, 171 tweets, 78 min read
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Okay folks, let's get this party started. Welcome to your #ImpeachmentHearing thread! For your following/muting needs, I'll be tagging these with #ImpeachmentInquiry, #ImpeachmentHearing, and/or #ImpeachingHearings.
Unlike the previous #ImpeachmentHearings, this hearing won't include witnesses to #Trump n' Co's shenanigans. Instead, this hearing is about legal and constitutional theory. It's a panel of nerds, folks, and I am HERE FOR IT.
Oh god. Jim Jordan just sat down. Thor save us all. #ImpeachmentHearing #ImpeachmentInquiry #ImpeachmentHearings
Wow. WOW. Chairman Nadler gavels in the #ImpeachmentHearing and doesn't even get a full sentence out before the GOP starts up with their usual shenanigans. This is gonna be a BS-hootenanny.
Today's House Judicial Committee #ImpeachmentHearing will use format the Intel Committee used:

1. Opening Statements (probably not a lot of tweeting)
2. Majority/Minority Counsel Q&A (probably not a lot of tweeting)
3. Committee Members' Q&A (probably lots of tweeting)
Here are the members of today's #ImpeachmentInquiry panel:

Noah Feldman: hls.harvard.edu/faculty/direct…

Jonathan Turley: law.gwu.edu/jonathan-turley

Pamela Karlan: law.stanford.edu/directory/pame…

Michael Gerhardt: law.unc.edu/people/michael…
Chairman Nadler talks about the historical context of impeachment, what the framers had in mind, legal precedent etc. Ranking Member Collins, by contrast, opens his opening statement by making fun of stickers.

#ImpeachmentHearing #ImpeachmentInquiry
Collins: This is about how you all just don't like the guy [#Trump]! You haven't liked the guy since November 2016!

Oh buddy, we've hated him a *lot* longer than that.

#ImpeachmentHearing #ImpeachmentInquiry
We've all checked to make sure that Collins hasn't been in cahoots with Giuliani n' crew, right? I mean, we forgot to vet Nunes a couple of weeks ago so...

#ImpeachmentHearing #ImpeachmentInquiry
Collins is good at shouting, but bad at using full and understandable sentences.

#ImpeachmentHearing #ImpeachmentInquiry
Collins: This all started with tears in Brooklyn!


#ImpeachmentHearing #ImpeachmentInquiry
OFFS. Collins raises an inquiry. They do a voice vote. Collins calls for a voice vote. Before the voice vote can be recorded, Collins tries to derail it.

#ImpeachmentInquiry #ImpeachmentHearing
GOP: *How* will the rules be applied today?

Nadler: They'll be applied according to the rules.

GOP: But HOW, though? You're not answering the question!


(phrasing, obviously, mine)

#ImpeachmentInquiry #ImpeachmentHearing
Holy f*ck. The GOP won't even let the witnesses deliver their opening statements uninterrupted.

#ImpeachmentHearing #ImpeachmentInquiry
Oh nice. Feldman uses his opening statement summary time to explain exactly how the framers took elections into account when deciding whether or not a President could be impeached.

This will not stop the GOP from being jackasses, but gold star for effort!


Feldman: Trump's conduct, based on the facts and evidence presented thus far, *clearly* committed an impeachable offense.

I like this Feldman guy.

#ImpeachmentHearing #ImpeachmentInquiry
Aaaaaand, of course, as soon as Feldman finishes speaking, GOP member calls for the hearing to be postponed.

The "you proved me wrong so I'm gonna run away" approach. How very GOP.

#ImpeachmentHearing #ImpeachmentHearings #ImpeachmentInquiry
I should note that there are different GOP reps doing the interrupting, but since it's all done with the same goal, to derail the hearing as much as possible, I'm saving tweet characters by lumping them all under the same label.

Okay, back to the #ImpeachmentHearings
Oh wow, Karlan comes out swinging HARD.

"I did the reading, did you? I am *INSULTED* that you would think any of us wouldn't." (phrasing mine)

I like her. She's gonna give Jordan a run for his money, for sure.


Okay, I don't just like this woman. I think I love her. You are my new favorite witness, Professor Karlan.

Professor Karlan is *AMAZING*.

#ImpeachmentHearings #ImpeachmentInquiry
Gerhardt: If Congress fails to impeach here, then the impeachment process has lost all meaning and we'll have a King on American soil.

So far, all of the witnesses/panelists are absolutely *for* impeaching #Trump, because THE LAW SAYS WE HAVE TO.

Ruh-Roh, Turley, the witness the GOP was counting on just admitted *under oath* that he didn't vote for #Trump. He's still anti-impeachment, but he just lost every friend he has on the GOP side of the aisle.

Turley clearly was hoping the line about his dog would get him a laugh.

It didn't.

Unlike the first three witnesses who were straightforward and passionate about the legalities at play here, Turley is the guy who will call me "sweetie," and then tell me to smile before he mansplains my own work back to me as if he thought of it himself.

Witness opening statements are done. Nadler thanks them and immediately GOP calls for a subpoena for the Whistleblower.

Changing the subject: it's what you do when you realize that *nobody* on the panel is going to say what you want to hear.

For those keeping score at home, ALL of the witnesses have denounced #Trump n' Co's behavior. Even the guy the GOP was counting on to back them up is only objecting to impeachment on the basis of PROCESS, not the substance of the potential charges.

Majority Counsel's turn to ask questions. OMG, could this guy speak any slower?

Counsel: Did #Trump abuse his office and commit an impeachable offense?

Feldman: Yup
Karlan: Totes
Gerhardt: What they said.

Counsel: Moving on.

Turley: *pouts*

#ImpeachmentHearings #ImpeachmentInquiry
Feldman: If we cannot impeach a President for using his office for *personal* gain, we no longer live in a democracy. We live in a monarchy or a dictatorship.


#ImpeachmentHearings #ImpeachmentInquiry
Y'all, this is a class on constitutional history and law and I LOVE IT.

I am in Legal-Nerd-Heaven, y'all.

#ImpeachmentInquiry #ImpeachmentHearings
Majority Counsel: Hey Turley, didn't you write that "impeachment doesn't require a statutory crime?"

Turley: Well, I mean, if you...

Counsel: It's a yes or no question, dude.


#ImpeachmentHearings #ImpeachmentInquiry
Karlan: Look, if you all don't impeach this President based on his conduct then you're saying that it's fine to go and do this again. It's your responsibility to make sure that all Americans get to vote in a free and fair election.

Karlan: ["High crimes and misdemeanors"] was included because there's stuff like computer files, wiretapping, etc that the framers knew they wouldn't be able to anticipate so they needed something that would protect the country as it aged. (phrasing mine)

Counsel: Would the framers say that #Trump had betrayed the national security or national interest?

Oooh....is someone trying to build a case for treason? Iiiiiiiiinteresting.

#ImpeachmentHearings #ImpeachmentInquiry
Counsel: Do #Trump's demands on Ukraine *legally* fit the crime of bribery?

Karlan: Oh totes.

Counsel: Can you explain, please?

Karlan: You bet your ass. (phrasing mine, obvs)

I love her so much.

Karlan: Look, the framers weren't talking about bribery as it is outlined in federal law BECAUSE THERE WAS NO FEDERAL LAW THEN.

That this has to be explained tells you so much about where we are as a country right now.

#ImpeachmentHearings #ImpeachmentInquiry
Karlan: The constitution of the United States DOES. NOT. CARE who the next President is. The only thing that the constitution cares about is that the elections are fair.


#ImpeachmentHearings #ImpeachmentInquiry
Feldman: The possibility that the President might get caught in the act and is not able to pull it off does not mean that an impeachable act didn't occur. THE ATTEMPT ITSELF is the impeachable act.

Law 101 stuff here, but given the GOP's behavior....

Karlan: SOLICITATION is the impeachable act, not the end result.

Counsel: What happens if he isn't held accountable?

Karlan: We've seen it. Trump went out on the WH lawn and told China that it should investigate the Bidens now.

Gerhardt: Every President who has been subject to impeachment has FAILED IN THEIR EFFORT. That doesn't mean they suddenly didn't deserve to be impeached.

Feldman: A President who refuses to comply with a Congressional Inquiry is putting himself ABOVE THE LAW and that is a really really big deal.

Counsel shows video of #Trump saying that Article 2 gives him the power to do whatever he wants.

Feldman: As a constitutional expert and horror, that quote struck a sort of horror in me. (phrasing NOT mine)

Counsel is spelling out each action #Trump took to keep people from testifying and getting Gerhardt to say that each of them is an example of obstruction of justice.

In a sane word Trump would be so so hosed right now.

I miss living in a sane world.


Karlan reads a quote into the record from someone who said that foreign citizens do not have a constitutional right to participate in our democratic activities.


I love her so much, y'all.

Majority Counsel's time is done. Chairman Nadler declares a "10 minute humanitarian recess" before Minority Counsel's turn.

I think that's Congressional Politeness for "most of us are old dudes and we all have to pee."

#ImpeachmentHearings #ImpeachmentInquiry
Looks like we're gaveling back in. Now it's Ranking Member/Minority Counsel's turn to ask questions. This should be...something.

#ImpeachmentHearing #ImpeachmentInquiry
Collins starts his question time to attack Nadler.

Because the GOP, y'all.

#ImpeachmentHearing #ImpeachmentInquiry
Collins: We haven't gotten a bunch of stuff that we asked to get! It's being withheld! There has to be a reason!

Yeah, his name is #Trump and he's your boss.

Oh wait, that *wasn't* what you meant? My bad.

#ImpeachmentHearing #ImpeachmentInquiry
Oh hey. Now Collins is complaining about the temperature and his chair.

The GOP: We'll talk about anything to keep the focus off of what actually matters.

#ImpeachmentHearing #ImpeachmentInquiry
Wow. WOW.

Turley: Thankfully for Mr. Schiff and his constituents, his career will soon be over.

Someone must have gotten a phone call during the recess.

#ImpeachmentHearings #ImpeachmentInquiry
Turley: We really shouldn't try to guess what the framers intended.

Seriously, bro?

#ImpeachmentHearing #ImpeachmentInquiry
Holy hell. Turley is also trying to argue that bribery only applies to the exchange of MONEY.

Also? Collins isn't asking any questions. He's just letting Turley pontificate.

#ImpeachmentHearing #ImpeachmentInquiry
Turley is saying that the reasons for Impeachment must be crimes as they are defined and recognized in other courts.

No they don't. There's a reason the Impeachment clause is its own thing where they spell out all of the rules.

Turley: You all are saying that the WH has to just turn over whatever documents Congress wants or it's obstruction of Congress and you'll be impeached!


#ImpeachmentInquiry #ImpeachmentHearings
Turley: You can't have obstruction of justice unless the case is happening in court.

NOPE. Not true. Not even close. WTAF, dude.

#ImpeachmentHearing #ImpeachmentInquiry
Turley's voice bothers me. It's so condescending. Just because #Trump only understands stuff at a toddler level doesn't mean the rest of us don't grok what you're doing, dude.

#ImpeachmentHearings #ImpeachmentInquiry
Collins: We should talk about CONGRESS'S obstruction of justice! Members are withholding stuff from other members! We wanna see stuff and they won't let us see it!

OR you just haven't bothered to go get it yet.

Turley: Impeachments are like buildings. You have to have a foundation proportional to your height.

Someone knows *exactly* who his audience is.

Uh-oh, Turley just accidentally said "I mean, if you can *prove* a quid-pro-quo." Collins immediately jumped in to start rambling. Turley is so done.

#ImpeachmentHearings #ImpeachmentInquiry
Turley is lamenting the partisanship and how polarized we are.

You do know who wanted you to testify, right?

#ImpeachmentHearings #ImpeachmentInquiry
Minority Counsel: Check it out, I brought visual aids!

That's more than the Intel Committee's Minority Counsel did, I'll give you that.

Turley: We should learn from Adams and Jefferson who reached out to each other to reconcile before they died. And they did. That's something we should all aspire to.

Oh honey. Read a book.

#Turley: This isn't the right time to impeach. It's too crazy and volatile. But you can't wait until calmer times.

So...it's never the time to impeach. Got it.

I'll give Minority Counsel this, he does seem to be better prepared than the Intel's Minority Counsel was.

His arguments and questions are terrible, but he doesn't seem to be trying to come up with them on the spot.

Never mind, I take it back. Minority Counsel is now literally reading from a 1755 dictionary to try to *legally* define high crimes and misdemeanor.

Minority Counsel: If you look at the TRANSCRIPT of #Trump's call...

We never got an actual transcript and you know it.

Turley: You need to stick the landing on a quid-pro-quo. You need to proof that it actually happened.

Just because you lie in a bedtime-story voice doesn't mean you're not lying.

Minority Counsel yields back and Nadler uses the moment to say that "This is when the White House or its counsel could have had its counsel question the witnesses but they declined our invitation."


Nadler: Turley said that bribery can't be impeachable because it's not being met under current court statutes?

Feldman: The CONSTITUTION ITSELF is law. It's the highest law in the land.


Nadler: Turley says that as long as #Trump claims absolute immunity, we can't charge him with obstruction of Congress, is that true?

Gerhardt: Nope. It's a direct assault on the legitimacy of this inquiry and this body's power.

Karlan: Oh you want to read from old dictionaries, bro? GAME ON. *goes on to read the definition of bribery from a 1792 dictionary that proves #Trump's quid pro quo was totally bribery*

Collins's last 5 minutes. He's using that time to attack Nadler and to accuse Feldman of pandering to the cameras.

Wow. Y'all got NOTHIN'.

Collins: Facts really don't matter if they don't fit into what we want to do.

Were you supposed to admit that out loud? Oh, wait, you were trying to accuse the Democrats of that. You're cute.

Rep Lofgren: You wanna talk about previous impeachments? I WAS THERE. Let me remind you all what ACTUALLY HAPPENED.


Oh hey, there's a vote in the House so we're recessing again. Thank goodness. I've had a LOT of soda this morning.

The #ImpeachmentHearing is about to gear back up. To catch you up, we've had opening statements and Majority and Minority Counsel Q&As. We're a few members in to the "everybody gets five minutes" part of the hearing. #ImpeachmentInquiry #ImpeachmentHearings
So far, 3/4 of the panel say that #Trump's conduct has absolutely been worthy of impeachment. They're answering questions succinctly and clearly without dumbing anything down.

#ImpeachmentHearing #ImpeachmentInquiry
The 1/4 that is anti-impeachment seems to know exactly why he's there (to defend Trump), but I don't know how strongly he believes his own arguments. It's hard to tell underneath the condescension. (Full disclosure: dude's voice bugs me. A LOT.)

Since we have a sec, I want to make clear: It's *good* that there is a dissenting voice on this panel. The debate over nuance is important and the solicitation of varying expert opinions is exactly what should happen. Debate is an essential to the process.

Okay, we're gaveled back in. It's Rep Sensenbrenner's turn. He's using his time to say that Biden is the real problem and the REAL source of the quid-pro-quo.

Blaming Biden! Everybody eat a cookie!

Sensenbrenner: I want to talk to you Turley because you're the only person who didn't seem to have his mind made up before he walked in the door.

Karlan is soooooo going to be waiting for him in the parking lot after this.

Karlan: While the President can name is son Barron he can't actually *make him one*. He is not a King.

That's going to get some play on the networks.

#ImpeachmentHearings #ImpeachmentInquiry
Rep Lee: Is having foreign interference in our elections really that bad? Why?

Karlan: YES! If we allow foreign interference in our elections then we are not truly free or self-governing.

That's going to be on the test, kids. Make sure you write it down.

Feldman: Attempting to abuse his office *is* abusing his office. It is especially true if you only stop because you got caught.

Intent matters. We all know this but so few of these GOP bozos are willing to accept it.

Rep Chabot: Why aren't we hearing from fact witnesses like Adam Schiff or Hunter Biden?!

Really. Really bro?

Quick Note: AT NO POINT has Chairman Nadler ever said that this will be the *only* Judiciary Committee #ImpeachmentHearing. The GOP is acting in bad faith here, but what else is new?

Cohen: I get it, the Democrats don't like his tweets.

My dude, your boss thinks his tweets are official and legally binding proclamations.

Chabot: We could be doing so many other things! We could be passing bills!

You mean like the hundreds the House has already passed and that McConnell refuses to bring up for a vote?

#ImpeachmentHearing #ImpeachmentInquiry
My bad, I credited the tweet quote to Cohen. It was Chabot.

Feldman is now explaining the grammar in the Constitution and why it matters. SO MUCH NERDERY. OMNOMNOMNOM

#ImpeachmentHearings #ImpeachmentInquiry
NICE. Cohen asks Karlan for exact facts that led her to believe that #Trump abused his office and of course she has them ready. She doesn't need to look them up.

FYI, for her, it's Sondland's saying all Trump wanted was the APPEARANCE of investigations)

Cohen: Mr Turley you say you're An Article One Guy but you're saying that Congressional subpoenas don't have to be respected? WTAF?!

#ImpeachmentHearings #ImpeachmentInquiry
Gohmert: Why aren't we talking to fact witnesses??

Your bro already used this excuse, my dude. Pay attention.

Gohmert: We need people who actually know FACTS, not just people who HEARD STUFF.

Oh hey, the "I'm going to totally misrepresent what hearsay actually means" approach. An oldie but a grossie.

Gohmert: Schiff stole people from the White House!

Wait, what?

#ImpeachmentHearings #ImpeachmentInquiry
Gohmert: We need to talk to [some dude] because he has ties to Italy and there was Italian stuff in the last election!

Again: Wait, what?

#ImpeachmentHearings #ImpeachmentInquiry
I don't think Gohmert asked a single question.

#ImpeachmentInquiry #ImpeachmentHearings
Feldman: The framers wanted the PEOPLE to be the sovereign in our country. The President works for the sovereign, he works for the people.


#ImpeachmentInquiry #ImpeachmentHearings
Feldman: When the President uses his office to ask for a favor it is not something someone can refuse. ANYBODY ELSE can be turned down when they ask for a favor, but not the President.

Hey, now we know why Giuliani is over there.

Oh god. Jim Jordan's turn. Thor save us all.

#ImpeachmentHearings #ImpeachmentInquiry
Jordan: [yelling about the depositions for some reason] EVERY DEMOCRAT QUESTION GOT ANSWERED, NO REPUBLICAN QUESTIONS GOT ANSWERED.

Because all you guys were doing was trying to out the Whistleblower which is *illegal*.


#ImpeachmentHearing #ImpeachmentInquiry
Jordan yields back without asking any questions. Of course he does.

#ImpeachmentInquiry #ImpeachmentHearings
Karlan: Maybe when he was first running for President he could think "Russia if you're listening" was an okay thing to do, but three years in, asking Ukraine the same thing? He HAD TO KNOW that was an abuse of his powers. He did it anyway. #ImpeachmentHearings #ImpeachmentInquiry
Turley: One of the things we're talking about here is abuse of office. I'm not even sure how to recognize that, let alone define it.

If that's true, you should never have graduated law school.

#ImpeachmentInquiry #ImpeachmentHearings
Rep Buck: Let's talk about all of the stuff Democrat Presidents did. Were *these* things impeachable?

Turley: I mean, sure? I guess?

Oh sure. THAT you know.

#ImpeachmentInquiry #ImpeachmentHearings
Buck: What about Obama and Benghazi?! Huh? What about that?

Obama AND Benghazi. That's gotta get somebody an #ImpeachmentHearings bingo.

Buck: Isn't it true that some people live in an ivory tower and some of us live in a swamp--

And somewhere on AF1, #Trump is now throwing a fit because he thinks Buck said Trump tower is made of ivory when, clearly, it is made of GOLD.

Ratcliffe's turn. Or, as I like to call him, Jim Jordan Jr.

Ratcliffe: Don't you think that if we impeach Trump because he won't turn documents over or let witnesses testify that we're committing an abuse of power?

Turley: Oh hell yes.

I do not believe you.

Ratcliffe: So #Trump hasn't done anything wrong?

Turley: Not on this record.


Oh sh*t: Richmond starts his questioning by reading Turley's own words back to him, re: abuse of power and intent.

Look, obviously, people can change their minds over time. But Turley's flip flopping here feels suspect.

Karlan: A President who thinks of himself first without thinking about the needs of the country he serves is violating his oath of office!


Karlan: I'd like to ask all of the Minority members on this committee is "If you believed that #Trump solicited foreign interference in the election to help him win would you vote to impeach him?"


Turley: It's not that abuse of power isn't ever an impeachable offense. It's that you haven't proven it here, because you haven't been talking to the right people!

The "right" people are being barred from testifying by #Trump, WHICH YOU KNOW.

Roby: I don't think we should impeach #Trump because it would divide the country.

Not impeaching Trump is going to *kill* our country. You do know that, right?

Roby: Process is essential to this institution.

She's right. Maybe she should tell her boss to stop f*cking it up.

#ImpeachmentHearings #ImpeachmentInquiry
Karlan: Only KINGS say "us" when they mean "me."

That's gonna be a t-shirt by the end of the day. Count on it.

#ImpeachmentHearings #ImpeachmentInquiry
Rep Gaetz: The will of the people elected Donald Trump President of the United States in 2016!


#ImpeachmentHearings #ImpeachmentInquiry
Gaetz: Mr. Gerhardt, you donated to Obama didn't you?

Wow. WOW. Y'all are suuuuuuuuuuper desperate, aren't you.

This is pathetic even by GOP standards.

#ImpeachmentHearings #ImpeachmentInquiry
Feldman: Until the phone call in July I was an Impeachment skeptic, the phone call changed my mind.


#ImpeachmentHearing #ImpeachmentInquiry
Gaetz: Karlan, you donated a bunch of money to Hillary but not as much to current candidates. Why?

Karlan: Because I've been donating more money to charity because of all of the poor people in this country who need help.


Gaetz is full on attacking Karlan. When she tries to defend herself, he yells: YOU DON'T GET TO INTERRUPT ME ON MY TIME!!

This is disgusting.

#ImpeachmentHearings #ImpeachmentHearing
Gaetz: If wiretapping is a federal offense then maybe it's a different President we should be impeaching!

A) It is a federal offense.
B) You think we have multiple acting Presidents of the United States?

#ImpeachmentHearings #ImpeachmentHearing
Rep Cicilline: What happens if we fail to act?

Feldman: Then you're telling future Presidents that it's not a problem if they put the needs of foreign countries ahead of our own.

#ImpeachmentHearings #ImpeachmentInquiry
Rep Johnson: We know that *everything* here is disputed!

By your boss. Not by anybody who actually knows what facts and the law are.

#ImpeachmentHearings #ImpeachmentInquiry
Johnson: This whole production is a sham.

You're a sham.

#ImpeachmentHearing #ImpeachmentInquiry
Johnson: A bunch of Democrats have already voted for impeachment! So much for an impartial jury!

Way to show you don't know how anything works, bro.

Johnson: Turley was right when he said that this is just not how the impeachment of a President is done!

You mean with one of the political parties literally killing itself to serve him? You're not wrong about *that* at least.

Johnson: Do you know what the biggest threat to the country is?

You and the rest of your GOP cronies? Mitch McConnell?

Swalwell: Turley, we all know you're here to represent the GOP and their interests.

Turley: That's not my intention, sir.


Swalwell: This isn't just about #Trump asking Ukraine to investigate a political opponent. It's about the withholding of military aid and a WH visit if they *didn't* do what he wanted.


#ImpeachmentHearings #ImpeachmentInquiry
Oh hey, another recess!

And we're back! Rep Biggs is talking about #Trump using the "royal 'we'" when talking to Ukraine.

Trump doesn't know what the "royal 'we'" is. Nice try.

Ah, we're digging deeper into the "attack the witnesses" GOP defense.

After all, when you no longer have legs to stand on, yank someone else's out from under them, amirite?

#ImpeachmentHearings #ImpeachmentInquiry
Biggs: You're supposed to be here to testify about the law, but you all came in having pre-judged and with pre-conceived ideas.

They're not *jurors*, dumbass.

#ImpeachmentHearings #ImpeachmentInquiry
Rep Lieu: We're not in a criminal proceeding. We're not trying to decide whether to send someone to prison. This is a civil matter.

Wouldn't it be great if your GOP committee members knew the difference?

#ImpeachmentHearings #ImpeachmentInquiry
NICE. Rep Lieu is using the GOP's own "precedent" argument to prove their arguments are BS.

This is why you don't rely on the Cliff's Notes, you actually need to read the book.

#ImpeachmentHearings #ImpeachmentInquiry
Rep McClintock: With a show of hands how many of you voted for #Trump?

Karlan: We are not required to tell you who we voted for!

McClintock: Yu-huh.

Nadler: He can ask, but you're not required to answer.

#ImpeachmentHearings #ImpeachmentInquiry
McClintock: Okay okay, show of hands: how many of you *supported* President Trump in 2016?


McClintock: A-HA!

Feldman: Refusing to answer isn't the same as giving you the answer you want.

Yeah, but to the GOP it is. Know why? They're jackasses.

Rep Lesko's turn: I want to add a letter I wrote about cancelling all future impeachment hearings to the record.

Nadler: Sure, yeah. Whatevs. *sigh*

Lesko: Cool, thanks. Now I'm going to attack you.

Me: *headdesk* *headdesk* *headdesk*

Lesko: Did #Trump commit an impeachable offense? NO.

Uh, YES HE DID. A whole bunch of them.

Lesko: Let me read what the transcript actually says.


Rep Reschenthaler: Speaker Pelosi said that the reasons for impeachment must be *compelling*. Well, after last month's SCHIFF SHOW--

Really, bro?

Reschenthaler: About the quid-pro-quo, er, sorry, we're calling it bribery now because of the focus group. And there's not any of that either.

If you truly think that quid-pro-quo and bribery are totally different, you have no place on this committee.

Demings: Y'all keep screaming about not hearing from the right witnesses or seeing the right documents. You know why we haven't? YOUR GODDAMN BOSS.

(phrasing mine, but barely)


#ImpeachmentHearing #ImpeachmentInquiry
Demings: Isn't it fair to say that if a President stonewalls an inquiry it renders the need for an inquiry moot?

Feldman: Yes, because it shows that he's refusing to accept the legitimacy of the body as a check, which is an impeachable offense itself.

Rep Cline begins his 5 minutes by talking about people watching TV.

I'm running out of evens to can't over here.

Cline: The committee I idolized growing up is dead. We don't even get the same room anymore and I don't know why. Maybe it's because the portraits of the Presidents on the walls would intimidate the members on the other side.

Are. You. Serious. Right. Now.

Cline: I didn't get to go to the depositions held by the Intel Committee in the SCIF. Why? It's so not fair, y'all.

And did you pass your security clearance background check? Why don't you share those results with the class?

Oh no. Cline yielded to Ratcliffe, who laments how "painful" it was to listen to Mueller talk about obstruction of justice.

Because it was TRUE?

#ImpeachmentHearing #ImpeachmentInquiry
Armstrong: I don't know much, I'm just an old criminal prosecutor and each crime needs to meet 3 criteria.

You graduated from law school and don't know that Impeachment is a CIVIL proceeding, not a criminal one?

You should get your money back.

Oh jeez. Armstrong yields to Jordan who starts shouting at Professor Karlan. This should be good.

Jordan is losing his sh*t (like usual) and Karlan is just calmly watching him as he unravels. He clearly wants to intimidate her. It's not working.

We're down to the last half hour or so of the Congressional Members' Q&A time. Everybody is getting squirrelly. This could go either way.

Feldman: By refusing to participate in these proceedings is to break the Constitution. It says that he cannot be checked, and if he can't be checked, then he is placing himself above the law.

Which, as we should all know by now, is ILLEGAL AND IMPEACHABLE.

And after some compelling Q&A where we establish that #Trump's efforts to thwart/kill this inquiry is in and of itself an impeachable offense, it's time for the Rep Steube to...not ask questions but attack Democrats.

Damn GOP, gotta ruin everything.

Rep Steube: We were fairer to terrorists in Iraq than we have been to #Trump! I know because I served in Iraq!

Dude, just stop.

Steube: Mr. Chairman, when do we [GOP] get to have our hearings!?

Nadler: *rolls eyes*


Nadler: You are recognized to ask WITNESSES questions, not me.


We are SO CLOSE to being done for the day, y'all. SO CLOSE. We can do this!

#ImpeachmentHearing #ImpeachmentInquiry
Rep Escobar is the last Committee member to ask questions today. She's getting the panel on the record about why corruption can't be dealt with solely via elections. This is a really smart thing to do.

#ImpeachmentHearings #ImpeachmentInquiry #ImpeachmentHearing
Rep Escobar is an incredibly strong closer. Her five minutes have definitely been worth the wait.

#ImpeachmentHearings #ImpeachmentInquiry #ImpeachmentHearing
And now it's time for Collins's closing remarks. They are, predictably, ridiculous.

#ImpeachmentHearings #ImpeachmentInquiry
Chairman Nadler's turn for closing remarks. He's starting with George Washington and Collins is *pissed*.

#ImpeachmentHearings #ImpeachmentInquiry
Nadler is just listing out all of the things #Trump has done that are impeachable. It's a long and scary list.

#ImpeachmentHearings #ImpeachmentInquiry
At any rate, today's #ImpeachmentHearing is adjourned! Thanks for reading alllllll these tweets, everybody! I really do appreciate it!

Real quick, before we go, I hope you'll indulge me in a bit of self promotion. I'm running a fundraiser over at GoFundMe to help me keep my bills paid while I cover #Trump, the #ImpeachmentHearings, and other political stuff. If you'd like to help out, links are in my next tweet!
If GoFundMe isn't your thing, I also accept donations via PayPal, Venmo, CashApp, and Kofi! Here are those links I promised:


Okay gang, that's it for me! Thanks again for reading! You are all the very bestest! I officially declare this #ImpeachmentHearing thread FÍN.
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