Heavy-hearted, I checked the German-speaking news again.
They are slamming how @ScottMorrisonMP is handling the situation & climate policies.
These are very clear words
#Pressebericht #ClimateChange #ClimateEmergency #bushfires
- Fireworks despite bushfires
- PM misjudging the seriousness of situation
- fireworks a perfidious signal
- in Sydney celebrate as if 'it was nothing'

- birds falling out of the sky
- growing resentment against PM in the population
- people traumatised, stunned
- nothing but patriotic platitudes from PM

- Morrison looks down on his burning country
- the photo approved for public release showing a demonstrative (fake) concern, arms crossed in front of chest looking at swathes of land that have been SPARED by fire

Climate polluter continues to emit (CO2)
Regardless of its domestic climate crisis, Australia proves to be handbrake at the conference in Madrid