1. Lose Belly Fat
2. Improved Energy
3. Greater Mental Clarity
4. Decreased Food Cravings
5. Improved Appetite control
Eating the right foods will cause you to burn fat everywhere in your body; however, the most visible part will be the belly fat. Not eating processed sugar will also help you lower your body % fat.
Contrary to popular belief the energy we get from sugar is short-lived. This is the reason many people need more ‘shots’ of sugar in their system on a consistent basis during the day. People's energy levels go through rollercoaster stages during the day.
Processed sugar causes people to be sluggish and moody due to energy spikes.
Once you start minimizing sugar intake, you can expect your mind to become sharper, focused and clear.
Once you begin breaking your sugar addiction you can expect abnormal food cravings to stop or decrease.
The majority of cravings are for food items filled with refined sugar. Sugar is addictive which provokes your cravings
A diet that is rich in processed sugar and foods is known to cause hunger and disrupt appetite.
When we are addicted to sugar, we go through a vicious cycle: we eat sugar, we get a temporary high which causes an uncontrolled appetite.