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Feb 15th 2023
***New paper*** How do affirmative action's most common race-neutral alternatives comparatively reshape universities' enrollment of underrepresented minority (URM) and lower-income students?

Here's a thread of new evidence from California. #EconTwitter…
My own prior work has shown that affirmative action provided big admission advantages to URM Californians before the state banned AA in 1998.

The ban led URM students to cascade into less-selective universities, which had long-run economic consequences:…
The new study starts by taking a look at admission and enrollment at the University of California since the 1990s.

While URM enrollment seems to has "recovered" at Berkeley and UCLA since AA was banned, the recovery can be wholly explained by demographic trends in California. Image
Read 21 tweets
Dec 14th 2022
“We are deeply disturbed by the 20-yr track record that places Judge Alito on the far right of the judicial spectrum, esp when it comes to women’s & #civilrights. If #SamuelAlito is confirmed…many of our fundamental rights will be at great risk, & could well be lost entirely.”⬇️
2/Prophetic: “Dear Senator, NOW is strongly opposed to the elevation of Judge #SamuelAlito to the #SupremeCourt of the United States, and with every passing day, more information appears that re-confirms our opposition. We urge you to review his record, writings…
3/“…and judicial philosophy, and join us in opposing his nomination.Not only is NOW disappointed that President Bush has proposed to replace Justice Sandra Day O’Connor with yet another white male ultra-conservative, but we are deeply disturbed by the twenty-year track record…
Read 12 tweets
Nov 3rd 2022
Remember: The "hispanic" minority group was politically fabricated for the purpose of AA. The label artificially made "people of Spanish origin" into official minorities so that they could masquerade as POC and get preferences that were never intended for them. Image
This is what Mexican political groups wanted when they fought for this new designation. The thought of a "hispanic" minority group would not exist today if it were not for the 1964 civil rights act and Affirmative Action.…
All arguments in favor of AA fall short when it comes to the mystical "hispanic" minority group. Why should "Latinos" qualify for Affirmative Action in higher education if Latin American people were NEVER historically excluded from higher education in American history?
Read 5 tweets
Oct 31st 2022
Out of the gate, Strawbridge: "racial classifications are wrong" and violate the 14th A. This is precisely what the framers of the amendment did not believe. A distortion of history. #affirmativeaction
Let no one be taken in by this totally ahistorical claim. These folks know history is not on their side. That's why the Meese brief flat-out misrepresented the Civil Rights Act of 1866.…
Prelogar: Powerful evidence of laws, at time of 14A, that took race into account to bring African Americans to a point of equality. Petitioner has come forward with ESSENTIALLY NO HISTORY to support "colorblind" idea of the Constitution. Thank you.
Read 11 tweets
Oct 31st 2022
Oral arguments are getting started in the two Supreme Court cases challenging #AffirmativeAction. Listen live on the Court's website:
For everything you might hear today, remember these two cases challenging #AffirmativeAction were spearheaded by a white activist who has spent decades campaigning against racial equality with huge conservative financial backing.…
Justice Sotomayor is already pointing out one of the biggest flaws in the arguments against #AffirmativeAction: the myth that race is being used as a singular factor in admissions. All of the students admitted met the qualifications to these schools.
Read 7 tweets
Oct 31st 2022
I'll be closely following today's #affirmativeaction arguments in SCOTUS. While recent coverage has focused on court's legitimacy and arguments over the meaning of Brown, much of the argument comes back, as @kenji_yoshino says here to the 14th Amendment.…
"This has always been the crux of the affirmative action debate. Does the 14th A’s equal protection clause forbid racial classification itself or only racial classification that entrenches historical subordination?”
If you care what the amendment's framers thought, the evidence is clear: the equal protection clause does not forbid racial classification itself. Historians and legal scholars put that evidence into the record in this brief:…
Read 5 tweets
Oct 14th 2022
Today at 11am we're looking at the #SCOTUS case on #affirmativeaction with a panel of expert speakers including @johncyangdc of @Adv_Justice, David Hinojosa of @LawyersComm and Michaele Turnage-Young of @NAACP_LDF. Watch the livestream👉… Image
Welcome today's briefing, "Supreme Court Weighs Future of Affirmative Action — What’s At Stake for Students of Color?" Today's moderator is @sunita37.
#SCOTUS is expected to gut race based admissions, setting up a precedent for additional challenges to #affirmativeaction. What does this mean for students of color, asks EMS ED Sandy Close in her opening remarks.
Read 38 tweets
Jan 10th 2022
As many as 3-5% of admitted students at these elite Universities were under-qualified and over-privileged, given spots to leverage fundraising.

Lots of these schools barely have 5% Black students and TT faculty. #AcademicChatter #highereducation #highered
The other 15 universities in the lawsuit are @Brown, Cal Tech, Chicago, Columbia, Cornell, #Dartmouth, Emory, Georgetown, #MIT, #Northwestern, Notre Dame, Penn, Rice, Vanderbilt and #Yale.

Perhaps economically challenged superstar students will take their talents elsewhere.
I have *never* believed the racial #AffirmativeAction hype they tried to sell—that these alumni admits and full pay, overprivileged AA kids were smarter than we were. Please. Years of teaching affirm that under-resourced students can be so much smarter and more interesting too.
Read 4 tweets
Oct 8th 2021
The new #SAT report is out.

- Every racial group had a large participation decline
- Every racial group had a composite SAT score rise, except Hispanics (who are categorized as a separate racial group) & those who did not respond on race
- Natives rose 24 points
- Asians rose 23 Image
Men dropped their #SAT participation 30%; their composite score rose 13 points.

Women dropped their participation 32%; their composite score rose 6 points. ImageImage
Here are the graphs for racial averages on the verbal portion of the SAT and the mathematics portion. These are raw scores, in the sense that there are no corrections for reforms that change the points scale. ImageImage
Read 36 tweets
Oct 26th 2020
6% more scheduled castes (SC) students of govt schools got pre-matric scholarships (for grades 9 & 10) last year than in the previous year, per govt data submitted in #Parliament. ~2.8 mn students benefited. Follow this thread for details:…
From Apr to Sept 11, 2020, over 1.4 mn students from the scheduled tribes (ST) benefited from the scholarship, up 11% from 1.2 mn in 2019-20. The scholarship provides Rs 225 per month for day scholars and Rs 525 per month for hostellers #affirmativeaction…
Scholarships aim to increase SC, ST & OBC school/college enrollment & completion. In 2019-20, the govt spent Rs 352 cr on school scholarships for #SCs, up 200% from 2018-19 (Rs 115 cr) and Rs 201 cr for #OBCs, up 66% from Rs 121 cr #affirmativeaction
Read 9 tweets
Jan 27th 2020
Tweet storm here pegging off a recent report by @edtrust on systemic racism in #highered. There’s a lot in the report, but particularly shocking is new data on the Black student loan default crisis, yes crisis, that deserves much more discussion. 1/16…
@EdTrust Reported in the trade press & examined further by academics & wonks like @EduBenM is a finding first made by @rkelchen that nearly half of Black student loan borrowers default over a 12 year repayment period. Nearly 1/4th of Black bachelor degree holders default. Horrible. 2/16
@EdTrust @EduBenM @rkelchen I've tried to make the case that there's a moral imperative to extend the education reform paradigm to higher ed & suggested a series of policies in furtherance thereof. 3/16…
Read 16 tweets
Aug 16th 2019
Ich habe mir einige der #ProjectVeritas-Leaks zu #Google angesehen.

Bisher fand ich nix Interessantes.
So bilden etwa die Diversity-Dokumente wohl in erster Linie die allgemein bekannte Firmenpolicy ab. 😴💤

Aber ich lass mich gerne von Anderen eines Besseren belehren...
Nehmen wir zum #Diversity-Thema dieses Dokument't%20Be…

Ich glaube das finden wohl lediglich Leute problematisch, die der "FrauenAnDenHerd"-Fraktion angehören.

Aber vielleicht bin ich ja schon ein derartiges Opfer der Gehirnwäsche geworden...? 🤔😱😬
Zum Diversity-Thema wird das CoffeeBeans-Dokument als besonders kontrovers erwähnt von Project-Veritas…
sowie die Diskussion dazu…

Dabei geht es in erster Linie um die Diskussion zu #AffirmativeAction…

Read 3 tweets
Jun 27th 2019
Anticipation builds pending the release of the federal district ct’s post-trial opinion in the SFFA lawsuit challenging Harvard’s consideration of race in admission. Even at this stage, several knowable points that merit reflection. #sffavharvard #affirmativeaction

1. Despite the hype (it *is* Harvard), that trial-level judgment will be binding only with respect to the parties. It will not be precedential in any other sense, though to be sure, it will merit serious study and reflection.

2. Higher education leaders should neither over- nor under-react to the decision. (The press will, but that’s sorta their job. And they may try to get you to, as well.) Cases depend on facts, which in this context are necessarily tied to a particular setting.

Read 7 tweets
Jan 10th 2019
Ooh baby let’s break some of this down. What affirmative action and diversity & inclusion programs (flawed as some were/are) reveal is the lie of American #meritocracy & #bootstrapism.
Affirmative action & diversity programs have repeatedly sought out women, people of color & increasingly queer & disabled people for opportunities for which they are qualified. These programs consider experiences of oppression an important perspective these folks bring.
Further, when these programs occur in early education settings smart, creative & otherwise talented marginalized kids get to have their interests & skills nurtured in ways their families may not be able to provide either financially or bc of lack of awareness of such programs.
Read 14 tweets
Sep 12th 2018
#Trump’s nominee #Kavanaugh’s #confirmation to #SCOTUS is due tomorrow. Why is it dangerous and what to do: the last updates 👇 + comprehensive database of withheld documents by @velvetblade + action list.…
⬆ READ & SHARE: consider sharing; there are lawyers, journalists and other experts who might not have access to the information. RT or share on FB and Twitter with tags #StopKavanaugh #KavanaughConfirmationHearings
The most comprehensive database of the withheld documents available in the open sources and retrieved by a citizen journalist @Velvet Blade. ⬆ ⬆ ⬆
Read 9 tweets
Jan 4th 2018
This afternoon at #SPSA2018, I was on a #CWC panel about mentoring across genders. Below, I'll include my comments from the panel. In it, I speak candidly about my #gradschool #metoo moment. @SPSAwomen @SPSAwomen 1/n
In many ways, graduate school is designed to make students feel like impostors. It's a common experience, but it can be particularly damaging for members of groups that have traditionally lacked access to the higher ranks of our discipline. I’ll focus on women here. 2/n
For these folks, the feeling that they have “faked” or “charmed” their way into graduate school (or the #tenuretrack, etc.) can override objective evidence of their own diligence, intellect, and merit. 3/n
Read 21 tweets
Aug 2nd 2017
There’s solid evidence that Asians are discriminated against in admissions, but it’s wrong to attack #AffirmativeAction because of it. Image
In particular – we’ve somehow come to think that it’s OK that the children of college alumni get a leg up in admissions.
We’re talking about the children of the Ivy League – basically the most privileged people on the planet! Why do they need extra help?
Read 6 tweets

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