Alcohol reacts differently on diff ppl. Just cos you can handle it comfortably, and haven't got addicted, doesn't mean others will react the same way. If they don't, could be a (long-term) disaster.
I'm not judging anyone.
Like I always say, to each his/her own.
Just want ppl to realise the possible harmful consequences, on others, of glamourising drinking.
Seen many coaxed to take a "harmless" drink - and end up alcoholics.
How do you know the person you're encouraging for the first time to "just try it out", will be a responsible drinker? Might - or might not.
Why risk it?
But, tbh, I've NEVER encouraged anyone to drink.
I don't know what the consequences would be.
Millions around the world drink - and have no problem at all.
This is abt alcoholism.
I've seen people, very close to me, become alcoholics.
Destroy their, and families', lives.
Let's not glamourise drinking pls.
Thank you.
"It's not the alcohol per se. It's that alcoholics are inherently sad, and need sth to drown their sorrows in. If not alcohol, it would be substance abuse. At least alcohol is better".
Tbh, I don't know. I'm no therapist or psychologist.
Maybe someone here?