1 like = 1 opinion about... learning
Starting with:
If you want to get depressed get to know a class of Education students (some individuals will be great but most will destroy a little piece of your soul)
Starting with:
The industry and practice has largely been warped around what software engineers think they want, at the expense of what’s effective & actually makes them happy
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Most people with formal leadership roles aren’t competent at them.
Let’s start this one with
Every Los Angeles burrito I have ever had has been better than every San Francisco burrito I have ever had
A lot of dysfunction in software engineering comes from my generation of software engineers was pretty badly lied to in school— we got sold Computers as a good career to avoid talking to people.
What a funny joke for everyone to enjoy.
(Lots of people unseriously study leadership but we aren’t going to talk about MBAs here)
Like weird the way that San Francisco was supposed to be weird
Like, learning ping pong improved my ability to learn physical skills in general because I proved to myself I could go from “awful” to “actually pretty good”
This is mostly not good for me
Compare to humans, who are basically comprehensible but infinite & indescribable
Learning is interest + time. You can fake the former but it's better to cultivate and discover it.
I think I have some friends-of-friends who are... lawyers? Maybe? I don't know what other jobs are even available anymore.
The next year, he remembered that toads were scary but not that he shouldn't eat them.
Guess what! Command-and-control does not and cannot work! There's no world where Just Telling People What To Do will produce the results you intend. You just get headless orgs instead.