Excellent work. You have an inviting, friendly, confident demeanor & @TheCenterPod comes across as informative, honest, & professional. I've not been a big podcast fan, but look forward to hearing more.
Some thoughts.. /1
Back to politics.. /2
Got to run now - Continued in a few hours .. /3
Not that there's anything wrong with that. Some of my best friends are partisans.
The oft-quoted # "40% Indy" is BS: /5
Break. OSU Kickoff.
I was trying to explain where I stand in the partisan spectrum. Paradoxically, many of my personal policy preferences tend toward Right & Left extremes, yet I believe Centrist/Moderate incremental change is the best & only path for our country. /8
I propose there is a way. It's not a panacea. Perhaps only a bandaid. /9