He thought Osama Bin Laden was "tall", "handsome", and "very charismatic?"
I'm sorry, if you don't see anyone talking about him on TV, how do you possibly know that he's tall?

Especially something that would indicate you had some point of reference to his height relative to yours?
Sure, there are photos of him walking with his entourage, but... it's not like there's anyone there who Trump would know the relative height of.
Continuing below.
Look at some of the photos that exist.
(it REALLY doesn't want to let me post this link. I know nothing about the source, but there are pre-2000 photos of OBL on this page)
http://thefederalistpapers .org/ us/rare-new-photos-of-osama-bin-laden-and-his-secret-compound-finally-surface-photos
It's not like there's a Tiger Beat for fans of terrorism... right?

And you will KNOW it.
If I see a photo of someone who is 4'8" - without annotation - I'm not going to remember, let alone mention that "they're short" in a press conference.
If their photos haven't been in the paper and on TV, if there aren't any points of comparison in the few photos you might have seen...
How do they become "tall" and "handsome" in your mind?