Please make a cup of tea, find your best biscuits, and gather round for a thread on friendship, persistence, how we feel versus how things are, #GroundhogDay, and memorials.
Plus, she thought I was funny (true, but I don't show it often) – how could I not love that? 😊
She always said it was nothing, but it was SO much and I always told her so.
“It's Groundhog Day today - a day I don't have great associations with. I always think it's the day of the year when I feel the most anxious and aware of repeated, damaging behaviours.”
All you can do is control who *you* are now & onward. *You* set the example of how things should be for others to follow.
Because of her faithfulness. Because she was THERE *every single day*, without fail. Over and over and over again.
Much like Groundhog Day.
And so we did. 😇
I'll always be so glad to know her. Her voice is still in my head & her words still guide me. She may have worried about her own actions/inactions or not doing much for me/anyone, but she did in oh, SO many ways.
I don't think she ever truly believed how much she meant to me, just as she was, regardless of the differences between us. How much I owe her. How much better I am because of her.
(I may have ninety-nine problems, but anxiety like hers isn't one of them.)
Well, it's true and I am about to say it again. 😎
Every kindness, no matter how small, or imperfectly, adds to the pile of good things in the world.
To persist in being kind, in being brave, in lifting up another, and in making the world a better place.
I know you can do it, lovely people. 💕