Either way, it is an embarrassment. What a shame.
For those who don't know, we don't collect respondent data and process the results within minutes.
That's not how it works.
@CNN hyped it and canceled at the last minute. No one knew there was a problem until now?
Very odd.
How is it that no one knew there was a problem until the last minute? Something isn't right here.
When was the decision formally made to pull the Iowa Poll?
When did the Des Moines Register tell CNN the Iowa Poll was not going to be released?
Because they looked frazzled at 8PM CST/9PM EST, and hyped it up all the way to the hour.
I wanted to learn more about the specifics before commenting further, but here it goes...
If the issue is with an interviewer, you'll notice a strange trend in their responses. It jumps right out at you. Because we're not talking about hundreds...
It is odd that this all seems very last minute. It's just not how it develops in the field.
Why wouldn't you just delay the release and extend collection another day? Clearly there was plenty of time, even if processing takes an extra pot of coffee.
Just makes no sense to junk it all.