1. The Social Leap by @BillvonHippel
"At least since the steamship, people have traveled the globe with relative ease. Yet no one thought to put wheels on a suitcase until 1970, and they didn't catch on until 1987"

“The average IQ score difference between siblings is 13 points, not that far off the average difference of 17 points for pairs of individuals selected at random from the population.”

“To the extrovert, the introvert has no fun, is stubborn, even antisocial. To the introvert, the extrovert is shallow, flighty, and overly concerned with what people think.”

"no society can be simultaneously fair, free, and equal. If it is fair, people who work harder can accumulate more. If it is free, people will give their wealth to their children. But then it cannot be equal"

“Modern life is so mediated by electronic images that we cannot help responding to others as if their actions- and our own- were being transmitted to an unseen audience or stored for scrutiny at some later time”

“children show prestige bias; they are more likely to copy a model that adults regard as being higher social status- for example, their head-teacher rather than an equally familiar person of the same age and gender.”

“Despite the popular wisdom that we achieve success through positive visualization, it turns out that...people who imagine obstacles are more likely to achieve success”

“I think protesting is almost a status symbol for elites. That’s why they always post pictures on Facebook, so all their friends know they’re protesting.”

“My dear, the real truth always sounds improbable, do you know that? To make the truth sound probable you must always mix in some falsehood with it. Men have always done so.”

“An analysis of 500 attorneys found that the harder an attorney’s name was to pronounce, the lower he or she stayed in the firm’s hierarchy. This effect held independent of the foreignness of the names.”

“One monkey stopped responding for 12 days after witnessing a companion being shocked each time they pulled a handle to get food for themselves. They were literally starving themselves to avoid inflicting pain on others.”

“Random violence makes the news precisely because it is so rare, routine kindness does not make the news precisely because it is so commonplace."

“Most women who have affairs are deeply unhappy with their marriages...it is not true of men. Men who have affairs do not differ from men who remain faithful in terms of their level of marital happiness!”

“In the history of the world, increased recognition of differences between groups has led more often to conflict and violence than to peaceful cooperation and sharing. America is now making a dangerous gamble on the opposite result"




If you consider someone to be your friend, there is a 34 percent chance they consider you to be their friend
If you consider someone to be your enemy, there is a 5 percent chance they consider you to be their enemy


“A little excess fear is exactly what evolutionary principles would predict...’the cost of getting killed even once is higher than the cost of responding to a hundred false alarms.’”

“primates lower on the hierarchy have a fitness incentive to adopt political philosophies that seek to right power imbalances..those same primates also have an incentive to revert to a hierarchical order once they assume power”

“From age 13 to 20, our self-esteem drops...Thereafter, to age 70, self-esteem gradually increases. In fact, by age 65, many of us feel as good as when we were 9 years old, which is as good as it ever gets.”

“Of all human emotions, none is trickier or more elusive than envy...as soon as we feel the pangs, we disguise it to ourselves—it is not envy we feel but unfairness of the distribution of goods or attention, resentment at this unfairness, even anger”

“If you intend to write as truthfully as you can, your days as a member of polite society are numbered."

"there are 5.5 million college-educated women between 22-29, versus only 4.1 million college-educated men in the same age bracket...the dating pool for college graduates has 33% more women than men—or 4 women for every 3 men"


"the marriage market is probably the strongest reason to pay for expensive private schools. Going to Harvard may not get you a better job but almost certainly puts you in an exclusive dating pool for life"





The costs of child abuse “exceeded those of cancer or heart disease...eradicating child abuse would reduce depression by more than half, alcoholism by two-thirds...suicide and IV drug use, and domestic violence by three-quarters”

Children living with both biological parents
Affluent families in 1960: 95%
Working class families in 1960: 95%
Affluent families in 2005: 85%
Working class families in 2005: 30%

“children living with one genetic parent and one stepparent are roughly 40 times more likely to be abused than children living with both genetic parents...even when poverty and socioeconomic status are controlled"


“if we’re psychologically healthy, our brain makes us feel as if we’re the moral heroes at the centre of the unfolding plots of our lives. Any ‘facts’ tend to be subordinate to that story”


"success, like happiness, cannot be pursued; it must ensue, and it only does so as the unintended side-effect...success will follow you precisely because you had forgotten to think of it"

-Rags to riches (rising emotion)
-Riches to rags (falling emotion)
-Man in a hole (fall then rise)
-Icarus (rise then fall)
-Oedipus (fall, rise, fall)
Most commercially successful:
-2 sequential man in a holes




“The family is an obstacle to schemes for control...Engels’ 1st draft of the Communist Manifesto included a deliberate undermining of family bonds...Marx was astute enough to leave that out of the final version”



“The clearest signal you’re in a cult is that other members of the group actively try to prevent you from exchanging ideas with outsiders.”

"Some became virtually professional public denouncers during the Great Purges..decided super-vigilance was the way to save their own skins and made a point of writing denunciations of everyone in their environment"

“Natural selection shaped us to care enormously about what other people think about our resources, abilities, and character...Low self-esteem is a signal to try harder to please others.”

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