But what do they want? Will govt listen to them? Or do they just over-estimate how much No 10 really cares? I've tried to find out.
Letters, emails, WhatsApps go mostly unanswered. It's a "black box" as one trade chief tells me. And only 4-5 weeks before talks begin. eek/2

You need to know how decisions on say rules of origin will hit each product; and where the trade-offs are. Obvious really. /4

But truth is they aint getting one. So, another example... /6
And it is critical.../7
- UK has 4,000 customs agents
after #brexit
- up to 250,000 SMEs may find themselves doing customs declarations for first time.
- decs cd spike from 55m to 270m in a WTO scenario, per HMRC
So you'd think govt wd want to help? /8
The market will have to adjust, even though it takes 1-2 years to train agents...and the market still isn't really clear what it's adjusting to. /9
Some of the groups feels resigned to this; others accept that given some biz will be thrown under bus by Brexit, it makes sense for govt to do the dirty late /15
Winding up for a trade deal (kick off in March!) with minimal detailed interaction with impacted market segments.
And the 'party of business' apparently on a collision course with business /18
But it will be small business that will be least equipped to adapt. Is this nation of shopkeepers really prepared for what is to come? /19
I am a reporter. I can only report what I am told.
But instinctively, you'd think erecting all those barriers to trade, almost, overnight will have impact.
We'll find out soon enough. ENDS