I usually do not write threads but a few days ago I received a video on #WhastApp that enumerated many 'Wow' facts about our incredible #India and I could not stop myself from sharing those facts. So here we go..
Zero in the number system and its operation were first defined by the Indian mathematician Brahmagupta in 628 AD. His book Brahmasphutasiddhanta is the earliest known text to treat zero as a number in its own right.

Currently, #India is the only country confirmed to have both wild lions and tigers, specifically Asiatic lions and Bengal tigers. Wow!
Those eyes!! What a majestic beauty this tiger is. 😍

The beginnings of Yoga were first developed by the Indus-Sarasvati civilization in Northern India over 5,000 years ago. The word Yoga was first mentioned in the oldest sacred text -the Rig Veda.

The Indian women wear on their bodies roughly 11% of the world’s total gold stocks, estimated to be around 2 lakh tons. This is more than the total gold reserves of five top nations: USA, Germany, Italy, France and Russia. Phew!

Mawsynram, located in the state of Meghalaya, is the wettest place on Earth and is known for its lush greenery. The village is visited by tourists from around the world. It receives an annual rainfall of approximately 11,871 millimeters.

India has the largest postal network in the world with 154,965 post offices (as on 31.03.2017) of which 139,067 (89.74%) are in the rural areas. In 1947, there were 23,344 post offices which were primarily in urban areas. @IndiaPostOffice

Water on the Moon was discovered by India. Evidence for surface water came from the Moon Mineralogy Mapper (M3) experiment on Chandrayaan-1 launched in 2008 by ISRO which confirmed the presence of solid ice on the Moon. @isro

Indian Railways is one of the world's largest railway networks, with 115,000 kms of tracks & a route of 65,000 kms.
They carry more than 25 million passengers every day, more than the entire population of Australia!! @RailMinIndia

World's largest religious monument Angkor Wat is a Hindu temple complex in Cambodia on a site measuring 162.6 hectares.
Angkor Wat means "City of Temples" in Khmer & its original name was Parama Vishnuloka in Sanskrit. @LostTemple7

India has the largest reserves of atomic fuel. The country's Thorium reserves make up 25% of the global reserves. India plans to use its reserve as a cornerstone in its energy independence plans.

Shampoo was invented in India. The word shampoo is derived from the Hindi word “champu” which means press, massage or soothe. The practice of using shampoo dates back to 1500 AD.

The game of Chess was originated 1500 years ago in India & was called Chaturanga. It involved four divisions of the military - cavalry, infantry, chariots & elephants. It later evolved to become today's Knight, pawn, rook & bishop.

India was the first country to develop extraction & purifying techniques of Sugar. The invention of manufacture & refining of sugar granules happened over 2000 years ago. It later spread to other countries in the 16th century.

True to the cultural norm of 'sticking together', very less marriages in India end in separation. The divorce rate in our country is one of the lowest in the world. Out of 1000 marriages only 13 result in divorce.

Sanskrit is considered as the mother of all higher languages. According to research, it is the most precise and hence the most suitable language for computers. It is considered to be very efficient in making algorithms.

From ancient times, India was the source of nearly all the world's known diamonds. Until the discovery of diamonds in Brazil in 1726, India was the only place where diamonds were mined.

The largest pool of scientists & engineers is from India. Also, India sends the largest number of engineers & scientists to the US with almost 950,000 immigrant scientists. About 36% of NASA's scientists are of Indian origin.

Takshashila, the world's first and oldest University, was located in ancient India. The University was established 2700 years ago in Taxila (now in Pakistan) where over 10,500 students from all across the world came for higher studies.

India is the only country other than the US & Japan to have built a supercomputer indigenously. The world was shocked at this achievement.
A US newspaper had published the news with headline, “Denied supercomputer, Angry India does it!”

Varanasi or Benares is the oldest continuously inhabited city in the world today, it being a chief centre of civilization for more than 3000 years.
The city has 84 'ghats' which is the highest number for any city in the world.

India is the first & only nation in the world to have entered the Mars orbit in the first attempt. It is the fourth nation to put a spacecraft in Mars orbit. ISRO's MOM is also the cheapest mission at the cost of ₹447.39 crores. @isro

Golden Temple serves free meals, known as langar, to people of all religions & faiths every day.
The langar serves a massive number – 50,000 people a day! On holidays/religious occasions, the number often goes up to 100,000!

The Indian Army controls the highest battlefield of the world - Siachen glacier which is at an altitude of over 20,000 ft.
Climate is the biggest challenge as temperature in winters drops to below -60 degrees. @adgpi