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May 28th 2023
Iran, Taliban exchange heavy gunfire in conflict over water rights on Afghan border #WaterIsLife… Image
@PeterGleick Water Dispute Escalating between Iran and Afghanistan, August 2016… ImageImage
Read 5 tweets
Feb 12th 2023
If there's a govt & #NorfolkSouthern cover-up going on in #Ohio,
more concerned about water than air.

🔵 Is #EPA collecting water samples?

🔴 Chemicals of concern include not only #vinylchloride, but #phosgene gas,


Yes they blew it up. Look at that poisonous smoke plume!

WHY is the media not reporting on the train derailment disaster in #Ohio?
🔥 🤔 💧 ⚗ 🧪🤔

Let's get more citizen reporters on this. Where are residents sheltering now? Who has lost animals & what occurred? Interview those you can, etc.
Read 33 tweets
May 20th 2022
Thread 1/10 We’re excited to share with you the first part of a two-part Psychology in Society (PINS) Special Issue on #Psychology, Environment, and #ClimateChange: Foregrounding #Justice Guest Edited by Brendon Barnes, Lynn Hendricks and myself.
2/10 PINS is a peer-reviewed journal that was formed in September 1983 as vehicle for a critical and anti-apartheid stance in psychology. PINS continues to foster a socio-historical and critical theory perspective by focusing on the praxis of #psychology
3/10 Our editorial Psychology, Environment, and #ClimateChange: Foregrounding Justice for the Special Issue discusses the various submissions and shares views on how justice is foregrounded in #psychology…
Read 10 tweets
Jan 12th 2022
Sound and critical piece in @thenation -- my 📸last day at #StandingRock Image
Link to the piece by @LeehiYona & David Cremins…
Other 📸 from #StandingRock #WaterIsLife ImageImage
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Jan 10th 2022
The following is a message from Aedyn Rhys-King, kanaka maoli veteran and resident of Kapilina Beach Homes whose family was poisoned from bathing in and ingesting water contaminated by the Navy’s leaking Red Hill facility. #ShutDownRedHill Image
“Water is the driving force of all nature. Our water in Hawai‘i has been poisoned by the U.S. Navy’s Red Hill fuel tanks over and over again! My ‘ohana along with so many others have been poisoned by the Navy’s negligence. They are not helping us. They have lied to us.“ ImageImage
“They have left us to fend for ourselves. They have said our water is “safe and unaffected”. In the beginning, they told us our water was NOT on Navy water lines. Many of us trusted that and continued to use the water. We continued to be poisoned. We continued to get sick.⁣” ImageImageImageImage
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Dec 29th 2021
O‘ahu Water Protectors Statement Regarding DOH Contested Case

“The Hearing Officer’s recommendations echoes the dire warnings voiced by concerned community members for decades when it comes to the U.S. Military’s toxic practices in these islands.”

The Red Hill crisis presents “the greatest threat to a sustainable way of life on O‘ahu since the illegal overthrow of the sovereign nation of Hawai‘i.”

“We simply do not have time for the Navy’s games. We are not willing to sacrifice our water for war.”
Looking forward, @oahuWP maintains that the struggle to protect the health of Hawai‘i’s lands, waters, and people must also be a struggle to demilitarize Hawai‘i.”
Read 6 tweets
Dec 21st 2021
On Dec. 10th, we staged a Die-In & Rise-Up action to show the world and our so-called leaders what will happen if we lose our precious water due to fuel contamination from @USNavy's decrepit, leaking tanks on Red Hill. @jamaicaosorio paid tribute to our Queen through song. (1/3)
We rose to @kamanabeamer's call of “Ola i ka Wai!”

We are rising like the waters, and will fight until our last breath to protect it. #ShutDownRedHill

“We will not die; our Queen want us to live! Ua Mau ke Ea o ka 'Āina i ka Pono!” (2/3)
To learn more about the history of the US Military's toxic presence in Hawai‘i and to find out more about how you can help Shut Down Red Hill, visit:

#OlaikaWai #WaterIsLife (3/3)
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Oct 19th 2021
My 73 year old mum was medivac’d to Ottawa today in order to have a diagnostic procedure that is normally available in Iqaluit.

(I’m on leave from Director, Travel Programs, Health. Sharing info that’s public knowledge)

The cost of a single medivac can be upwards of $40,000
In 2019 the Health department forecasted 2,400 medevacs for coming year, based on that growth.

That’s compared to about 33,000 planned medical travel trips planned for the year.

The territory’s proposed budget overall Medical Travel budget was $92.3 million.

The current..
..state of emergency in Iqaluit has impacted our only hospital’s ability to provide my mum’s urgently required procedure because the equipment that is needed can not be safely sterilized due to the fuel in the water..
Read 21 tweets
Jul 10th 2021
Great morning rally at a #StampedeBreakfast, letting #Otoole and #Kenney know how we really feel. People brought lots of diverse concerns, but biggies were the treatment of #ABnurses and protecting our #EasternSlopes #Waternotcoal Of course, the @YYCRagingGranny were there 2!
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Jun 17th 2021
The nuclear industry always exploits and harms Indigenous communities.

Dr. Tommy Rock explains that the Navajo Nation contains over 500 abandoned uranium mines, which leads to contaminated water.
Uranium enters people’s bodies through inhalation, ingestion, absorption, and circulation.


The Navajo Nation has a right to clean water and healthy air!
"We need to shift from a Western approach to public health to a holistic, Indigenous approach." - Dr. Tommy Rock
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Jun 8th 2021
The Canada you grew up in is not the Canada I grew up in.

- a thread -

I was born in Lynn Lake, a town at the end of highway 391; a land exploited by the Sherritt & Blackhawk mining companies for nickel, zinc & gold.

#215children #Indigenous #CancelCanadaDay #Genocide
The mining corps made a fortune, didn't pay taxes, and left 21m tonnes of toxic tailings behind; buried on play grounds, under houses, and in the water supply.

Everyone knew.…
And so Lynn has been under decades long boil water advisory while disproportionate rates of cancer continue to ravage her residents.

A modern day @ErinBrockovich story in Indigenous Canada, but without the hero to hold the bad guys accountable at the end.…
Read 16 tweets
Feb 24th 2021
#DebForInterior hearing has started! Tune in.…
First up is Sen. Mark Kelly (D-Arizona), a new member of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee. #DebForInterior
Sen. Mark Kelly (D-Arizona), a new member of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, is asking Deb Haaland about water management along the Colorado River. #DebForInterior
Read 73 tweets
Jan 14th 2021
Albertans have loudly, clearly, and in their thousands demanded that coal mining on the eastern slopes of the Rockies be stopped and prohibited.1/n @CBCFletch @DrewPAnderson @CanadianPress @globeandmail @JonathanWNV @HMcPhersonMP @ryanjespersen
@JenCrosby @660NEWS @RachelNotley
More than 16,000 have signed a petition to the federal minister of Environment and Climate Change Canada.…
(The petition closes Friday. Sign now!) 2/n
Nearly 2,000 have written comments to the Joint Review Panel, with about 98 per cent of these opposing the Benga coal strip mine and other mining in the Rockies.…
(Opportunity for comments also closes this Friday.) 3/n
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Nov 21st 2020
This morning I'm attending the second to last panels of the conference! "Writing Ourselves into Existence: Authors’ Roundtable: New England Native Authors and Literature" with Siobhan Senier @ssenier, Melissa Tantaquidgeon Zobel (Mohegan) @tantaquidgeon, Carol Dana (Penobscot),
John Christian Hopkins (Penobscot), Cheryl Savageau (Abenaki), and Linda Coombs (Aquinnah Wampanoag). This has been a fantastic conference, I hate that this is the last weekend! Thanks to all for your hard work! @Plymouth_400 @BridgeStateU @joyce_rain18
Dawnland Voices edited by @ssenier is the first collection of its kind from Indigenous authors from what is now referred to as New England. Tribes are very good at shepherding their own literary works.
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Aug 28th 2020
I guess I’ll live-tweet the #RNC2020 here. Listen... they used a Black woman to say she was a socialist and immediately after, they used a white man to reintroduce the welfare queen. THEN they introduced Stacia (who seems lovely) to talk about her hard work and new job. #FAIL
What’s going on with his eyes? This guy was a golf caddy and Trump gave him the come up, so now it’s lifetime loyalty, eh? #RNC2020
We all know that Trump is only a fair-weather friend! If that! #RNC2020
Read 64 tweets
Aug 9th 2020
One of the biggest challenges with our culture of convenience is that the true and long-term cost (and often it's an environmental cost) of everyday goods and services is overlooked or ignored because of our overarching value for convenience.
In my latest live stream regarding the global environmental crisis, I re-framed the challenges we face and the ways we need to address them.
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Mar 27th 2020
Thread: What are some positive, abolitionist reforms that have passed rapidly under #COVID19 that seemed impossible only weeks ago? Canceling standardized testing? Free housing? Childcare?

Extra points if you can provide an article/source!

Here's some of what we've collected so far:

(Limited) rent relief providing by the city of Chicago #COVID19 #HousingNow #AbolitionNow…
Grocery store workers in Minnesota declared emergency workers, granted free childcare #COVID19 #ChildcareNow #AbolitionNow…
Read 13 tweets
Feb 14th 2020
Hundreds of people surround #BCGov Ministry buildings in Victoria w/picket signs reading: #BCGovtShutDown & ‘Respect #Wetsuweten Sovereignty”

Indigenous youth & Wet'suwet'en supporters invite @bcgeu workers to stand in #WetsuwetenSolidarity!

@bcgeu @mikegraemephoto On the Facebook event page for #BCGovtShutdown for #WetsuwetenSolidarity, there are 1,100 people "going" and 1,900 people "interested" in today's call to action & message to the BC gov't - #NoMoreBusinessAsUsual!

📸Lauren Sortome
@bcgeu @mikegraemephoto #BCGovtShutDown: BC Gov't ministries picketed today from 8:00AM-12:00PM by people in #WetsuwetenSolidarity w/Hereditary Chiefs, in response to violations of Wet’suwet’en law, RCMP arrests of matriarchs, & continued violence on Wet’suwet’en Territories.

📸L. Sortome
Read 32 tweets
Jan 25th 2020
With #ImpeachmentTrial this isn’t getting the attention it deserves…

After Trump completely wiped the Clean Water Act in Nov. he’s now obliterating Obama-Era protections for waterways.

This should alarm everyone, despite politics. This will affect every single American.

Nov 2019—Trump announced his repeal of all major Obama-era CWA
that limited the amount of pollution & chemicals in rivers, lakes, streams & wetlands.

More—Trump forced the EPA to limit Scientific evidence/facts used to write public health laws & regs.…
Our water, etc. are already contaminated due to Trump’s rollbacks on
—Deadly pesticides

Arsenic, lead, carcinogens & more have increased under the EPA SDWA acceptable toxic levels bc of Trump.

L—Coal ash in H2O
R—Pesticides/arsenic in H2O
Read 13 tweets
Dec 27th 2019
Chinese company approved to run water mining operation in drought-stricken Queensland… Water mining ffs Take a deep breath, let’s unpack this for as many eyeballs as possible to see. This BS must stop. #qldpol #auspol #waterislife
Last week the Southern Downs regional council approved an application for the company, Joyful View Garden Real Estate Development Resort Pty Ltd, to operate a water extraction and distribution facility at Cherrabah, a large property at Elbow Valley near QLD-NSW border. #nswpol
👉The following day the council implemented extreme water restrictions for residents at the nearby towns of Warwick and Stanthorpe, limiting residents to 80L a day.

Stanthorpe is expected to run out of drinking water within weeks. 👈
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Oct 9th 2019
Proud that my candidate shows up when it matters.

This is why I trust Bernie.

Bernie Sanders has the most progressive, most intersectional environmental policy in the race. No contest.

Check out our commitment to frontline communities -- the disproportionately Black and Brown folks impacted by the climate crisis the most.…
Also, check out the last episode of Hear The Bern with @NaomiAKlein and @xiuhtezcatl, on which they talk about why Bernie's approach to the GND is the winning approach.
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Mar 2nd 2019
THREAD: ¡Berta Vive! Three (3) years ago today, Berta Cáceres, a Lenca indigenous woman, land and human rights defender, was assassinated. #JusticiaParaBerta #3añosSinJusticia
In 1993, she cofounded @COPINHHONDURAS to address the growing threats posed to Lenca communities by illegal logging, open-pit mining, plantation owners, water privatization, militarization, & fight for their territorial rights and improve their livelihoods. #BertaVive
With mandates from the community, Berta Cáceres helped wage a 10-year campaign against the Agua Zarca Dam which was to be built over water considered sacred by the Lenca people, and would have endangered their water source. #JusticiaParaBerta #WaterIsLife
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Mar 28th 2018
Today a crew from the city of @lawrenceks defaced our building without our building owner's consent or our approval...they also conspicuously lacked painting experience, knowledge of historic code, and any interest in preserving the appearance of our downtown. After: Image
Before: Image
The After photo above is actually how it appeared *after* we first discovered what happened and asked that sloppier efforts be remedied. If the goal is to fix unsightly graffiti... major fail, #lfk.
Read 8 tweets

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