@Fairplaywomen has searched the twitter accounts of all parliamentary candidates to find out who uses it.
7 are Labour
7 Liberal democrats
7 Greens.
No use of 'terf' by Conservatives, SNP or Plaid Cymru.
@ZackPolanski @MagsSGP @FayGreenParty @CllrSabrina @cassmacg @danhutchison_ @loydgreens @Dannny_K @JuliaRaeBrown @TheGreenParty @scotgp @jon_bartley @sianberry

10% of constituencies in Scotland have an election candidate using the term 'terf'
Over half of candidates who use 'terf' are men.
Most started to use the 'terf' within the past 2 years. Little used before 2018.

Name calling is one of the lowest levels of political engagement and a cynical propaganda technique