First: health
For every system, what allows it to operate in a wider range of situations in the future and for longer time, contributes to its health, it is beneficial (game & value theory)
Easy to see in systems like: body, mind, economy, ecosystems,…
The objective function is more specific: increasing health
The adaptation is not necessary
Parasites have by definition a detrimental effect on the health of their hosts, less health means less intelligence for their strategy for survival, e.g. if they cause the death of their host, they may die
Intelligent implies sustainable, taking care of preserving the infrastructure that provides a healthy existence
Can the Earth leave the Solar System? No, rocks don't do that… but if intelligent life springs in Earth, part of its matter, energy, and information may reach other systems
Some species/organisms create societies/ superorganisms, we see symbiosis,…
In addition to the previous vertical expansion, there is horizontal too
Darwinism applies to many systems, resulting in intelligence, by the initial definition. The intelligent survive, those that survive are intelligent
Survival depends on the vertical alignment
The health/survival of our societies depends on the alignment with the infrastructures (e.g. environment) and the superstructures (e.g. economy)
The happiness (mental health) depends on the alignment between individuals (vs conflict)
Consequently, intelligent means ethical and viceversa
While decision theory helps to choose the best trade-off in a multi-objective function, intelligence helps to find better options
Innocents choose other's benefit, at their expense
Bandits choose their benefit, at other's expense
Intelligence allows finding greater alignment in the health/benefit/survival or more interconnected systems, collaboration-based models instead of competition-based ones, positive sum instead of zero or negative sum
The answer to existential risks lies in intelligence
The answer to intelligence lies in ethics
The answer to ethics lies in health in a broad and interconnected sense