After recent discussion by @drjosflynn and others, I decided to try and uncover why this number has been long used.
However, the explanation is frustrating, fraught with challenged math, and not very satisfying.
How do we define normal urine output in pediatric patients?
Minimal UO for 10kg child = 83cc (0.3cc/kg/hr)
Minimal UO for 30kg child = 250cc (0.35cc/kg/hr)
Minimal UO for 50kg child = 416cc (0.4cc/kg/hr)
So... why 1cc/kg/hr?…
However, urine output volume was defined by consensus not by physiology.
The bottom line: remember that urine output is a piece of the puzzle and that it's also about the balance, fluid overload, ins/outs, and patient status.
So what do you think?