells me the powder was rat poison, saying "No! Do not tell them! They do NOT have a right to know!"


Katy Weisberg continues on about the mysterious white powder. "It was ashes of all the Jews from the Holocaust, since I like to throw all the fucking Nazi jokes out."

Jean: "It wasn't the right color."

She says she's Jewish*. Says she's fine with Katy's comments here.

Correction: both Katy Weisberg and Jean LaDon Deatherage/LeftRUglyLiars/JPlorable claim to be Jewish.


David Willis asks me if I was there on 6/29, if I masked up and personally assaulted "Andy N-G-O" or saw "them mixing the Portland cement into milkshakes."

Yes, no, no, no.

DW: "We know for 110% fact..."

He doesn't finish.
In #58, Jean says to Katy, "Don't say anything facetious. I'm serious."

I ask them why she's so worried about the people she's with talking to me about any of this. I didn't get an answer.

David Willis continues, discussing the 6/29 Portland protest: "We know for 110% fact—we had people that were, for better words, behind enemy lines—that they were putting Portland cement...I saw..." (?)

Asks me, "So why aren't you talking to 'ANTIFA' about it then, bro?"
BTW, here's me on 6/29. I was wearing a tanktop and jeans, no mask. As I've stated many times, I left right after this clash with the police near Pioneer Courthouse Square. It's amazing to me how many people have assumed I was personally involved in harming Andy Ngo.
At the end of #58, Jean says, "The police filed that report." I start to say, "The police don't file a report on behalf..."

Was trying to make the point that someone initiated the report to Lt. Rick Stainbrook on 6/29. A woman walked up to him, mentioned "Quikrete," then left.
*At the end of #59, sorry.

I know this thread is incredibly long and out of hand at this point, but I'm doing it largely for my own reference. I'm going to try to do a write-up on it once I'm finished posting the rest of the clips, which will hopefully not take too much longer.

Jean: "Right on that corner the police saw me get milkshaked and pulled me aside and took pictures and videos!"

She's very upset with me asking Qs.

"This guy thinks he's some kind of a reporter! He thinks he's some—look at him!"

I will be looking into records requests.
If LaDon Jean Deatherage/LeftRUglyLiars/JPlorable is telling the truth in video #60 above, the police documented her getting milkshaked at the corner of Pioneer Courthouse Square during the Portland protest on 6/29/19.

Jean = "unknown female"? That's all I want to know.
Robert "Bob" West has posted some of his footage of me from this encounter in which I allegedly stalked, harassed, and assaulted several women (I didn't). Nice!

I left him a comment. I'd like a comment in return, but I'm not expecting one.
UPDATE: I did NOT see this coming.

Bob uploaded a video entitled "right wing lady does not know the law accusing people of stalking." That'd be Jean accusing me.

Well then. Thanks, Bob?

Me: "Have I once insulted you? Have I once threatened you?"

Jean: "Yep, you called me a documented liar."

She's "stalking" my Twitter 😱

Me: "You are...stating the fact that you've lied multiple times..." (is not an insult)

It's not.

David Willis: "Are you trying to be a grifter on the 'ANTIFA' side? Is that what you're trying to do? Are you a grifter? Do you have a GoFundMe? Do you get money? Are you an 'ANTIFA' grifter? It's an honest question."

I don't have a GoFundMe. I do work.
In #63, Jean (about me): "He is a grifter. He has a GoFundMe & he doesn't work. He doesn't have a job. You have PayPal, Venmo. It's a Venmo."

No GoFundMe. Yes, I recently started accepting donations after being urged to do so. I've gone into debt doing this, not turned a profit.
In #63, Jean also says to me, "Were you bulimic? Is that how you messed up your teeth, from sticking your fingers down your throat so much?"


I didn't insult any of their appearances. It would have been very easy. I'm not going to.
I just said #63 instead of #62 twice. Not going to delete. Oh well. Getting close to the end.

David Willis: "You know if 'ANTIFA' finds out you talked to the cops earlier today they're going to fuck you up. They will beat you, dude."

Jean: "Yep."

I wanted them to elaborate on why they think I am "ANTIFA" and what this means to them. No luck.
@ "ANTIFA": are you going to "fuck me up" or "beat me up" because, upon having LaDon Jean Deatherage/LeftRUglyLiars/JPlorable call the cops on me and make an incredibly brash false report, I didn't run from the scene?

Yeah, I talked to them about Jean's lies. Come at me? 😂

I ask Jean why she brought up my teeth, having an eating disorder. She doesn't answer.

Katy Weisberg: "Well, you're like 2 feet tall and 100 pounds soaking wet, Nick! Why do you have an eating disorder?"

It's complicated.

>2 feet tall

Jean: "I think you need to go home. Do you want to know what size underwear I wear? Bra size? Do you want to know when I started menopause?"

Me: "No! God no!"

Jean: "Yeah you do. You want to know everything about me. Stalker. S-T-A-L-K-E-R."

No. Please no.
In #65, David Willis says, "If you want answers about the 29th, go ask 'ANTIFA.' They're the ones who did all the violence that day."

Me: "[Jean] claims she has the evidence."

DW: "She said the police took pictures."

Why could Lt. Rick Stainbrook not confirm the "Quikrete"?

Jean accuses other people of being stalkers, engaging in various crimes, says (not to me), "He's wanted by police in Vancouver. If you ever come to Vancouver, you're going to be arrested."

I ask Bob if he approves of what he's seeing. Answer next.

Jean yells in the background about "ANTIFA"-related pedophilia.

I ask if Bob approves of Jean filing false police reports. He says, "In general, no, I do not support people filing false police reports."

Doesn't seem to approve of Jean taking me to court for stalking. Thx!
Let's get this straight: Bob and I aren't going to be pals.

He started trying to cover my camera with his hand or shield his face when the topic of his sex offender status came up as Jean was yelling about various "ANTIFA" sex crimes in the background.…

Robert "Bob" West covers my camera with his hand, says, "You touch my hand I'll break your camera."

I walk backwards down the stairs as he extends his hand toward me. I can't even remember how many times people have threatened to "break my camera" at this point. Nice.

Jean: "Those young teenagers that started in 'ANTIFA' now are all so thin (?)...'ANTIFA' is a sex-trafficking organization right here in Portland, OR."

Katy: "You're like 2 feet tall. You're like a twink. You're like fun-sized. I could throw you over my shoulder."
#69 also has discussion of Bob's sex-offender status. Apparently they're not bothered by that because it's not an "open, active case."

They didn't want to talk about that issue, just "ANTIFA"-related pedophilia.

Bob says, wrt sex crimes, "I threatened someone. That's what I did."

Jean says we'd all go to her house to harass her, commit crimes. I say I wouldn't. She says, "Oh, yeah, right."

I've never even tried to look up her address. That's not interesting OR important to me.
#71: THE END

LaDon "Jean" Deatherage/LeftRUglyLiars/JPlorable: "Come on, boy! Let him follow us. Let him follow us."

Jean, seconds later: "Don't follow. Don't stalk. Stop stalking."

Me: "I don't stalk people. I also don't file false police reports."

Of course, I didn't follow them out of the square. I'm not a stalker.

Thanks, "anti-antifascist" folks, for all the material. I wanted to get to ask these Qs in person, didn't anticipate any actual answers.

I have a lot to think about now. Will write more on this ASAP.
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