If you're not getting leaner, it's because you're not in a calorie deficit.
If you're >20% bf, you NEED to be in a calorie deficit.
Here's how to cut out the calories that don't serve you, or keep you satiated:
Actually TRACKING calories is incredibly powerful, because it forces you to focus your attention on them.
What gets tracked gets improved.
Contrary to modern-day fad diet advice, butter isn't a good idea.
- Too many calories
- Won't fill you up
- Makes everything taste TOO good
Again, this whole Bulletproof Coffee thing is stupid if you want to get into a calorie deficit and burn more fat.
Have the coffee.
Don't have the oil (weird).
I understand this can be used temporarily for taste, but you want to be reducing this over time.
You WILL get used to black coffee.
Don't be a wuss.
Black coffee is ALL benefits, no drawbacks from a calorie standpoint.
(I'm guilty of this, admittedly):
*BBQ sauce
Can add up pretty fast if you're eating multiple meals (OMAD may not be so bad).
Keep them as low as possible.
They DO NOT serve you in a deficit, at all.
The only exception is protein shakes for people who struggle to get enough, be it OMAD guys, vegans, or whatever.
This is more of a psychological 'relative abundance' trick, and it works.
You FEEL like you've eaten more than you actually have.
This is especially true in the US where everything is BIG which is impressive, but not ideal for bf levels.
Not immediately before, but within an hour.
It will curb your appetite and make you WANT TO eat less calories.
Focusing on food, again, makes you FEEL like you've eaten more than you actually have.
The drawback is that it's not good time management.
But if it gets you from 25% body fat to 15%, it's probably worth it.
For virtually no caloric cost, these are going to:
- Make you fuller
- Keep you fuller for longer
- Make you healthier
They serve you VERY well in a calorie deficit.
Get more.
The calories with cheese add up REALLY quickly.
Be careful.
Same as above.
- A chiselled 10% bf
- 34 inch waist or less
- Lean-looking face without the double chin
It's all here: