That is his real crime.
Their hatred of Donald Trump is why we are about to see the only partisan impeachment vote in the history of our country.
Jamie Raskin proposed impeachment on January 15, 2017.
About 70 House Democrats boycotted Trump’s inauguration.……
Rep. Al Green called for impeaching President Trump on the House floor on May 17, 2017.…
A few days after that, Johnny Depp asked a crowd, “When was the last time an actor assassinated a president?”

@glamourmag named her Woman of the Year.

Al Green filed articles of impeachment on the House floor.
58 Democrats voted for impeachment in December 2017.
66 Democrats voted for impeachment in January 2018.…
She claimed impeachment was not a priority, and promised that before impeachment could happen, “It would have to be bipartisan, and the evidence would have to be so conclusive.”
His years-long investigation was complete, and he had the goods on Trump’s treasonous collusion with Russia! Or so Democrats had hoped.
Chief Collusion Conspiracy Theorist Adam Schiff was going to have to find a different way to “send that charlatan in the White House back to the golden throne he came from.”
We know Schiff lied about his contact with the CIA “whistleblower,” but we still don’t know the extent of their collusion. Judging from Schiff’s tweet, it was significant.
It’s not even about stopping Joe Biden’s corruption from being exposed.
This impeachment is about one thing and one thing only, just as it has been since before Donald Trump was even sworn in as president: hatred.
Hatred that Americans aren’t forced to get their news from the Fake News Media.
Hatred that Donald Trump outsmarted the Clintons and the entire Washington establishment in a single election cycle.
Hatred that America’s economy is setting records instead of plunging into recession.
Hatred that President Trump is putting #AmericaFirst.
And while #ImpeachmentDay is a triumph for that hatred, tomorrow is one day closer to the American people having their say in November 2020.
Will Democrats finally accept the results then? Don’t count on it.