Reports: 3 missiles hit Baghdad airport... need confirmation.
As expected, US mil already responding on behalf of the innocent peace loving civilians of Iraq, who are again being sold down the river by their corrupt leaders.
Don't mess with the USA.
American-Iraqi journalist (and terror attack survivor) Steven Nabil is always a credible source IMO:
My question is: Which group fired the weapons and who was the target?
#WellSeeWhatHappens, as Trump would say.
If Iraqi/US mil did this, then... well done Pres Trump.
As @rangersyl called it the other day: "death from above."
Actually, I know I love you. And I love everyone who works with you or votes for you.
🇺🇸Embassies are protected.
🇺🇸Red lines are enforced.
✌️And all is well in the world.
What actually happened: All vehicle occupants vaporized by US drone strike after committing, inciting & funding terrorist acts against the US & Iraq.
Bless Al Jazeera's IRGC-inspired little heart.
Watching their faces is like watching CNN in the early hours of 11/9/16.
I am making the most of this moment. The never ending schadenfreude train rolls on!
I didn't add here my thoughts on the execution of Soleimani. I was too excited.
It is of course a great day for the world.
Trump didn't start "WWIII" (a now trending term), he *averted* it.
I look forward to his speech.

Any day that justice is obtained for thousands of Americans (and other innocent victims of the IRGC) is a day to be savored.
We are at war with Iran, and have been since 1979.…
Two breaking reports that other senior IRGC terrorists have been liquidated:
One in Baghdad? see
One in Yemen? Abdul Reza #Shahlai, see
And some b/g reading from me:
I'm having a ball.💃
80 countries in coalition have done so much for these ingrates…