CC @PressSec
Iran's regime faces huge public outcry after IRGC admits it caused #UkrainePlaneCrash.
MEK sources say students at #IranProtests in Amirkabir Uni are also chanting Death to the Dictator
#IranProtests at Amirkabir Uni. MEK says the regime dispatched anti-riot units to the scene to prevent protests.
@SecPompeo @VP @DonaldJTrumpJr
Is the MSM hearing this?
(via the MEK in Tehran's Sharif University of Technology)
CC @realDonaldTrump @USAmbUN @statedeptspox
#IranProtests #UkrainePlaneCrash
-via MEK activists
CC: @seanmdav @cvpayne
"Death to the dishonest Supreme Leader"
"Hail to the Mojahedin"
- via MEK activists at Sharif University of Technology in Iran, Jan 11 #FreeIran2020
CC @statedeptspox @PressSec @VPPressSec @SecPompeo
After 40 years, the nation wants regime change. #IranProtests #FreeIran2020
(video via MEK activists at Sharif University of Technology)
@DonaldJTrumpJr @GOPChairwoman @HeyTammyBruce
This is from Sharif University of Technology in Tehran. The MEK report protests spreading to other cities
CC: @RichardGrenell
Film: #IranProtests tonight under the Hafez Bridge next to Amirkabir University in Tehran, via the MEK #FreeIran2020
Hi @PressSec, could you pls make sure @POTUS & @VP are informed?

For the record: The MEK are behind these protests for regime change.
CC: @RichardGrenell @USAmbUN @SecPompeo
(Footage: via MEK activists under the Hafez Bridge in Tehran)
- #IranProtests via MEK activists in Tehran's Sharif University
#IranProtests via MEK activists in Sharif University, Tehran #FreeIran2020
@realDonaldTrump @RealSaavedra @seanmdav @KassyDillon @NikkiHaley @SarahHuckabee @DonaldJTrumpJr @hughhewitt @MZHemingway @cvpayne
CC: @LouDobbs @JackPosobiec @nedryun @JennaEllisEsq @EricShawnTV @ProfMJCleveland @MattWolking
Footage via MEK activists in Sharif University, Iran's capital
MEK report #IranProtests in Isfahan, Mashhad, Shiraz,
Sanandaj, Babol & Lahijan
CC @benshapiro @rww_gop @leezeldin @ericbolling
The MEK report #IranProtests in several cities. After 40 years, the people of Iran demand an end to religious tyranny #FreeIran2020
@DonaldJTrumpJr @mschlapp @MattWolking