“Congress shall make no laws respecting an ESTABLISHMENT of RELIGION”
Namun Supreme Court TIDAK melarang murid2 yg ingin berdoa freedomforuminstitute.org/2012/07/29/50-…
"Tragically, there is a growing TOTALITARIAN impulse on the FAR LEFT that seeks to punish, restrict, and even prohibit religious expression."
"Authorities are stopping students and teachers from praying, sharing their faith, or following their religious beliefs. It is totally UNACCEPTABLE.
Sekolah yg mendapat funding dari Federal tak boleh punya kebijakan yg MENGHAMBAT murid2 melakukan “constitutionally protected prayer”
Trump muncul sbg Presiden yg anti-Left. Inilah yg membuat Leftist & media2 “Liberal Progressive” MARAH thd Trump
Bahkan di Amerika yg "mayoritas" Kristen, orang Kristen pun di-bully oleh Lefitst. Parah2nya di jaman Obama
“Right to Pray in Public Schools President Trump announcement”