Let's dig in & Expose our brother Sha"dab 😁
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If we go into his fb profile facebook.com/ashu.najar
This guy shares posts that says "Vote for Aam Aadmi Party"
Link : m.facebook.com/story.php?stor…

Iam not at all surprised
That language comes from indiscriminate ANTI HINDU HATE that's taught to them
Watch him mock "Gaumata" Because cow is worshipped by crores of Hindus
Our Gandhian @RahulEaswar
Was so happy to see him
Link m.facebook.com/story.php?stor…

@RahulEaswar addressed him as brother
But our so called "brother" Spreads FAKE PROPAGANDA against INDIAN ARMY @adgpi using fake propaganda media links that don't even open
Watch his hate against Indian Army
Link : m.facebook.com/story.php?stor…

sha'dab even supports Ter'ro'rist Burhan wani
Remember this guy was made a hero by Leftist lutyens media of India when a pellet hit his wrist 🤣
All drama just to fool Delhi voters against the negativity posts of #SharjeelImam
Link : m.facebook.com/story.php?stor…

Again the indiscriminate Anti Hindu, hinduphobic mindset of the guy who was recently made a hero by leftist lutyens media
he always targets hindus & their nationalism but never shares anything about Radical Isl'amic ter'rorism
How convenient 🤣

Watch shadab's vile propaganda & hate for Indian Army
Remember recently INDIAN FAKE PAID MEDIA made a hero out of him because a pellet hit his wrist
Hin'dus were immediately branded terr'orists
Link : m.facebook.com/story.php?stor…

Now comes the part 1 of the biggest expose of the entire thread
His Facebook profile flaunts the name "Shadab Najar"
But his actual name is "Shadab Farooq"
Watch his official statement 2nd pic (bottom)
link :

Shadab najar who is in real known as Shadab Farooq released his official statement on his whole injury in Jamia
He keeps on addressing the weapon of Gopal as a pistol which is actually a pellet gun
He is in fact lying & playing victim card

What's hilarious is shadab blames the entire incident of him getting injured by a pellet gun on Jamia Administration, VC & Delhi Police
He again says it was a bullet but in real it's a pellet 🤣
As usual he keeps lying openly