
High schools are inadequately & inequitably preparing students, especially Black students, even those from high income families, for college-level work. 6/16

Too many students are going to shoddy for-profit colleges. Too many qualified to go to four year colleges are going to community colleges where their likelihood of success is 30 percentage points lower as compared to similar students. 7/16
Some colleges are doing a good job in serving & graduating students, but others like #MichiganState are producing grossly inadequate & inequitable degree completion levels. Someone should tell @LJFamFoundation about #UAkron data below 8/16

Set aside #affirmativeaction & policies that undermine it. Why doesn't Harvard & the like enroll more students? Why is it year after year, they always seem to enroll only 6-7% Black students? @DrShaunHarper @mattyglesias 9/16
Racial minorities disproportionately major in academic areas & work in occupational fields that are not compensated at nearly the levels they should be (e.g. #nursing, social work, early childhood #education). 10/16
My grandfather used to tell me, "it’s not what you know, but who you know." I disagreed, resented the statement, and now know it was partially right. 11/16
H/T to @YoungInvincibles, @TomAllison & @kmugglestone on data indicating minorities essentially need to earn two extra degrees to match the employment outcomes of Whites. 12/16

Most family wealth rests in housing or the value of housing passed on over generations. Until relatively recently, redlining was legal. GenX is the first generation born after the #FairHousingAct. @ShaunDonovanNYC 13/16
For many minorities, pursuit of a graduate degree & assumption of the heavy indebtedness involved is in part a function of attempting to overcome items 1-9 above.
It's the icing on a bad cake. 14/16