Convict Trump or ‘Write the History of Our Decline with Our Own Hand’
“Trump’s conduct is wrong. It is illegal. It is dangerous. & it captures the worst fears of our Founders and the Framers of our Con’n... This conduct is not 'America 1st,' it is Donald Trump 1st.”
Schiff brilliantly crushes Trump defense
Rep. Adam Schiff did not come to play. On Wednesday, he laid out a strong case for why senators should vote to impeach & remove Trump from the presidency.
And on the first day, DEMs unleashed the flood of damning evidence.
Matt Gaetz said DEMs have been presenting their case to the public like it's "cable news" — but lamented that the defense team’s case presented more like “an 8th grade book report.”
“ 8th grader would actually know how to use PowerPoint and iPads.”
“Nine out of 10 senators will tell you they haven’t read a full transcript of the proceedings in the House,” Sen. John Kennedy quipped
.“& the 10th senator who says he has is lying.”
AG Barr launches presidential commission on law enforcement WTF?
Trump won’t protect our elections, so private companies are doing it
The president welcomes foreign interference. No wonder we’ve outsourced cybersecurity.
⚠️Be wary of any CO that offers its services for free & scrupulously research their investors.
Hospitals Give Tech Giants Access to Detailed Med Records
Deals w/ Microsoft, IBM & Google reveal the power medical providers have in deciding how patients’ sensitive health data is shared
Dozens of trafficking victims rescued in Interpol crackdown in the Balkans…
One by one, the seven House prosecutors seeking Trump’s removal from office reconstructed a case against Trump so dense — at times, head-scratchingly complex — that it was hard for senators to keep up.…
Democratic Rep. Adam Schiff did not come to play. On Wednesday, he laid out a strong case for why senators should vote to impeach and remove Donald Trump from the presidency.……
Israeli officials to visit White House next week, vice president says…
The government and private lawyers for an indicted Russian outfit are sparring over the contours of an upcoming trial in Washington's federal trial court.…
A small team of agents spent years investigating whether one of Washington’s closest allies was involved in the worst terror attack in U.S. history. This is their story.… via @NYTimes
Investigators continued to investigate Saudi links to 9/11 even after high-level officials discounted connections.……
The trio, members of a secretive group within Russia’s military intelligence agency, are accused of trying to kill an arms dealer, his son and one of his top executives in 2015.………
Re The classified McGarrity declaration reasonably could be expected to cause significant harm to the national security, and I therefore
formally assert the state secrets privilege over this information .…
Trump to inform Netanyahu, Gantz on 'dramatic' peace plan development…
Both men presented at President Clinton's impeachment in 1999, which stand in almost laughable contradiction to the arguments they now seek to present.…
Deals with Microsoft, IBM and Google reveal the power medical providers have in deciding how patients’ sensitive health data is shared………
Page agreed that he was on the RIS books."
The young Saudi man says the FBI saved him from becoming the next Jamal Khashoggi.…
Multiple Democrats on the House panel seen discussing latest Supreme Court justice's possible impeachment……
The president welcomes foreign interference. No wonder we’ve outsourced cybersecurity.
⚠️Be wary of any CO that offers its services for free & scrupulously research their investors.…
The two camps are working together, Soros says in Davos
Firm’s goal is maximum profit without regard to harm, he says…
Sixteen-member group of law enforcement officials has nine months to study array of topics affecting police………
H/T @LadyNico……
A secret domestic terrorism investigation revealed that the violent neo-Nazi group was recruiting cells across the United States.……
Pastoral guidance also calls for Christians in gay or straight civil unions to be abstinent🙄…
Riyadh builds alliances with Western news outlets to reshape its image, battle rivals…
“Transnational organized crime figured out that if they can own *all* the media (including SOCIAL MEDIA), and control what we see, think, feel, talk about, hear, know…”
Lisbon police say they are prepared to help with Angolan corruption investigation after death of EuroBic manager Nuno Ribeiro da Cunha…
#Superseding #Incoming………
But popular protests show potential for democratic renewal…
From a burial site in Cameroon, archaeologists recovered human genetic material dating as far back as 8,000 years.…
How One Man Is Recreating Lost Colors
In an East London studio, Pedro da Costa Felgueiras spends his time stirring up ancient hues that are now too costly (or dangerous) to make.…
Are we a Democracy or are we a third world Banana Republic?
If Trump is acquitted, & he will be acquitted by his corrupt co-conspirators, we will have a completely lawless malignant sociopath at the helm.
There will be nothing to stop him from doing anything.
In a more positive note, Rep Schiff nailed the issues tonight in his inspiring speech tonight.
He nailed the heart of the issue — does the US have any checks & balances that will effectively curb a lawless president?
That question is before every US Senator.
Apologies in advance if I don’t respond to your reply- my notifications clog & don’t load. DM me or @ me again to get my attn if important. Thank you.
January 23, 2020
Rest well #TeamPatriot #USVIA