"AIMCo was asked to develop a business case prior to the decision to put forward the legislation was made. AIMCo was asked to write the business case because they are government’s investment experts."
A couple of problems with this claim:
1. People work for Travis at Treasury Board and Finance who have CFAs. Travis could have his employees do this work. It would take someone a couple of days max. #fail
WTF? First, only one consultant works for both AIMCo and ATRF currently. There are a whole pile of firms that do this kind of work and are unconflicted. #manytochoosefrom
"The current Chair of the Board of Directors of the BCIMC (Mr. Peter Milburn) reviewed AIMCo’s business case and determined that the processes used and conclusions reached in the business case were reasonable."
1. Where is the written statement from Peter? I would be shocked if he thought this analysis was good. It violates even the minimum industry standard.
2. Where does Peter tell you that any pension plan can leave BCIMC at any time? (Hey, be like BC except in the important ways!) #wrong #underestimatetheanger
4. Peter might be in conflict depending on his relationship with Athana (the current DM of TBF). They well knew each other prior to this.
Finaly, Travis says in the letter something that I completely agree with:
My opinion, after all this, is that this poor analysis was actually done after the decision was made. #wrongorder
I need to cool off before I say more.
Travis has turned my pension into a political football. #SuperBowl