My focus for now is on the timing of this announcement.
There were some dumb "Khamenei resign!" chants, clearly from an auto-cue written by Americans with no idea how Spiritual Leadership works - but the main tagline for these protests was:
"Death to Liars".
For protests that took place AFTER the government had just told the truth in the most honest & candid way any government ever has, how does "Death to Liars" figure? In no world does delaying the truth for a few days warrant such a chant.
1. Trick Iran into downing airliner (will make the case for this tomorrow, & still possible to follow narrative even if you believe no US hand in the downing).
2. Presume Iran will hold guilt secret.
3. Expose them, incite large-scale protests
1. Maidan/HK-style coordinated actions of 'protesters'
2. unconvincing reasons for demonstration
3. the out of place slogans ("Death to Liars") given the ne reality Iran imposed upon the context
4. the presence of UK ambassador at the site
1. Millions mourning Soleimani
2. Iran's clever quick admission of guilt
3. The isolation & exposition of 'protesters'
As usual, the Americans are still trying to play chess with the Persians - and can win at neither that nor war.
End thread.