EPIC Amicus: Georgia's Electronic Voting Machines Unreliable, Fail to Safeguard Secret Ballot
Brief by EPIC instructs is why Insecure Electronic Voting is Unconstitutional.
#HandMarkedPaperBallots must be mandatory for all states.

Curling v. Raffensperger
“..the use of direct recording electronic (DRE) voting systems that do not produce human-readable paper ballots and that have known cybersecurity vulnerabilities violates the constitution..@
Plaintiffs seek, among other things, a declaration that the use of DREs is unconstitutional, and an injunction preventing Georgia from requiring voters to use DREs and requiring Georgia to use a system that produces a paper audit trail.
Georgia uses Diebold AccuVote DRE voting machines in all of their elections.DRE voting machines are touchscreen computers that record votes on a removable memory card.. Cybersecurity experts have shown that DRE machines are vulnerable to manipulation
AccuVote DREs record individual ballot data in the order in which they are cast, and they assign a unique serial number and timestamp to each ballot. This makes it possible to match votes to the voters who cast them.
Several authorities raise the alarm about paperless electronic voting &the use of DRE machines. In March 2018, Dept of Homeland Security Sec’y Nielsen told the Senate Intel Comm that the lack of audit capability is a "national security concern."
Nat’l Academies of Science, Engineering &Medicine urges that electronic voting machines produce "human-readable paper ballots" &that machines that do not provide a voter verifiable paper audit trail "be removed from service as soon as possible."