The Man Who Solved The Market by Greogory Zuckerman #MustRead
A: A large pizza can feed a family of four.
You just don’t want to make a habit of it - Jim Simons
Elwyn Berlekamp
When desire and data are in collision,
evidence sometimes loses out to emotion.
Brian Keating, cosmologist, Losing the Nobel Prize
“Elwyn, when you smell smoke, you get the hell out!” Simons told him.
“No,” Simons responded. “We can do better.”
“Emperors want empires,” one griped to a colleague.
Soros gave a look “like I was a moron,”.
“That doesn’t make sense,” Soros told him.
“Every two- or three-day losing streak felt like the beginning of the end,” says a team member.
George Box, statistician
“We’re right 50.75% of the time . . . but we’re 100% right 50.75% of the time,” Mercer told a friend. “You can make billions that way.”
Agent Smith in the film The Matrix
Part of the problem was that traditional, actively managed funds no longer wielded an information advantage over their rivals
Today, the fastest-moving firms often hold an edge.