I begin with a caveat: I am no "conspiracist"; I do not doubt narratives for the sake of it. Rather, I hope it's clear I consider all possibilities, including the real chance there's is nothing to be found here
1. No US role: simple Iranian mistake under high pressure.
2. US role: AD radar spoofing
3. US role: hacking/rerouting flight 752
4. Other US role (i.e. hack of Tor-M1 unit > remotely fired, etc)
His conclusion is:

See also: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Controlle…

I summarize the current situation in this graphic.

In all scenarios, we deduce US 1. had evidence of Iranian AD role / 2. assumed Iran would not immediately announce this. Thus US hoped to expose Iran & trigger planned protests - whose full effect was foiled by quick Iranian admission of guilt.
1. The US has trained 'protesters', at the ready for any opportunity.
2. Iran accidentally downs airliner
3. US tracks evidence of Iranian guilt, prepares protests
4. Iran quickly admits guilt
5. The US must prematurely activate protests
1. US trained protesters for specific false-flag
2. Iran tricked into accidental downing
3. The US waits for Iran to deny guilt
4. Iran quickly admits guilt
5. The US is forced to prematurely activate the protests
But Iran has not forgotten, nor have its allies, and the coming weeks will bear testimony to this.