» paolobarnard.info/intervento_mos…
"Qui l’arrivo di VR e di AR compiono come mai immaginato prima, né sognato prima, il sogno di Edward Bernays"
» qualcomm.com/media/document…
» arxiv.org/pdf/1905.08233…
"We believe that telepresence technologies in AR, VR and other media are to transform the world"
» weforum.org/agenda/2017/08…
“If you want to continue to push technology forward, we need faster computers to be able to run bigger and better simulations for climate science, for space exploration, for Wall Street”
» www3.weforum.org/docs/WEF_48540…
"In the future, AI and human inventors could compete for patents. But AI’s technological advances are also expected to disrupt numerous legal frameworks. If an AI invents something, who owns the patent?"
» nvidia.com/en-us/self-dri…
Watch the NVIDIA DRIVE Autonomous Vehicle Platform in action, with examples of #DeepLearning perception, #LIDAR perception, egomotion, localization to HD map, path planning and more.
» nature.com/articles/544S2…
Unmanned tractors controlled via GPS; drones that kill vermin in the fields from above; an #agribusiness revolution led by advances in robotics and sensing technologies looks set to disrupt modern practice.
» newscientist.com/article/222716…
Drones are extremely hard to stop. The new drone, called #Songar and made by Ankara-based electronics firm Asisguard, is the first drone to be equipped with a firearm and be ready for service.
Collaborative robots #COBOTS (which are used in several 1000s production environments every day around the world) provide a cost-effective, flexible and safe automation solution for a wide range of production tasks.