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1/ Operational situation update/ #russian_invasion in #Ukraine on Feb 23, 2023
Situation is very difficult in north and East #Bakhmut but under control almost everywhere else except on the North where the situation is degrading like in #Berkhivka
Ongoing hard fights
2/ Russians are not able to capitalize at all in the directions of #Ivaniske or #TchassivYar #ChassivYar #ЧасівЯр
As i explained earlier this week, ru are kind of "trap" there in a giant "kill box" and they really don't realize it. so every day is #GroundhogDay
Good for Ukr
3/ So basically it is quite interesting because right now, like a rabid dog, #WagnerPMC are enjoying their progress on the north of #Bakhmut but at the same time they clearly still don't understand that they are wasting thousands of men in an area they can't control! dumb.
Read 33 tweets
I feel compelled to share an #UnpopularOpinion on #GroundhogDay

While the country is groaning because Phil saw his shadow, I'm reminded of the movie with #BillMurray & thinking about our community

We 're stuck in nightmare loops that keep replaying...Daily, Monthly, & Advocacy!
We seem to be in at least 3 loops, all of which seem to have us trapped.

🚩There is the daily loop.

We wake up in pain and fight our way through the day using whatever modalities we have on hand to manage the pain just enough to have some functionality.

Then we fight to sleep
🚩Then there is the monthly loop - at least for those who have a practitioner still prescribing.

We fill our meds and SOMETIMES that's day 1, other times day 1 is the next day.

We go through the month, safeguarding our meds ...
Read 14 tweets
At the heart of society lies a paradox.

Total disorder and total order are not opposites.

By failing to understand this, we fight about the wrong things and repeat the cycles of history.

A 🧵 about power, institutions, and life itself…

(or on medium)…
Imagine a society without any institutions. It’s not even a society at that point, really… no family structures, no schools, no police, no stores. It’s total disorder, breeding chaos, violence, and every man for himself.
Now imagine a system with absolute order. Everything is predictable with total conformity. This is an unnatural state, which can only be maintained by tyrants and their henchmen. North Korea comes to mind.
Read 16 tweets
2 de febrero... ¡Feliz Día de la Marmota a todos! Una de mis peliculísimas favoritas, con uno de mis actorísimos favoritos. Porque todo mejora con Bill Murray. ¿Abrimos hilo? Abrimos hilo. #cine #BillMurray #DíaDeLaMarmota #GroundhogDay
En España se tituló "Atrapado en el Tiempo", intento de originalidad que no sirvió de mucho, porque casi todo el mundo la conoce y se refiere a ella como "El Día de la Marmota". Hace referencia a una festividad real que se celebra el 2 de febrero en el pueblo de Punxsutawney.
#GroundhogDay está co-escrita y dirigida por el genial Harold Ramis, sobre un guion inicial de Danny Rubin. Escritor, director y actor. Ramis, el mismísimo Dr. Egon Spengler en #Cazafantasmas. Un catacrack.
Read 16 tweets
133.01/ Week one-hundred and thirty-three, January 28-February 3, 2023, thread begins here.

Week 132 below.
133.02/ #MotzeiShabbatMovieNight continues: one of the best superhero movies ever made, "Batman Returns"…
133.02b/ I'd forgotten all the explicit Moses/Exodus imagery in the movie. So it's perfect for tonight!
Read 24 tweets
How can we have a 2.5 hour presentation on the State of the Industry without a diverse voice on the panel? I’m looking at a pale, (mostly) male, and stale group. #GroundhogDay
I’m also acknowledging that I don’t know the discussions BTS on how this panel was crafted, but this is glaring. Frighteningly glaring.
And yet we, as an industry, scratch our heads at why young/diverse voices are not drinking wine.
Read 4 tweets
@ManduReid's leadership has will sadly become knownfor dismissing expertise & the majority view of Party members on self ID.

The Party's assembly was clear in its support of single-sex spaces, yet #wep #groundhogday brings back the same tired motion that was rejected previously
@ManduReid This week Reem Alsalem, the UN #VAWG rapporteur wrote to Hollyrood to intervene on similar self ID policies (#GRRBill).

It is unacceptable to WEP party members that her voice, alongside ours, should be dismissed.
@WEP_UK #IDEVAW2022 #16DaysofActivism

The Party bought a self ID motion that was rejected until the membership was consulted (thank you Sophie Walker).

The Party stalled for years, and when a version of a consultation was conducted it rejected self ID.

Our blog:…
Read 13 tweets
Os recomiendo mucho más el de @loserjorge, pero yo también me animo a esto... Image
#EverythingEverywhereAllAtOnce es de las mejores pelis que he visto en mi vida. No voy a poner mi peli favorita de cada año, pero sí la que creo que podéis haberos perdido y merece la pena... Image
#TheSuicideSquad. Nada que ver con la anterior! Buenísima! Image
Read 38 tweets
2 de febrero... ¡Feliz Día de la Marmota a todos! Una de mis peliculísimas favoritas, con uno de mis actorísimos favoritos. Porque todo mejora con Bill Murray. ¿Abrimos hilo? Abrimos hilo. #cine #BillMurray #DíaDeLaMarmota #GroundhogDay
En España se tituló "Atrapado en el Tiempo", intento de originalidad que no sirvió de mucho, porque casi todo el mundo la conoce y se refiere a ella como "El Día de la Marmota". Hace referencia a una festividad real que se celebra el 2 de febrero en el pueblo de Punxsutawney.
#GroundhogDay está co-escrita y dirigida por el genial Harold Ramis, sobre un guion inicial de Danny Rubin. Escritor, director y actor. Ramis, el mismísimo Dr. Egon Spengler en #Cazafantasmas. Un catacrack.
Read 16 tweets
Brace yourself folks
Now I know how I got it in the first attempt. It's #GroundhogDay. So who knows how many first attempts I've had at 228. 🤣🤣

How much ground would a groundhog hog if a groundhog could hog ground?

Fun fact. Groundhog is another name for a woodchuck.
Read 4 tweets
Today I get to cross off my journalistic bucket list … writing about groundhogs for the @nytimes!

And that means it’s time for a groundhog 🧵. For *the* groundhog 🧵.

Meet my neighbor Juliette ...
... and Arthur, her mate. (His facial fur is a little patchy here, as it usually is when he comes out of hibernation.)
Read 43 tweets
81.01/ Week eighty-one, January 29-February 4, 2022, thread here.

Week 80 below.
81.02/ #MotzeiShabbatMovieNight continues. Another all-time favorite: "Big Trouble in Little China"
81.03/ For #CINvsKC, naturally I would like the Bengals to lose and - if it's not too much to ask - by more than 21 so the Steelers playoff loss doesn't look quite as terrible as it did (at least on paper)
Read 30 tweets
2 de febrero... ¡Feliz Día de la Marmota a todos! Una de mis peliculísimas favoritas, con uno de mis actorísimos favoritos. Porque todo mejora con Bill Murray. ¿Abrimos hilo? Abrimos hilo. #cine #BillMurray #DíaDeLaMarmota #GroundhogDay
En España se tituló "Atrapado en el Tiempo", intento de originalidad que no sirvió de mucho, porque casi todo el mundo la conoce y se refiere a ella como "El Día de la Marmota". Hace referencia a una festividad real que se celebra el 2 de febrero en el pueblo de Punxsutawney. Image
#GroundhogDay está co-escrita y dirigida por el genial Harold Ramis, sobre un guion inicial de Danny Rubin. Escritor, director y actor. Ramis, el mismísimo Dr. Egon Spengler en #Cazafantasmas. Un catacrack.
Read 16 tweets
29.01/ Week twenty-nine thread, for Jan. 30-Feb. 5, 2021, begins here. Last week's thread (28.01) linked below.

29.02/ Every once in a while, I let the depraved fatalism of the phrase "boys will be boys" just wash over me...
29.03/ Snow still following here in Central NJ, with some swirling wind, allowing me to use the word "snow squalls" at the breakfast table. My 14yo suggested that if the wind is strong enough to dislodge squirrels, it'd be "squirralls of snow." Yup.
Read 42 tweets
🔥BREAKING NEWS Exclusive: One more gift for Putin⁉️Did Russia hack U.S. Treasury emails after seeing an opportunity when ⁦@realDonaldTrump⁩ fired ⁦@CISAKrebs⁩ ... ⁉️…
😳WHOA ‼️The Russians also targeted the NTIA- National Telecommunications and Information Administration which handles the emergency alert system- the one that Trump used to send a message.. and Qanon believes will be used to announce Martial Law.…
🤔I’m so curious... Were Russia and Trump planning to send out an emergency alert message to our cell phones to screw with the transfer of power⁉️📲…
Read 6 tweets
🤓 carbon capture & storage has been given a bad rap.

yes, we've wasted $billions trying to graft it on to coal — we absolutely need to give up on that — but it's likely we'll eventually need the technology.

firstly… #CCS+coal:
there are / have been just 3 significant #CCS+coal projects:

1. boundary dam🇨🇦: $1.4bn project captures CO₂ from a 110 MW coal unit (tiny), averaged 0.592Mt/yr since oct 2014 — 40% below design.

25% of the plant's power goes to extracting and compressing the CO₂. Image
2. petra nova🇺🇸: heralded by @JoshFrydenberg in 2017, cost US$1bn to build, captured ~4mtCO₂ before being mothballed this year as was uneconomic.

NRG built a 75MW gas power station to power the CCS project. Image
Read 14 tweets
I've literally considered switching up my routines so I can remember which day is which. Maybe:
Monday: Groceries 🍽
Tuesday: Stroll neighborhood 🏠
Wednesday: Laundry 👕
Thursday: Wear red lipstick 💄
Friday: Wear heels 👠
Saturday: Sleep in until 7am ⏰
Sunday: Eat pizza 🍕
Just throwing ideas out there. Not wedded to anything. Totally fine with eating pizza on Thursdays. 🍕 😂
Read 3 tweets
(1/25) - Thread: Here’s list of some movies by genre!!


1. #Atonement (2007)
2. #SavingPrivateRyan (1998)
3. #FullMetalJacket (1987)
4. #HacksawRidge (2016)
5. #Valkyrie (2008)
6. #WarHorse (2011)

#StayHomeIndia #StaySafe #StayHomeStaySafe
(2/25) - WAR MOVIES (7-10):

7. #EnemyAtTheGates (2001)
8. #TheThinRedLine (1998)
9. #TheEnglishPatient (1996)
10. #DownFall (2004)

1. #TheGoodTheBadAndTheUgly (1966)
2. #OnceUponATimeInTheWest (1968)

#StayHomeIndia #StayHomeStaySafe
Read 25 tweets
Day 1/14 of #QuarantineLife

• worked from home
• 12 meals prepped, eaten, tidied
• laundry pretty progressed
• many cups of tea
• kids sharpened all the pencils
• got our unfinished jigsaw puzzle from 2018
• stupid bloody cough

Day 2/14 of #QuarantineLife

• wore oldest shittiest clothes & didn’t style hair because nobody is going to see me
• doorbell didn’t stop ringing all day
• positivity beginning to teeter at times
• comfort eating more carbs than usual
Day 3/14 of #QuarantineLife

• caught glimpse of myself in mirror. Looking feral.
• been wearing same ancient clothes for days
• merlot has run out
• fresh tomatoes have run out
• tried feeling sorry for myself then remembered Anne Frank. This is 5* isolation.
Read 81 tweets
¡Feliz Día de la Marmota a todos! Una de mis peliculísimas favoritas, con uno de mis actorísimos favoritos. Porque todo mejora con Bill Murray. ¿Abrimos hilo? Abrimos hilo. #cine #BillMurray #DíaDeLaMarmota #GroundhogDay
En España se tituló "Atrapado en el Tiempo", intento de originalidad que no sirvió de mucho, porque casi todo el mundo la conoce y se refiere a ella como "El Día de la Marmota". Hace referencia a una festividad real que se celebra el 2 de febrero en el pueblo de Punxsutawney.
#GroundhogDay está co-escrita y dirigida por el genial Harold Ramis, sobre un guion inicial de Danny Rubin. Escritor, director y actor. Ramis, el mismísimo Dr. Egon Spengler en #Cazafantasmas. Un catacrack.
Read 15 tweets
Hello Lovely People,

Please make a cup of tea, find your best biscuits, and gather round for a thread on friendship, persistence, how we feel versus how things are, #GroundhogDay, and memorials.

Some of you sharp at reading between the lines might know the past few years have not been the best for me. Some of you who know me off-Twitter even know one or two of the reasons for that.
In some v bad times, when all I could do was hold on to some sense of myself, but not really grasp what was going on around me (stress, burnout, & sleep deprivation is a THING y'all), I was *incredibly* blessed to have a friend support & try to make me realise what was happening.
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El día 2 de febrero se celebra el Día de la Marmota desde hace mas de 100 años. Esto es lo que debes saber sobre la marmota Phil, el animal meteorólogo mas famoso del mundo. ¡Abro hilo!👇 #GroundhogDay #DíadelaMarmota
Cada año el día 2 de febrero se celebra en Punxsutawney, Pensylvania #EEUU el conocido como Día de la Marmota. Esta fiesta popular se celebra en este país y en Canadá con el fin de predecir el fin del invierno. #GroundhogDay #DíadelaMarmota Image
Y el encargado es nada mas y nada menos que esta marmota, de nombre Phil. En función de su comportamiento al salir de la madriguera, se cree, según la tradición popular, que el invierno terminará antes o después.#GroundhogDay #DíadelaMarmota Image
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1. Ten years ago I created the #Shellbombelle character to say outrageous things on a public forum. I was an obese shut in who was distraught from daily visits to a hospital where my Mother Siobhan's Alzheimers had progressed to admission following a TIA at the kitchen table. -
2. We thought she'd be home that afternoon as she recovered almost immediately, spoke, had no facial abnormality, was walking and ate a meal using cutlery. It was advised to admit her for one night for obsv. I brought up an overnight bag with her Vera Wang pyjamas(a gift) and her
3. perfume. I advised my Father to relax and chill and get a good kip as I knew he was stressed by the #sundowning - a stage of dementia where circadian rhythms are upset and the person leaves the house after dark, usually to shop or go to mass, installed habits if you will. The
Read 15 tweets

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