I wonder who will have the stupidest question?
Starts with prayer. Praying for God to refresh our senators. (How about all the rest of us that had to watch this)
Pledge of allegiance
What if there were multiple motives.
Undertaker takes this one
Says if there is a mixed motive than that's even more reason to throw this piece of shit sham out the window because tou can't separate the motives.
Asks house managers if we need witnesses or book crap....so dems are going to use their questions to push their narrative...shocked 😲😲
Shitty Schiff of course answers we need Bolton!!!! Damnit!!!
Asks team Trump to respond to Schifty Schiff stupidity.
Undertaker takes that presents actual evidence of an email and the transcript itself to explain there was a question raised of burden sharing.
Two it shows that they will answer Dems narrative with facts and evidence.
Did house ask Bolton to testify in house?
Schiff said he did. Bolton and kupperman refused and kupperman took him to court. Bolton threatened to sue also. So they withdrew fake subpoenas.
What remains unclear is if he is the most boring speaker in history. 😏😏
Is the standard for impeachmant a lower standard in the house than conviction in the Senate.
Undertaker again.
Impeachment standard in house is just an accusation pretty much with little evidence needed
Whereas a conviction in the Senate needs evidence and proof beyond a reasonable doubt. The house managers have not met that standard.
Feinstein question next.
Brings up Mulveney's response Sondland conversation
And says ask Bolton. 🙄🙄🙄
House managers argue that Trump's actions against foreign policy. Isn't it the president that sets foreign policy.
Undertaker. Says yes it is. Article 2 of constitution says it is so. Elections are how we change foreign policy not by staffers.
From NH sen.
Says no crime was committed so does that mean he can't be impeached?
Glenn Close's clone answers that one.
Dems admit no crime was committed.
(What the hell are we doing here then)
We can impeach 🍊 man for anything. We are above the law damnit
Why did the house not challenge Trump's claim of executive privilege in court.
Lurch takes that one. They didn't challenge it because question didn't raise it. He did a blanket defense.
(Hmm that's executive privilege you nitwit)
Says the subpoenas were invalid because the house didn't vote. There was no blanket defiance.
House didn't want to go court.
Specific legal objectives. Not blanket defiance the dems just wanted it done before Christmas.
Says something about no harm no foul done.
Val demings answers that one by not answering that question. Something about 15,000 deaths during Obama admin.
Next ? From sen. Cruz
Alan answers that.
Cites mid East peace plan just released.
What if President says I'll withhold money until you renounce terrorism.
Only think that makes it a problem is if
Does it put money in his pocket?
If the quo isn't illegal it's not unlawful. Politics aren't illegal.
Says house manager do not allege that it was based on pure illegal decisions like corruption.
Shitty Schiff takes that one. Pushes the narrative that Pocahontas was pushing yesterday. It's group think time.
Schiff building strawman hope it burns.
Damn it's only 2:20 feels like 4:00pm
Next ? From sen. Grassley
Asks if the failure to enforce subpoenas by house render the article 2 unprecedented.
Undertaker....yes. you can't have obstruction if the obstructed doesn't fight it.
House mangers just took their ball and went home crying obstruction. Freaking snowflakes.
Would house managers care to correct the record on any falsehoods of team Trump....oh come on.....🙄🙄🙄🙄
Some big woman with a crappy hairdo answering that question.
Something about Ukraine not knowing anything about aid. Says some people did. 🙄🙄🙄
No witnesses not so Mulveney.(hmm Mulveney was never a witness) 🙄🙄🙄
She isn't correcting anything.
Missed the ?? Did the house seek to letigate anything?? Maybe.??
No they actually worked to stop the courts when they pulled the kupperman subpoena.
Address the argument that they seek to remove the president and overthrow and election and should be left to the election 2020 to decide.
Shifty Schiff is up.
Says if that was the case there wouldn't be an impeachment clause. Schiff seems to forget that two terms is a modern invention and not put in by the framers.
Hmm the Dems have admitted he didn't commit a crime ..but here we are....
Schiff started out strong and they went no where. Stupid is as stupid does.
Next ? Impeachment proceedings are privilege and stops all business on senate address the implications of allowing the house to send us this unfinished crap sandwich.
Undertaker says no trial goes to trial without discover and talked to witnesses.
(I'll vote to dimiss on This reason alone tbh)
Asks if Chief justice can call witnesses. And we aren't talking a long delay. ..Lurch says yes it's true. The Senate and chief justice can do our work for us quickly.
We need more witnesses. 🙄🙄🙄
This is such a shit show. Its like a typical congressional hearing on steroids. When will it end. Will we survive the shit show. Will a Dem ask a question of the Trump team will a gop ask a question of the house managers. ? Who cares.
Mentions Bolton. 🙄🙄
Crowman says we need documents and Bolton....of course we do🙄🙄
If Obama knew Mitt's son was a corrupt dweeb would he be impeached if he asked for an investigated?
. Schiff says of course not Obama was the golden one.
(Cough crossfire hurricane cough)
The hubris on this guy. 😏😏😏
Do we even need a stinking crime to impeach 🍊 man
Big woman with bad hairdo takes that one.
No we don't need no stinking crimes to impeach 🍊 man.
Are Senators wearing depends today or are they allowed to sneak out to the restroom for a smoke break and a tingle?
Autocorrect has to sit and wait to time it's correction at the perfect time. Too many coincidences.
Have no idea what she said. Lots of words with no meaning besides orange man is bad and must be impeached.
State why subpoenas were invalid.
Supreme Court precedent of separation of branches. Sole power of ImpeachBSment is assigned to the full house not to a queen or committee and the house didn't vote.
Queen Nancy isn't a queen and can't cut off our heads by her say so alone. .
Will there be snacks?
No that's isn't it.
Something about the duties of public service and explain to is how 🍊 man is bad and why we hate him.
Big Mac Naddy says orange man is really really really bad and we really really really hate him.
I'm out the door at 4:00pm regardless of what these idioits are talking about at that time. a man can only take so much and I can't take more.
Next ? GOP
Please respond to arguments of house managers.
Professor Jay
Says whoa the Dems want you to think this will be quick. I'm telling you it won't be if you call witnesses.
Jay explains that crossfire hurricane is exactly what Schiff was talking about.
Next ? From heelsup
Shitty Schiff takes that one.
We must impeach 🍊 man. He thinks he is king. Get this the president thinks he repents the country.🙄
Shitty Schiff says Orange man isn't the country. We must impeach the dictator. More impeachment porn from Heelsup and pencil neck.
That's it. We are in recess. (15-30mins)
I'll take this time to end the thread. As always thanks for following along. I seriously doubt very much, so very much, that I'll pick the thread up after recess.