You might be a decent guy, but you're a stranger to women who don't know you. And they'd understandably be wary of you.
Best not try to be familiar, or engage in needless conversation on yr own. Leave women alone. Most women aren't dying to talk to strangers, y'know. :-)
Way back, in 1985, I was taking the lift at Air India Bldg, Nariman Point. Usually there'd be a long queue, but that day there was just one other woman and me. And, for some reason, there was no lift man.
We both got into the lift. 1/n
I thought I was a decent guy, so what was she worried about? Then I realised, if I were in her position... 2/n
I don't want her to be uncomfortable, even for a few seconds.
Just sth I learnt from experience. 4/4